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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: reesymay on September 19, 2011, 10:05:24 am

Title: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: reesymay on September 19, 2011, 10:05:24 am
Hello everybody,
         I just want some advice. First I need to let you know what is going on. I am getting married nexxt month to my fiance. We have been engaged almost 2 years and we want a halloween wedding. His family does not like me because he moved out of state to be with me about a year ago and did not ask for their permission. We are both 23 years old and my family is all for the wedding and love the idea of us getting married. They adore my fiance. My problem is that his family is threatening to call the cops and say i kidnapped him on our wedding day because I do not want them at the wedding and neither does My fiance. They are also threatening to come up here the night before and beat me in my sleep. I honestly do not know what todo because my wedding day is suppose to be the happiest day in my life. I would love for some advice please
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: chel3179 on September 19, 2011, 10:15:05 am
First of all, they can't call the cops and claim you kidnapped him. He is over the legal age and can make these decisions "on his own". Second, if they are threatening you, maybe YOU should call the police.

I hope your wedding turns out beautifully. This is suppose to be the happiest time of your life, like you said.
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: lavenderallen89 on September 19, 2011, 10:26:08 am
Yeah, I would not invite them to my wedding, just sayin.
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: sdecaro558 on September 19, 2011, 11:22:24 am
If you're being threatened, you need to call the police.  They cannot report him kidnapped or missing if he isn't really missing.  It sounds to me like he needs to talk to them about it.
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: franlee46 on September 19, 2011, 11:23:41 am
Hello everybody,
         I just want some advice. First I need to let you know what is going on. I am getting married nexxt month to my fiance. We have been engaged almost 2 years and we want a halloween wedding. His family does not like me because he moved out of state to be with me about a year ago and did not ask for their permission. We are both 23 years old and my family is all for the wedding and love the idea of us getting married. They adore my fiance. My problem is that his family is threatening to call the cops and say i kidnapped him on our wedding day because I do not want them at the wedding and neither does My fiance. They are also threatening to come up here the night before and beat me in my sleep. I honestly do not know what todo because my wedding day is suppose to be the happiest day in my life. I would love for some advice please

Don't wait for them to make the first move if you and your intended do not want them at your wedding and they are threatening you or him just let the police know what the situation is then there is a record of what is going on and if they due do any bodily harm you are one up on them because the police are aware of the situation.
A Halloween wedding sounds like so much fun you go for it. :wave:  Good Luck
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: ricky981 on September 19, 2011, 11:45:39 am
Hello everybody,
         I just want some advice. First I need to let you know what is going on. I am getting married nexxt month to my fiance. We have been engaged almost 2 years and we want a halloween wedding. His family does not like me because he moved out of state to be with me about a year ago and did not ask for their permission. We are both 23 years old and my family is all for the wedding and love the idea of us getting married. They adore my fiance. My problem is that his family is threatening to call the cops and say i kidnapped him on our wedding day because I do not want them at the wedding and neither does My fiance. They are also threatening to come up here the night before and beat me in my sleep. I honestly do not know what todo because my wedding day is suppose to be the happiest day in my life. I would love for some advice please
  first of all make your life happy while making theirs miserable because that's sound like what they are going to be when that happens so be it. go on with your life and be happy.
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: catherinedwhite on September 19, 2011, 11:49:11 am
In my opinion, your fiancee should be handling this situation.
For him to allow his family to threaten you is unacceptable.
Just my opinion.  :sad1:
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: LenoraMinogue on September 19, 2011, 05:13:15 pm
Yikes, what a uncomfortable situation. I'm so sorry that you're having such a difficult time with your fiance's family. On another note, Halloween wedding =D How fantastic is that? I love Halloween. You're a person after my own heart. Anyway, to save yourself some trouble, I would recommend what some other people are recommending here. Approach the police before the wedding with your fiance, and give them a heads up, so that if his family makes good on their foolish threats, then it's less likely to interfere with the wedding. You've probably already done this, but ask your fiance to try to reason with his family. Maybe he should spell out for them, that their hurtful attitude is just pushing him away. And that if they want to be involved in his life, they're going to have to accept his choices. And if they can't do that, then maybe it's for the best that they aren't invited to the wedding (though I would suggest being careful here, disinviting in-laws can cause even more bad blood) Good luck! And I hope your day is special and wonderful.
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: tashamjoy on September 19, 2011, 07:12:56 pm
He is a grown man they cannot say you kiddnapped him thats crazy !!!! And I think your finance seriously needs to talk to his parents and get this settled i mean they are his parents !!!! But you should for sure figure this out before you get married not saying you should not get married but i think you will enjoy it more when you figure things out with his parents first i mean for me i would not want to marry into all this family problems no offends 
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: dreamyxo on September 20, 2011, 03:23:34 pm
Ignore them.  Why does he have to ask permission to move?  Both of you are adults and can do what you want if they don't like it they can kick rocks.  How are they threatening you?  If the call you record the conversation.  If they email or text you save them as evidence.  Your fiance needs to man up and tell them to go %$^& themselves.  He needs to keep them in check you don't even talk to them.
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: Annella on September 20, 2011, 03:28:12 pm
Sounds like your Fiance needs to take care of some business before you two walk down the aisle. Don't know why he is hiding behind your skirts and won't "man up" to take care of this so you two can have that wonderful wedding day. He can do allot to defuse the situation but is not doing so, and letting you take the flack for some reason.

I'd think long and hard if I want this man to be the head of my household if he can't even handle his own parents. Sounds a bit wimpy to me.  Also, like has been said before, he is legal age. There's something about this that seems a bit off, or your not telling us the whole story. :dontknow:

Something else: if you are really being threatened by his family, then get the proof and go to the authorities, it's not rocket science.
Title: Re: Need some advice fast!!! Getting married next month
Post by: lannl on September 21, 2011, 01:52:21 pm
That sounds pretty scary. I would call psychic tena marie she is very accurate and can give you the BEST :peace: advice