Wow!! That's a new one on me.
Yeah, it was a school up there near oldbuddy country I think. Maybe he has some personal insight on it.
I guess some of the folks in the Pacific Northwest may just be a bit more woke than the rest of us when it comes to the inherent racism of trees. It is ironic that many of them might otherwise be referred to as tree huggers.
If you haven't heard the full story, a school formerly named for Woodrow Wilson (a racist President who was a DEMOCRAT - go figure) has been renamed to honor Ida B. Wells-Barnett. They
were going to reassign the school mascot to the Evergreens, but it was decided that trees have a connection to lynchings, which would make them a racist symbol.
We have seriously taken another step toward absolute madness. If we are really going down this road, I believe that every single word, historical event, mascot, noun, verb, or adjective can by some stretch of the imagination be linked to racist undertones; therefore, we should ban anything and everything and should immediately stop communicating or interacting with each other in any way possible to avoid transmitting racist thoughts.
If we were to all become hermits wholly isolated from all other human beings - we might at some point be successful in stamping out the inherent and systemic racism that plagues every aspect of human life. Absent that, we are doomed as a species and will never reach the pinnacle of woke-dom. (Or it that woke-dumb).