FC Community
Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: Nancy5 on September 25, 2015, 12:21:48 pm
I don't know how many FC members know I am fighting cancer. I started having pain in my legs (which could be a sign of bone cancer). My oncologist sent me for a total bone scan yesterday and I just received the phone call from him. The results are Negative! The pain can be caused from some of the meds I am taking, but no cancer in any bone! I am so very happy and relieved!
So happy for you! That must of been scary not knowing for sure.
What a relief - congratulations :angel11:
I am happy to hear this! I'm glad you don't have bone cancer!!
congrats on the great news!
May you continue to have a happy healthy life! :rainbow: :rose: :pumpkin: :peace: :wave:
Nancy5 I am so happy to hear this news. I am also fighting cancer and can understand how you must feel. Continue to fight and think positive. I will continue to pray for you. God watches over us. :angel11:
12amos, I am so sorry to hear you are also fighting this terrible disease. I will keep you in my prayers, as I keep Aggie. I pray we all finally become cancer free.
Thank you Nancy5. I appreciate that. God Bless You. :rose: :female: :angel11:
thank god Nancy it could be pulled mucells to i will keep you in your prayers
thank you Nancy i hope they get a cure for this nasty disease soon
Thanks Aggie. I agree with you, I hope they find a cure for this terrible disease soon.
That is great news. One less thing for you to have to worry about and deal with. I will continue praying for you.
Happy to hear you doing fine. Stay strong for your health and family.
Nancy5 I am happy to hear that the test came back negative, I recently experienced a similar issue with a family member but thank God the results are favorable.
Thanks everyone for your kind words and prayers. Hopefully I will hear the words cured or in remission soon. I am taking now a oral chemo pill once a day, and I am also in a clinical trial through my oncologist. This is 2 different chemo pills everyday for 1 year.
I am so happy for you that it wasn't cancer. Stay healthy and God bless !!
That is great news! I can't even imagine. I pray that you continue to stay strong and I hope you have the support around you.
Nancy5 prayers goes up for you. Congratulation on your recent result. Keep the good fight there is light at the end of the tunnel.
First of congrats on not having that an secondly keep taking care of yourself an God bless