Some speak out against the vaccine and would take a blood transfusion and still call themselves a Xtian even tho God condones it like homosexuality and abortions.
Dont waste your time tring to get Trump supporters to speak out against him.If what has gone down this past yr hasnt convinced them be thankful you dont have that state of mind.
Some of us Trump supporters will speak out against him (and have done so) when we feel he deserves it, but also defend him when he is treated unfairly (which is 98% of the time when covered in the media). Because it is such a high percentage - is just seems like we are always defending him and never speaking out against him.
Also - not my intention to start a new battle, but if it came to a point where I needed a blood transfusion to save my life, I would gladly accept it without any fear that I was committing a sin in the process. I have personally donated 3 gallons of my blood over the past several years and hope to eventually get that up to about 50 gallons or more - God willing.
I fully understand that you choose not to for religious beliefs, which you are entitled to.
You might be the only one here on FC that have spoken out on Trump.There are more posts waiting for Biden to stumble.From Trump supporters i am speaking of.
There are other blood alternatives to use and the bible clearly condemns how God feels re blood.I also understand many could care less about that and still say they support bible.
Ill gladly put them up for anyone interested in seeing them but not expecting it,so i guess for now U just have to take my word.
The Pharissees were entitled to their religeous beliefs too.Go read on how Jesus viewed them.Thats why Jesus said if you wanna follow me in this Satanic world be prepared also to pick up your torture stake.
You ended your post saying,"God willing"
I also remind you what Psalms 83:18 KJV says RE who is the TRUE God.
2 Corinthians 4:4, KJV: "In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them."This scripture refers to Satan also being a god.