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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: bublez09 on August 19, 2009, 10:29:05 am

Title: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: bublez09 on August 19, 2009, 10:29:05 am
what age do you think children  shuld be allowed to drive?
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: micang213 on August 19, 2009, 10:31:49 am
Honestly I think it depends on the individual.  Some kids are more responsible than others.  Personally, I do think 16 is too young.  I think 17 or 18 is a slightly better age.
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: AnuliBell on August 19, 2009, 11:44:00 am
I think 16-18 is a good range, but it depends on the kid.
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: rburkett412 on August 19, 2009, 11:45:08 am
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: armyslice on August 19, 2009, 01:36:04 pm
While living in the US I always said 16, but now that I have traveled a bit, I can totally say 18. The problem with that in the US is that we do not have the infastructure for public transportation that they do in say Europe. If we had that, our lives and environment would be so much easier to take care of.
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: jan8904 on August 19, 2009, 01:41:25 pm
I kind of second what armyslice said.  I've lived in England as well and the driving age there is 18.  That being said, they have public transportation and they generally travel smaller distances to be fair.  There isn't as much of a need for it.  I think that driving age should be up to the state.  If the majority of the state is flat, open fields or desert, 16 might be appropriate.  But if it's filled with cities and huge highways, stuff like that, maybe 18 is more appropriate.
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: Gemz09 on August 19, 2009, 02:35:43 pm
18 should be the legal age to drive.... a lot of irresponsible driver even old people are still
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: dreamyxo on August 19, 2009, 09:22:30 pm
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: tsubasa731 on August 19, 2009, 09:54:26 pm
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: AndtheCon on August 19, 2009, 10:01:49 pm

younger = deadly!hahaha
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: Graeth on August 19, 2009, 10:10:51 pm
It should be competency based.....
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: sharonkim on August 20, 2009, 02:30:48 am
IMO I think the longer they have to wait, the better.  I think 15/16 yrs old is WAAAAAAAY to young for someone to have that much control of heavy machinery.
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: flotowngolfer on August 20, 2009, 05:29:45 am
I think the entire system should be based on ability, and responsibility. Age is really just a number. There are 30 year olds who drive like they're 12. Age discrimination is an ongiong battle in our country and an uphill one for those being discriminated against, because they're opinions and voices are ignored or shrugged off because of their age.
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: trop8cana on August 20, 2009, 09:15:27 am

younger = 

I agree  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: SweetBubbles on August 20, 2009, 12:12:30 pm
16 is good. Did any of you know that 18 - 21 year olds have more deadly chashs then 16 teen year olds in the USA?
Thats just what I think, bye  :wave:
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: TrillinT on February 07, 2010, 01:04:57 am
Competent age
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: moonangel on February 07, 2010, 05:53:22 am
in kansas i believe were at 16. should be 21 here? at least in my little part..
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: sgluckadoo on February 07, 2010, 05:43:20 pm
I think times are way different than they used to be, cars go faster, more people on the roads, kids are not as mature...definately need to raise it to 18.
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: bschumacher on February 07, 2010, 09:47:34 pm
Hmmmm....How about 40?
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: wuzupg32 on February 07, 2010, 09:54:04 pm
I think 16 is an acceptable age to begin driving, although I think that stipulation should come with limitations.  They should not be able to drive across country or wherever they want whenever they want.  they need the experience for when they turn 18 and will be leaving the house.  I don't believe in the age being 18, because they should not be "rookie" drivers and moving out on their own at the same time.
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: Graeth on February 07, 2010, 10:07:49 pm
Competent age

I was gonna say that.
It's a much better idea than a set age.
People mature differently, sometimes not at all.
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: hwilliams591 on February 09, 2010, 10:36:53 am
Thinking that raising the age will make anything safer is silly. What they should do is have more driver education and have the parents be more responsible to make sure the kids recieve the training to be a good driver.

Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: JessieKateRose on February 09, 2010, 10:47:03 am
Where I live it's 16 and 3 months and I think that's fine. If they do anything, they shouldn't raise the driving age, they should make more requirements to get your license, like having to go through more behind the wheel classes or something.
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: wfelagai on February 09, 2010, 04:03:27 pm
i think the age limit should be higher, around 25 or higher. 
Title: Re: what shuld be the age limit for driving?
Post by: ktheodos on February 09, 2010, 04:17:11 pm
I think 16 is okay, but I think the standards should be tougher in regards to getting your license
and for punishments for offenses and restrictions when you have it...the standards should be tougher
the younger you are!