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Discussion Boards => Support => Topic started by: elisajoy on December 25, 2012, 03:29:48 pm

Title: ...
Post by: elisajoy on December 25, 2012, 03:29:48 pm
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: BlackSheepNY on December 25, 2012, 06:46:16 pm
So, I've noticed that I qualify for many surveys during the week but I hardly ever qualify on the weekends. I might qualify for 1 survey on the weekend as opposed to 3-5 on a typical week day. And, no questions are listed when I click certain surveys on the weekend. It'll just say ''if you aren't elisa.....@....com' click here, if not click 'start survey' and then I'll click the 'start survey' button and it'll say something like ''sorry we have no surveys available for you'. Has anyone else experienced this?  :confused1:

I haven't run in to any surveys with no qualifying questions but, I will say that most of the time I don't qualify for any of the surveys on a weekend, either.  I usually have way better luck with the surveys during the week, too.
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: oldbuddy on December 25, 2012, 09:27:06 pm
If I were you, I would be grateful you qualify for so many during the week. A lot of us don't even get that.
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: oldbuddy on December 25, 2012, 10:20:14 pm
If I were you, I would be grateful you qualify for so many during the week. A lot of us don't even get that.

Yes, you are absolutely right oldbuddy. I realized soon after I joined the site that some people had a hard time reaching the $25 cash out minimum and I am grateful that I apparently meet certain requirements and qualify for several different surveys each week. I just wasn't sure how the whole survey thing worked and if new surveys were added each day including week-ends, etc. I'm just curious about everything and figured I'd ask and see how the surveys were working for everyone else on here.

I manage to qualify for one a month if I am lucky, but I still keep trying just for the fun of it. Now the 30 posts I CONTROL, so that's a no-brainer along with the 2 cent email and the 15 cent PTC. Then I usually do 3 videos to round it off to 30 cents a day. The real money comes from referrals.
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: Ronnis25 on December 26, 2012, 08:20:50 am
I keep trying and every so often I will quailify for a survey.  It is worth it because usually I get two to three dollars for the past and present tries.
Jesus loves you
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: BlackSheepNY on December 27, 2012, 09:45:57 am
You'll also have days (and I mean in a row) where you won't qualify for any of the surveys, either.  For most of December, I was on a roll and qualifying for many of the surveys.  Now that we're at the end of year, I haven't qualified for any surveys in about 6 days now, LOL.  Don't take it to heart.  If you enjoy doing the surveys, then just be persistent.  Try every day that you're able to.  It seems to me that the more surveys you're able to take, the more surveys you'll be qualified for in the future.  Good luck to you!  :)
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: Kfickes on December 27, 2012, 11:53:46 pm
I manage to qualify for one a month if I am lucky, but I still keep trying just for the fun of it. Now the 30 posts I CONTROL, so that's a no-brainer along with the 2 cent email and the 15 cent PTC. Then I usually do 3 videos to round it off to 30 cents a day. The real money comes from referrals.

Wow, I didn't even think it was possible for some people to only qualify for one survey a month. You just taught me something. I guess these companies have real specific requirements as far as their surveys are concerned. Yes, I've heard about referrals. Haven't tried those yet and I seem to be doing fairly well without them at the moment but who knows...I may change my mind in the future. I'm just having a great time with the tasks and those help a lot with getting my balance to go up each day.  :)

I qualify for many daily surveys a day. I never give up on surveys. If I don't qualify for one survey then I will try again or later that day.
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: heypeg on December 28, 2012, 12:03:59 am
I haven't noticed this yet, but I will pay more attention from now on.
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: clickers on December 28, 2012, 05:47:42 pm
I sometimes don't even try the surveys; when I'm in the mood I'll try again.
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: clickers on December 28, 2012, 05:56:59 pm
You'll also have days (and I mean in a row) where you won't qualify for any of the surveys, either.  For most of December, I was on a roll and qualifying for many of the surveys.  Now that we're at the end of year, I haven't qualified for any surveys in about 6 days now, LOL.  Don't take it to heart.  If you enjoy doing the surveys, then just be persistent.  Try every day that you're able to.  It seems to me that the more surveys you're able to take, the more surveys you'll be qualified for in the future.  Good luck to you!  :)

Haha yeah, I noticed that starting December 22 till December 26 I qualified for NO survey at all. I was like 'huh?' lol. That has never happened to me before but I only joined this site mid-November and this is my first big holiday on FC, so I didn't know that surveys would be almost non-existent during Christmas. I'll know for next Christmas and won't be so frustrated. I did have a blast with the tasks tho. Made $5 in 2 days doing 50+ surveys. Won't have a problem cashing out this month!  :D

How do you get so much money on the tasks?
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: BlackSheepNY on December 29, 2012, 08:56:22 am
I used to do a lot of the tasks, too, that is until I started having problems with them.  Sometimes the pages didn't fill in all the way, especially on the tasks where you have to flag photos.  Even though I complained on numerous occasions, it kept happening.  My "scores" started to fall because of it, so I virtually gave up doing the tasks.  Some of those tasks take a while to complete and with the problems that kept appearing, it just wasn't worth the 2 or 3 cents.
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: king4cash on December 29, 2012, 09:13:15 am
I have learned alot from you, about doing the tasks. The problem is that some of the task are not clearly worded, they can be a bit confusing. However I will take another look at them. thanks
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: TimCookAppleCEO on December 29, 2012, 10:11:06 am
I qualified for very few surveys.  I don't know why.  The last one I qualified for was a GRE survey.  $1.00!
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: dsawan on December 29, 2012, 05:13:07 pm
happens but keep perservering.
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: anitaraemillspalmer on December 29, 2012, 10:36:43 pm
So, I've noticed that I qualify for many surveys during the week but I hardly ever qualify on the weekends. I might qualify for 1 survey on the weekend as opposed to 3-5 on a typical week day. And, no questions are listed when I click certain surveys on the weekend. It'll just say ''if you aren't elisa.....@....com' click here, if not click 'start survey' and then I'll click the 'start survey' button and it'll say something like ''sorry we have no surveys available for you'. Has anyone else experienced this?  :confused1:
I haven't experiened any luck with the surveys since they revamped the site  ::)
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: natashaspy on January 01, 2013, 05:43:41 am
not sure since most of my surveys are done through the week.  not enough time on the weekend.  sorry  :dontknow:
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: waterbearer94 on January 01, 2013, 08:02:04 am
havent noticedd
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: SweetApril74 on January 03, 2013, 09:39:26 pm
Lucky you only weekend :D

i ve been not too much qualified since few weeks. i dont know why. May be that means I need a break from doing survey, eventhough that means slower bucks to come :)
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: ssliva67 on January 04, 2013, 06:45:41 am
I qualify for about 1 in 30 surveys...they truly fill my penny jar.
Title: Re: Is it just me?
Post by: surveygrabber on January 06, 2013, 03:33:48 am
I'd say, just keep trying. If you don't qualify for a survey today, come back again the next day. A lot of us do not qualify for many surveys since most are Geo-targeted.