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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: swkstudent on October 01, 2013, 12:21:44 pm

Title: Scalp problems
Post by: swkstudent on October 01, 2013, 12:21:44 pm
Lately my scalp has been very tender in certain spots, it just started happening out of nowhere. I also have a very small bumps towards the back. Does anyone know why this is or what I should do?
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: acurtsinger2 on October 01, 2013, 12:49:50 pm
you might be growing new hair.   ever so often our old hair is replaced with new.  look close to your scalp and see if you see really short fuzzy hair.
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: swkstudent on October 01, 2013, 01:37:06 pm
you might be growing new hair.   ever so often our old hair is replaced with new.  look close to your scalp and see if you see really short fuzzy hair.
and that causes tenderness? Does that happen to you?
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: bonzie on October 01, 2013, 01:41:25 pm
That happen to me too, especially in winter, when its very dry.
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: darkxtsuna on October 01, 2013, 01:47:55 pm
Its most likely new hair coming out just use warm water to wash your head or use a soaked warm towel and place it on your head for a few minutes.
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: minioncookies on October 01, 2013, 01:51:51 pm
Well there could be many reasons.. Hair to oily, To dry.. Overwashed, Underwashed, sensitive to the chemicals which i call (perfumes) in the shampoo/conditioner. Sometimes this happens when you change shampoo's randomly out of nowhere.. Other than any of those.. I would reccomend going to see a doctor about it but before you do.. Maybe try some tee tree oil treatment for your hair and or vinegar.. Now the vinegar will burn but it will help!I have also heard of putting mayonaise in their hair and letting it sit and then washing it out.. If that floats your boat or works for you that could be another option. I hate mayo with a passion so i have never tried this on myself..  I hope you resolve your scalp issues soon i know it can be a pain in the rump!
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: coreyw87 on October 01, 2013, 02:38:40 pm
 :sad1: No I have similar problems and have tried all kind of different shampoos and remedies but nothing has really helped so far but I did have something scaly similar to dandruff and I rub a little olive oil in my scalp and that has helped
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: swkstudent on October 01, 2013, 02:57:55 pm
Well there could be many reasons.. Hair to oily, To dry.. Overwashed, Underwashed, sensitive to the chemicals which i call (perfumes) in the shampoo/conditioner. Sometimes this happens when you change shampoo's randomly out of nowhere.. Other than any of those.. I would reccomend going to see a doctor about it but before you do.. Maybe try some tee tree oil treatment for your hair and or vinegar.. Now the vinegar will burn but it will help!I have also heard of putting mayonaise in their hair and letting it sit and then washing it out.. If that floats your boat or works for you that could be another option. I hate mayo with a passion so i have never tried this on myself..  I hope you resolve your scalp issues soon i know it can be a pain in the rump!

Well my cleanser contains tea tree oil so hopefully that's enough. I'll try ACV .  idk about the mayo might leave a lasting smell. I was washing my hair more often that's problem that cuase, only use hair care products with natural ingredients so I hope i'll get better. Thank you.
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: msmoneybags48 on October 01, 2013, 08:03:24 pm
Did you have chickenpox as a child?  If you did, you may have the shingles virus.   It is becoming rather commonplace and one person said in an ad she has sores in her head.  I hope you get past it. :o :o :o :wave:
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: swkstudent on October 01, 2013, 08:06:20 pm
Did you have chickenpox as a child?  If you did, you may have the shingles virus.   It is becoming rather commonplace and one person said in an ad she has sores in her head.  I hope you get past it. :o :o :o :wave:
Oh God I hope not!  :crybaby2:
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: sgluckadoo on October 01, 2013, 08:38:28 pm
Lately my scalp has been very tender in certain spots, it just started happening out of nowhere. I also have a very small bumps towards the back. Does anyone know why this is or what I should do?

I have this and have been told it is several different things, so I really don't know. Research these topics: psoriasis of the scalp, eczema of the scalp, dandruff fungal infection, lichen planus of the scalp, seborrhea, dermatitis, foliculitis.

I have found that using T-Gel or a product with salicylic acid applied to the spots on the scalp, to be very helpful.
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: mstevenson2 on October 01, 2013, 09:44:03 pm
go to the dr but  it could just be a pimple yes on the scalp
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: ancmetro on October 02, 2013, 08:31:14 pm

  Watch the chemicals you are putting on your head (scalp). Something is wrong with shampoo, hair spray or hair coloring you are using
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: ljrjess69 on October 03, 2013, 04:25:12 am
im not sure,,try googleing it :dog:
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: bonzie on January 01, 2014, 10:42:37 pm
I had a scalp problem 3 months ago, When I change my shampoo it was gone, I am so glad. Now I`m using this all the time.
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: Kirenisa on January 01, 2014, 10:50:11 pm
sounds like acne you can get pimples and stuff under your hair actually i get it sometimes and it hurts when something touches, bumps or rubs against it when it does happen but if you're worried you can always go see a doctor about it if you find it necessary.
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: natashaspy on January 02, 2014, 01:48:27 am
cold weather can do it, dry the skin out...or you may want to switch shampoos
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: mrisha on January 02, 2014, 11:36:44 am
I have been having scalp problems with little small bumps on my scalp which makes it very sensitive.  I think the problem is the perms I have been using on my hair, so I have decided to go all Natural.
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: ljrjess69 on January 02, 2014, 12:52:54 pm
not a clue,,sorry ........... :-X
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: SherylsShado on January 03, 2014, 09:09:40 am
   I had a problem that sounded similiar to yours a few years ago.   Alot of shampoos contain parabens and switching to a paraben-free shampoo took care of the problem.   (Many pet shampoos contain parabens and it's not good for them either!)
Title: Re: Scalp problems
Post by: lguzman1 on January 03, 2014, 10:54:04 am
I get tenderness in my scalp too. I thing it happens to many person, but about the small bump I would have someone look at it like your Mom your spouse to see what kind of bump it is.