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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: DeliriousKris on December 31, 2011, 08:41:10 am

Title: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on December 31, 2011, 08:41:10 am
Do you like to jog/run?
Go to a gym?

Where do you go and what do you do to stay in tip-top shape?
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on December 31, 2011, 08:42:12 am
I used to go to a Zumba class with my sister-in-law, but the holidays kinda got in the way of that, and depending on my work schedule, I may not get to go anymore.

My husband really enjoys riding his bike though, and come tax time, we're going to get me one too and go on long bike rides together once the weather is nice.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: scollontrade on December 31, 2011, 09:44:52 am
I am a senior citizen and I love to ride my bike. It is low impact and I can pedal as fast or slow as I desire. Plus I can pick out a different route everyday. :)
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on December 31, 2011, 09:54:02 am
I am a senior citizen and I love to ride my bike. It is low impact and I can pedal as fast or slow as I desire. Plus I can pick out a different route everyday. :)

And it's a great way to take advantage of a beautiful day out!
Lately it's been beautiful here and I'm so bummed that I don't have a bike to ride yet!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: kaitsilva on December 31, 2011, 09:56:12 am
I love Zumba!

As far as fun in my own home, having an XBox Kinect keeps my cardio going strong! They may look silly, but games like "Just Dance" and "Zumba Fitness" are actually pretty intense!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: kilophkadamas on December 31, 2011, 12:08:41 pm
First and foremost, I need to quit smoking, then I will probably start with some light jogs and healthier food.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: betreed57 on December 31, 2011, 12:23:19 pm
Do you like to jog/run?
Go to a gym?

Where do you go and what do you do to stay in tip-top shape?
They say you are what you eat so I watch what I eat.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: elysee24 on December 31, 2011, 01:22:43 pm
Watch what I eat and try to do a little bit exercise every day!!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: kingreyam24 on December 31, 2011, 01:28:13 pm
I love to swim. I think it's the part where it works all your muscles and you don't have to do separate exercises. Plus it is just so easy for me, so it's something I have fun doing all while getting my exercise.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: Valerie1979 on December 31, 2011, 01:33:26 pm
I'm the 'no time for the gym" type of person
walk as much as I can, take the stairs as much as I can -- I park far away from doors, etc.
I also carry things like my grocery bags, etc rather than always toting around the cart to help build/tone muscles
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: twol on December 31, 2011, 07:04:15 pm
I walk, mountain bike, cycle, and dirtbike. I love the outdoors, rain or shine.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: ninajay on December 31, 2011, 08:58:30 pm
I exercise and eat healthy food
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: Kiki1992 on December 31, 2011, 11:32:04 pm
I pay a little more attention to what I eat and exercise a little.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: jnjmolly on December 31, 2011, 11:34:03 pm
I like to play dance and fitness video games on xbox 360 or playstation!!! I also like to eat healthy and take walks!!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: dkanofsky on January 01, 2012, 06:46:05 am
Walking, hiking, bike riding, and swimming!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:40:42 am
I love Zumba!

As far as fun in my own home, having an XBox Kinect keeps my cardio going strong! They may look silly, but games like "Just Dance" and "Zumba Fitness" are actually pretty intense!

I have Zumba for the Wii, and I love playing it.
It's not quite as fun as going to a class with your friends, but it's still great!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:41:44 am
First and foremost, I need to quit smoking, then I will probably start with some light jogs and healthier food.

That'd be a great start...

I hate running, so I walk (I love taking advantage of beautiful days) and as soon as I get a bike come tax time, I'll ride it too.
I do love to swim though!
I'm much more a water person than a land person when it comes to exercise.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:42:25 am
Do you like to jog/run?
Go to a gym?

Where do you go and what do you do to stay in tip-top shape?
They say you are what you eat so I watch what I eat.

Sometimes (like during the holidays for me) that's not as easy though...
Do you exercise at all?
Sometimes just eating well isn't good enough.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:43:09 am
Watch what I eat and try to do a little bit exercise every day!!

Starting today (Because now all the big food holidays are done for another year, and because it's a brand new year) I'll be doing this very same thing!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:43:57 am
I love to swim. I think it's the part where it works all your muscles and you don't have to do separate exercises. Plus it is just so easy for me, so it's something I have fun doing all while getting my exercise.

I love swimming too!
I swam 3 of 4 years in high school (senior year I got a job and didnt have time anymore)
I miss it so much and really want to get back in to lap swimming.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:47:25 am
I'm the 'no time for the gym" type of person
walk as much as I can, take the stairs as much as I can -- I park far away from doors, etc.
I also carry things like my grocery bags, etc rather than always toting around the cart to help build/tone muscles

Every little bit helps, right?
For me, the stairs sometimes even seem faster than taking an elevator!
And it's less stressful to fight for a front row parking space than to just park in the back.
Walking won't kill you!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:48:04 am
I walk, mountain bike, cycle, and dirtbike. I love the outdoors, rain or shine.

As soon as my husband and I get our tax money back, we plan on getting bikes.
He already has one, but it's too big for him, so we're going to sell it and get him a smaller one.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:48:44 am
I exercise and eat healthy food

Do you have some favorite healthy foods you could recommend?
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:49:02 am
I pay a little more attention to what I eat and exercise a little.

What are some of your favorite ways to exercise?
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:49:38 am
I like to play dance and fitness video games on xbox 360 or playstation!!! I also like to eat healthy and take walks!!

I love dance games!
I'm also a fan of walking. I hate to run, but I love to walk. Especially on beautiful days like today!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:50:02 am
Walking, hiking, bike riding, and swimming!

Those all sound fun as well as healthy!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: ckaliszewski on January 01, 2012, 10:37:56 am
I love walking, biking, swimming, hiking, and going to the gym. I always feel great after working out, it puts me in a really good mood for the rest of the day.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: lorettahknox on January 01, 2012, 11:33:45 am
I do it with decadence. I eat oatmeal cookies with lots of bran and raisins that way I'm killing two birds with one stone. The tricky way is to use honey or raw unprocessed sugar but half as much as the recipe calls for and you can also sweeten with apple sauce or bananas they taste great.  :angel11:
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 03:07:47 pm
I love walking, biking, swimming, hiking, and going to the gym. I always feel great after working out, it puts me in a really good mood for the rest of the day.  :thumbsup:

I love that feel-good feeling after a workout!
I just got back from a 3-mile walk, and though it was pretty chilly...I feel great!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 03:08:43 pm
I do it with decadence. I eat oatmeal cookies with lots of bran that way I'm killing two birds with one stone. The tricky way is too use honey or raw unprocessed sugar but half as much as the recipe calls for and you can also sweeten with apple sauce or bananas they taste great.  :angel11:

Sounds to me like I need to take some cooking lessons from you!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: jenniferhoder on January 01, 2012, 03:11:02 pm
I think that FIRST you have to make changes in your diet.... if you don't eat right everything else will fail!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: pvs_19857 on January 01, 2012, 03:13:17 pm
To make changes in diet & do some exercise.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: rusgiftsaolcom on January 01, 2012, 03:35:06 pm
I try to eat healthier, like more fruits, vegetables, less meat, drink more water and less surgery drinks, take supplements, go for walks and get plenty of rest.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: astrozier1 on January 01, 2012, 03:56:31 pm
I am doing whey protein my influence comes from YouTube videos. I use the crockpot to cook meat which is healthy and taste so good. I have to get a gym membership but I am good on my water intake.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 01, 2012, 09:19:00 pm
I think that FIRST you have to make changes in your diet.... if you don't eat right everything else will fail!

I definitely agree
Unfortunately, that's my weak point. I LOVE FOOD!
I have no problem working out...but I want to eat all the time.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: MessiahMews on January 02, 2012, 01:41:23 am
There are several ways to get health, and not just exercise.

Exercise is important though.  We like walking, dancing, biking, and going to the gym when we can afford it.  However, most of those are difficulat in the wintertime with snow and ice, so it's all inside stuff such as dancing, whole body vibration, chi machine, mini trampoline, and walking up and down the stairs, which our computers and office is upstairs.

Besides the exercise, tis the season to detox.  That's right!  All that holiday food that people pigged out on, needs to be cleanses out of the body.

Soooo.... for me it will be a 5 week candida cleanse, then a deep colon cleanse, and lastly a gallbladder/liver flush (ugh).

6 steps actually for health.
1.  Detoxification:  (Body cleanse, fasting, juicing, colon, liver, gallbladder, kidney, parasite cleanse, candida cleanse, blood cleansing, etc....)
2.  De-acidfication  (Body pH on the alkaline side.  Superfoods, green drinks, leafy greens, alkaline water (south spun ala Farm Physics)
3.  Boosting immunity naturally  (fresh air, sunshine, organic diet (raw fruits and veggies, if you can stand it)
4.  Oxygenation therapies (Cellfood, chi-machine, deep breathing, food grade hydrogen peroxide, Oxysilver, etc...)
5.  Bio-electric therapies (zappers, Rife, MRS 2000, PAP-IMI, PEMF, Magnetic Pulser, Bob Beck blood electrification, etc...)
6.  Rebuilding (quality vitamins, quality colloidal minerals, amino acids, systemic enzymes, NCR, AtlasProfilax, Blair upper cervical, quality weight training, etc...

South spin all fluids ala David Kaas book Farm Physics: A New Cure and More!  Do a search if you want.

Avoiding drugs (including pharmaceuticals), avoiding artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, splenda, sweet n low, etc...  Do a search on Dead Doctors Don't Lie.  Water must be free of fluoride, chlorine, etc...  it can be distilled, spring water, but best south spun with the south side of magnets. 

There are other things to avoid too, but I don't have the time to write a book here in the forum.  Just the basics are good enough to get most people started, who want to improve their health.

Have a healthy 2012!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: vicogden on January 02, 2012, 04:43:06 am
I like to exercise my brain a lot.  It's as simple as using your opposite hand to do normal things throughout the day.  Or you can simply read a book out loud instead of in your head.  It doesn't take a lot of effort to train the old brain and the results pay off in the long run.  Give it a try!
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: mrisha on January 02, 2012, 06:32:00 am
You start by eating healthier, exercising both physically and mentally.  Although it maybe be difficult in the world we live in, but it can be done.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: dbsaus1 on January 02, 2012, 06:35:50 am
I am trying to eat healthy and smaller portions. I am also trying to move .
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: kk999 on January 02, 2012, 07:18:15 am
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: bigfoot951 on January 02, 2012, 07:22:06 am
I don't know that there are many people who like this type of excersizing.  It's not fun so I can't say any would be my favorite.  There are some I like less than others though.  Against the others I will take running/jogging.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: ghunter on January 02, 2012, 07:25:02 am
I like to walk, but I have a problem with my knee, but it is getting better so I plan to resume walking and try hard to eat right.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 02, 2012, 08:34:52 am
There are several ways to get health, and not just exercise.


Have a healthy 2012!

That's a little hard core for me...
I think I'll just stick to my basics by incorporating more fruits and veggies, drinking water 95% of the time and getting active as much as I can during the day.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 02, 2012, 08:36:06 am
I am trying to eat healthy and smaller portions. I am also trying to move .

Portions is definitely the part I need to work on.
I love salads and fruits and veggies and healthier food...but I have a hard time stopping (especially with the less healthier food! Haha.)
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: DeliriousKris on January 02, 2012, 08:37:03 am
I like to walk, but I have a problem with my knee, but it is getting better so I plan to resume walking and try hard to eat right.

What about swimming?
That's pretty easy on joints and it's great exercise...
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: poppy1 on January 02, 2012, 08:42:05 am
Eating right   :thumbsup: and exersize each day. ;D Never worry! :dontknow:
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: kawmeenar on January 02, 2012, 10:13:40 pm
Definitely trying to lower stress levels, sleep more, eat right and watch what you intake (less sugar and processed food), and I personally love HIID training (high intensity interval training), so lots of walking, running, swimming, and cycling, either outside or in the gym. I love working out.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: tashamjoy on January 02, 2012, 11:03:56 pm
Me and my best friend in high school would go to the gym like everyday for like 3 or 4 hours exercising talking going in the pool sauna then showering and going home for the night it just was so fun to spend that time and have no worries just hanging with the best friend i just miss those times now we both are in college and have jobs and are just busy we are lucky if we go once a month for an hour it sucks getting older i miss those times =(
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: jski107 on January 04, 2012, 09:38:15 am
I like to run, it gives you a nice workout where you can really think in your head and ponder life.  I live by the beach so while I run I have great scenery as well.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: monnee on January 04, 2012, 03:13:42 pm
Eat healthy foods like fruits/veggies, drink water, etc.  Workout and get eight to nine hours of sleep.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: Shandara09 on January 04, 2012, 08:57:41 pm
I like to go for a jog or ride my bike.  I also love walking trails when the weather is nice.
Title: Re: What's your favorite way to get healthy?
Post by: lynnc35 on January 05, 2012, 03:08:27 am
I cannot run anymore with the rod in my leg, and the broken inside fracture in my foot. But I used to love to run, it was a great stress reducer.