FC Community
Discussion Boards => Payments => Topic started by: 2getherwewin on March 09, 2011, 01:09:51 pm
I want to become a great mom and teacher and wife.
I want to be the best person to all I can possibly be...be it a wife, mother, grandmother, employee, business owner, friend and true to myself.
I want to become a business entreprenuer from home, loving dedicated mother and wife, start my own non-profit organization to help the under priveledged children in my community and around the world. :)
I am studying to be a Microbiologist so I thought FusionCash would atleast help me save some money on the side :).
A nurse in the Army :thumbsup:
thats a noble profession. to want to be an army nurse.
be sure you check with vaccine liberation before you let them give you something you dont want.
why does it need to be army?
nurses are intelligent people and angels of mercy. people that are not always treated like they should be.
often you will be called angel of mercy and when that happens you know what you have gone through to be a nurse is well worth it. :notworthy:
I'm 68 - not sure what I want to be when I grow up. :)
I would like to be the best grandmother to my three grand children. My oldest is five and then two then 18 months. They are sweet kids.
I never gave it much thought. I think that's because I didn't have much option. Meaning I wasn't knowledgeable of what I could have or should have done with my life. I thought everyone (female) wanted to be a mom, so I accepted that as my plot in life. Now looking back on it, that's what I really did want. Having some money would have made it great. LOL
A rockstar from Mars. :peace:
HAHAHA! That's a good goal! I'm gonna go with that too... ;D
I want to be retired! lol
I want to be retired! lol
I'm with you!! :)
I wanna be a *bleep* star, just kiddin :)
I'm a cartoonist,hoping to self-publish my comics.Thanks to FC I have a little more money for art supplies! :thumbsup:
I want to become a better person everyday.
I want to become a better person everyday.
i want to become a better dad.
I am not sure, that is why I ask kids what they want to be when they grow up...... I'm looking for ideas!
A humanitarian
Just a good and happy person......
Imagine a WORLD with nothing but good and happy people!! :wave:
I just graduated high school last year and I am now in the process of obtaining my Associate of Science degree. Upon completing my AOS; I will be attending NC State University in the pursuit of a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering! =)