Well if we start with your premise that Christianity/Christians do not support Christ - we are not going to be able to have a meaningful dialog regardless of how much either of us would like to. I'm not trying to cop out with that - it is just the reality of our opposing viewpoints.
But to respond to your question:
"Thy Kingdom come" We are asking for God's kingdom of truth and goodness and love for one another to be part of our everyday human life on earth and also that He fulfill the promise of eternal life in his heavenly kingdom at the end of human time upon Christ's return.
"Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven" We ask God's help and grace in our lives that we be moved to do His will and what is pleasing to Him - especially when those actions or decisions are difficult for us.
Jesus had no problem telling other sects their doctrines were from men or Satan.
The JWs have no problem telling the world what Babylon the Great means.It means False empire of religeon that Satan has built up along with his political schemes in this world that Jesus said his kingdom was no part of.
Getting back to your dying and going to heaven,there are 2 scriptures that are in the bible that say the righteous will inherit the earth and also God created the earth to be inhabited.Forever.
Christendom makes it sound like God created us to die and go to heaven or hell.
God told A&E to be fruitful and have in subjection the animals and take care of the earth.They died cos they disobeyed and doomed the human race.From undeserved kindness Jehovah thru Jesus ransomed mankind back to his original purpose....if we LOVE and obey him.
Also,yes 144000 are taken from the earth and rule with Jesus in heaven while the greater crowd will live forever on earth with Gods kingdom ruling.
So i guess you feel you are 1 of the 144000?
Its pretty obvious the whole world lies in the power of the wicked one.Gods kingdom is ruling in heaven NOW and soon after Armagheddon Satan will be abyssed with his angels and THEN Gods kingdom will rule the earth and usher in the 1000 yr rein of Jesus as king to bring mankind back into the same state A&E were in.Then Satan is let loose one more time for a final test to see who we really love.
Its all there in book of Revelation.Maybe you should point that out to your friends,family and church.