FC Community

Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: unojuno on June 10, 2009, 08:24:26 am

Title: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: unojuno on June 10, 2009, 08:24:26 am
.Hmmmmm, that's a tough one!!!
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: discardedheart on June 10, 2009, 08:25:40 am
i'm abstinent.
so technically.. i know i can go without sex just fine ;p
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: mrisha on June 10, 2009, 09:15:28 am
I Don't believe you should have to give up anything.  Just trying to live means you are giving up something whether you want to or not. :P
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: cavince on June 10, 2009, 09:18:45 am
You can have the tv and the jelly donuts.  Can FC make that an offer?   ;D

I'll give up tv $3 a month.  Jelly donuts for 50 cents a month.   :P
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: crysdd on June 10, 2009, 11:11:29 am
I don't really watch that much tv...but the thought of giving it up, is scary.

I don't eat that many jelly donuts, but if I was told I couldn't have one for a year....I'd want them everyday  (I think it's just that I don't like being told no...maybe I'm a rebel? lol)

Car? Nope, can't do that either.

And sex? uhhhh....no

Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: firefly001 on June 10, 2009, 11:52:58 am
All of the above. Don't really like jelly donuts, love walking, tv sucks and I'm abstinent.  :)
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: forseattle on June 10, 2009, 12:01:55 pm
I gave up TV and CAR a few years ago. I never liked JELLY DOUGHNUTS. But I do like sex more than my right arm...  :P
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: unojuno on June 11, 2009, 05:20:09 pm
I gave up TV and CAR a few years ago. I never liked JELLY DOUGHNUTS. But I do like sex more than my right arm...  :P
Well, your right arm could be pretty "versatile"
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: selerson on June 11, 2009, 06:43:07 pm
I don't like jelly donuts so that one was pretty easy for me
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: burnkate on June 11, 2009, 07:13:45 pm
lol ... I love how there are so many people who are abstinent ... :angel11: lol they are all really :angel12:
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: debraleesparks on June 11, 2009, 07:18:05 pm
 :angel12: I gave up sex in 1991,, too much drama !!!!!!
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: danndamanny on June 11, 2009, 07:32:01 pm
HAHA, defiantly Jelly Donuts, I like Bismarks anyways!
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: trista89 on June 11, 2009, 07:35:37 pm
the only thing i could honestly live without is the jelly doughnuts... as much as i love them i'd have to pass before any of the others
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: viva05 on June 11, 2009, 07:55:14 pm
I don't need a jelly donut so I can give that up for a year I don't have sex not in a long-time so I have left that alone for a while until the right person comes alone
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: coolchickq33 on June 13, 2009, 11:52:30 am
Great Question!  8)
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: discardedheart on June 13, 2009, 01:10:44 pm
i'm abstinent.
so technically.. i know i can go without sex just fine ;p

i've never liked jelly donuts eeeither :/ i'm not a big fan of jelly.. the texture doesn't sit well with me, haha.
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: vlsm23 on June 13, 2009, 01:46:50 pm
TV, Car and sex could not be out of my life for a whole year.  If it were a month or two I could be without the TV, but I watch too much movies on Showtime and HBO.  I probably need a year without donuts anyway (and pizza, and fast food, and ice cream...I just need to lose weight).
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: brendy1990 on June 13, 2009, 04:04:02 pm
easy jelly dounuts,, i dont eat dounuts that much.
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: jensblueyes on June 13, 2009, 04:18:37 pm
Well i'd have to say jelly doughnuts cause i dont like them anyways. ;D
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: mc1962 on June 13, 2009, 06:17:54 pm
I do not like Jelly do-nuts................so..........can I have Marie Osmond instead?  :crybaby2:
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: abeyta87 on June 14, 2009, 11:36:58 am
Without a doubt if i had to pick one of these things to give up for 1 year it would be a jelly donut. I do not like jelly donuts and do not eat them so it would not be difficult. I wouldn't be able to give up tv for I would be bored. I couldn't give up driving cause errands need to be ran and walking would take forever. And as for sex... well lets just say I have three kids for a reason lol :angel12:
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: sheliawheeler on June 14, 2009, 09:14:23 pm
I would give up jelly donuts for a lifetime before I give up the other choices.  :P
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: maryguzman on June 15, 2009, 12:49:11 am
hey i ask my bf and he said sex. me i dnt dnt kno i just b stuck 4 the yr
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: littlelotusgirrrl77 on June 15, 2009, 05:10:24 am
.Hmmmmm, that's a tough one!!!

I have been without a car for a year and a half... :( It is crummy.
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: lightstar240 on June 19, 2009, 01:55:08 am
I don't really even LIKE jelly donuts. I've pretty much given them up forever anyways. Another year, I probably wouldn't even be thinking about it. And I always oversleep, and the good TV shows are in the morning anyways. The only reason I have cable is because I have to now, thanks to DTV. Just PLEASE DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY INTERNET! For the love of God, do NOT take away my Internet.
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: BAnh on June 19, 2009, 01:59:34 am
no porno for one year - yahoooo!! its better like that anyway.
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: piegirl on June 19, 2009, 05:50:05 am
This is an easy one I HATE jelly donuts...
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: trop8cana on June 19, 2009, 11:20:49 am
I don't eat jelly donuts so it would have to be the donuts.lol

Or the tv because I don't watch alot of it.
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: anylit on June 19, 2009, 11:22:45 am
Jelly donuts...but then, I'm more of a Boston Creme person.
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: Ringpop313 on June 19, 2009, 11:44:20 am
I could so give up jelly doughnuts, actually, i think i already did :D yay for me!!

Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: rosepedal64 on June 20, 2009, 06:53:44 am
Oh what a tuff decision. I guess it would have to be the jelly donut... :sad1:
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: Tere2 on June 20, 2009, 04:09:04 pm
It would be the jelly donuts for me too. I like good old fashion glazed. And theres one choice I already gave up years ago. :)
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: MTXleader on June 20, 2009, 04:10:41 pm
i think most of us would say jelly donuts cause they're so bad for you o well they taste good
Title: Re: If you HAD to give up ONE thing for one year.....
Post by: lightstar240 on June 21, 2009, 12:26:12 am
no porno for one year - yahoooo!! its better like that anyway.

Don't actually give a crap about that......
But I don't want to be away from HERE, especially.