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Discussion Boards => Payments => Topic started by: charmaine56 on June 14, 2011, 03:49:46 am

Title: Passing over in Joy or in Fear
Post by: charmaine56 on June 14, 2011, 03:49:46 am
 :dog: :cat:
Has anyone ever had a person who was not kind to them. A person who was jealous of their own child who had love of God and Angels everywhere.
Then they had a sickness that almost killed them, then they struggled and got to the point where they can live on oxygen with very little movment ability.
It almost makes you think that they have chosen to live in love for a change. But then you see the devious come back. The pretending they will be a good person only to get control over you.
Well I guess my question is do verbally abusive parents ever come over to love before they die. Is it only when they are close to death that they pretend and say things to make you think it they are going to change.
I still cant understand why a person would chose to be a rude person instead of a kind caring good loving person.
Something goes wrong and I felt guardian Angels could correct a persons behavoir. But im seeing that is not the case.
 :angry7:that mix up makes me Angry Im starting to believe there is a purgatory. :crybaby2: and nothing not even love for those mean people are going to help them change before they die.  ??? :dontknow:
Title: Re: Passing over in Joy or in Fear
Post by: workin4alivin on June 14, 2011, 01:11:52 pm
 :sad1: Let go and Let God is something my mom always told me when things would get all messed up like that.  you can't change a mean person, all you can do is bless them and go on ...
Title: Re: Passing over in Joy or in Fear
Post by: Stealth3si on June 15, 2011, 03:41:23 pm
That change can only happen from the roots that must be pulled out from underneath.
Title: Re: Passing over in Joy or in Fear
Post by: BrokenBeautifully on June 15, 2011, 03:42:33 pm
You just need to keep your chin up and leave it in Gods hands.