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Discussion Boards => Off-Topic => Topic started by: littlekitty43 on June 06, 2010, 06:52:19 pm
twix and kit kat are my 2 favorite candy bars..but i want to know how many people like them..so choose... but then again oreos are awsomeness
Twix all the way...I hate Kit Kats.
Both. really can't choose one or the other.
:cat: Both. Actually, it depends on what taste mode for candy bars hits me at the time!
Kit Kat Right Out Of The Freezer 8)
Kit Kat...the only problem is that they're so easy to eat that I always have more than one!
Twix, I love the caramel and crunchy cookie with the chocolate on top, but if you put a Kit Kat in my face, I'll eat that too.
they are both VERY good!
i like kit kat
I agree with yaayme... both are good, but the extra caramel puts it over the top in my book.
I would choose Twix over Kit Kat but my absolute favorite candy bar is a Butterfinger.
How about A Twix Kat! :heart: :wave:
frozen kit kats absolutely rock!! :thumbsup:
That's a hard choice. I like both of them. Hmmmm... I'ld have to say Kit Kat.
Its def KIT KAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love kit-kat. The light, crisp wafer combine with the chocolate---sheer heaven.
I really do like both it would be hard to pick one. They are both soooo good.
Twix!!! I went on a diet about 3 years ago. The first thing I cut out was soda...the next was desserts. I hadn't had any dessert in over a year and the first sweet thing I got to have was a Twix. Wow, it was incredible and I've loved them more than anything ever since. :notworthy:
I use to have a kit kat and a coke every morning for breakfast. lol
KitKat, foshoo.
Kit Kat :star: :star: :star:
Both are delicious and I Love them, but I like twix more.
Kit Kat
Kit-kat I say now, but tomorrow could be twix. I love them both:)
Kit kat
Love them both, but I'm going to have to say Twix and I always dip it in milk as well lol.
That's a tough one! I really enjoy both a Twix as well as a Kit Kat. However, if you are truly going to enjoy them, you should put them in the freezer for a while. It is so much better that way! :)
i like both but twix pones over kit kat
i like both
They need to work on hybrid the two bars...Now I am hungry...
twix are way better than kit-kat's. kit-kats are way to hard.
thats a tough question, I love both Twix and Kit Kat. but if I have to pick I say that I like Twix bars better :thumbsup:
twix is my all time favorite candy! the peanutbutter kind is my favorite. i saw a commercial yesterday for twix java, has anyone tried it? is it good?
twix. I hate kit-kat
Twix or kitkat bars or ok but i perfer snickers,and between twix and kitkat ,i perfer twix. :bootyshake:
My son loves the Twix candy better than the Kit Kat. But to me I've tried them all their both great choices.
Twix are really good but I don't eat candy bars anymore.
kit kat all the way
i have to vote for kit-kat one of my favs since a kid :binkybaby: