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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: candyterrius on September 25, 2012, 11:56:50 pm
My car got towed away once in 2010. It cost me $$$ to get my car back. It wasn’t cheap. I never thought it would happened when my roommates told me to park anywhere. They didn’t know we were only assigned one parking space per tenant.
Not towed away, but towed at my consent, because it broke down lol. Either way, just another reason why I don't drive as much as I used to, cars cost too much, and add way too much stress.
Once, long ago when I was in my twenties. Unlike your situation, I was 100% to blame LOL! But that hefty fee plus the grief and aggravation taught me a lesson.
when I was in high school mine was towed away been a few years back haha.
I never had my car towed, but I hated when I got a ticket for no reason. I had to go to court to fight the ticket and I won. ;D
I have never been towed without my requesting it. A few times over the years I have had to have a "dead" car towed to the repair shop.
sister just got her car towed 2 weeks ago
Thank goodness no. that would be devestating.
Yes, I got my car towed away and it was even from my own apartment complex at the time. I was furious.
Yes, because a friend borrowed my car and parked it in someone's space. The worst part is he didn't have the money to get it out of impound ::)
Nobody in my family has ever had their car towed away. I don't even recall if we've ever had to have one towed because of car troubles! Hope to keep it this way!
Yes, that has happened to me. I had to pay for the ticket and pay for the towing which cost me a bundle. :BangHead:
Yes i did get my car towed away once. I was parked in a handicaped spot at the show. After the show, I came out to find my car gone!
Plenty of times it's ridiculous the amount u have to pay just to get it out
I am happy to say that I never had my car towed away. I hope to keep it that way too :)
Good topic.
I never experienced. But if some of us share their story about their car being towed will be great. Just in case mine too someday :( Hopefully not.
My car broke down and i had it parked in front of my house, was gonna cost me 300 to fix. Got up one day and its gone! They said it was towed because hadnt moved in 2 days. Anyways it cost me the 300 i had to fix car to get it out of impound. Now i got car back but no money to fix it. What next? ???
no but i know people who did it cost alot
:sad1:...yes i had that happen years ago..broke down when visiting my brother. I left it at brother till i can get the money to get it repair, got towed..lol..never got it back... i went to where it was towed...they broke into my car, stole my radio, amps and some other stuff.. :angry7:
Had it towed away once, came back and it was gone. Had my car towed many times due to break downs, accidents and for repairs.
Never and I hope it stays that way. I hate giving the state or county any extra money. They get enough.. :P
Umm....I can say Nope, never have had my car towed, that would suck!!!
ugh, once!
i got home late from work while in college and my
apartment complex parking lot was completely full.
knowing half the cars weren't tenants and would be
gone by morning so i could move mine, i parked right
in front of the door...the space with the huge yellow
stripes in it.
the next morning i woke up with the flu. the WORST
i'd been sick in years. i couldn't get out of bed for
two days, until my boyfriend took me to urgent care.
he didn't know i'd parked in the first spot, and i was
so out-of-it that i didn't know it was even gone.
yep... it was carried off and had been gone for a few
days without us even noticing. i'll never forget that
terrible week :sad1:
Yes, park across the street of a strip bar and forgot to feed the meter. Time flies when you're having fun. Lucky it was pay day and have the cash to pick up my car which is around 2AM. Second time it was towed was in our complex when I came home late and park on the wrong stall (guest parking - car gets towed if no guest sticker). Woke up in the morning and my car is gone. The sad part of it is that it was Christmas morning...lol, Merry Christmas to me!
I've never had that experience.
Yes I had mines towed away and the thing was so crazy they charge you so much when you go to pick it up I mean do you really have to charge me 165 for picking it up and on top of that an additional 30 a day for each day that its up there just robbery if you ask me :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:
My car got towed away once in 2010. It cost me $$$ to get my car back. It wasn’t cheap. I never thought it would happened when my roommates told me to park anywhere. They didn’t know we were only assigned one parking space per tenant.
That's what you get for listening to those who don't know or want to make the rules suit themselves.
i have had my car booted and towed..lol its funny now but not back then... my brother had so many freakin parking tickets on my car it was not funny at all..it cost alot $$$ and I'm stil waiting on him to pay me back..family..they will get u everytime
nope thank goodness
I guess I have been lucky!! I have never been towed away in 40 years of driving. Now I had car's towed to a shop or to my home because of breakdown but, never towed away!!!
I have never been towed. I am so nervous when it comes to street parking or parking in general and I never park any where that looks sketchy.
That's what you get for listening to those who don't know or want to make the rules suit themselves.
To tell you the truth, after I got my car back, a few days later my roommate’s car got towed away too for the same reason. :o We definitely learned the hard way. Since there were 3-4 of us living together in the same apartment, we agreed to take turns to carpool in one car and leave our cars parked at the shopping center’s parking lot overnight where we worked at the vegan restaurant.
To all, thanks for your response. We all agree the towing fees are just absolutely ridiculous. :angry7: For those who haven’t got their cars towed away, let’s hope it’ll never happen to you. The best way to protect ourselves is to look for the “Tenant Parking Only” sign and to confirm with the apartment manager beforehand the number of parking spaces allowed that is assigned per tenant.
No my car has never been towed, except when it has broken down or as a result of an accident - but never impounded.