Same here. A couple days ago, we were close to 70. Had some winds the other day and with the Ash borer, most of the ash trees are dead and snapping off. Starting this afternoon, into tomorrow morning, they expect rain, sleet, and snow up to 3.6" and in the northeastern part of the state, they expect up to 7". Then decent weather until Friday evening when we are supposed to get the same rain, sleet and snow.
I haven't seen any news or video about California but it doesn't surprise me about the weather out there. That state seems to be in another world with weather. Wondering if it's El Nino or El Nina. Forgot which "El" it's supposed to be this year. I feel for the people, sure are going through ________. Stay safe and be careful.
Yes, we had a decent winter here in the East. Temps in the 30s, 40s, and 50s. Only a trace of snow twice this winter. Snow was only a couple miles north of us. They can keep it. We've had up and down 60s and one day just recently 74 degrees. Only two weeks did it get down to the single digits at night and teens during the day. Tha's fine with me. Not complaining this year.
I still remember, pretty vividly, the year we got 3 feet of snow, then sleet on top of the snow and rain on top of the sleet which made for a lot of flooding. Our foundation was weakened so much, by the time we built a new place higher up, the foundation was 3 feet below the walls. Water ran in one end between the foundation and wall and out the other end when I opened the crawl space door. Water came up to the kitchen floor and my sunken living room was totally sunken. It was an indoor swimming pool. Our dog was living on an island and the mother-in-law's trailer was almost flooded at the end of the property. It was a real mess. We live on a hill and the street was a river. Water ran down our property in 3 streams beside the nice quiet creek that we now put underground. Took us 3 days to dig out and the township was going to blame us for the mud left on the street just because it came off the hill. Yet it was no problem when they slanted the road to have "gutters" that any water coming down the street would wind up in our driveway.