Thank you, Cadence, for trying to provide insight as to what trump has done besides creating the divided states of America. You referenced the wall of which one thousand miles was promised and eighty new miles were completed (roughly three hundred and twenty miles was old wall that was reinforced). This was funded by diverting money from the pentagon under the pretense of a national security emergency after trump had said that Mexico would pay for it. We have seen no pesos traveling from the south as of today. Bringing jobs back to America was another perceived accomplishment. There has been a loss of approximately three point nine million jobs during the current administration as of October 2020. trump did accomplish getting Obama to produce his bona fide birth certificate, was the first president to be nominated for two impeachments, increased national debt by 23 trillion dollars, promoted distrust in science, was dishonest about a virus he knew was deadly with hope of propping up the economy and stock market, kept his infidelity payments secret/paid for tilll he was elected and made friends (kind of) with North Korea while alienating allies.
A total of 450 miles were built or repaired from California to Texas. I think that's pretty good and, at the time, it WAS a national security emergency. There were caravans of people, hundreds at a time, coming here illegally or didn't you know that? There was a lot of human trafficking of young kids. Cages were built and used by the Obama administration. Trump used them to separate the kids from the traffickers. They weren't with their parents. They were with strangers. Jobs did come back. We got 3 garment factories in our area for the first time in 7 years. My area was garment factories, shoe companies, plastic film makers. China bought our famous shoe company and took the "technical" information with them then closed the factory itself. Obama created the divided states. He played the race game very well. I know no one wants to hear it but go back and look at some of his comments on race, Republicans and general opposition to the certain people. Said of some voters "They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations." You know, where the media decided it was bible-thumping, gun toting, racists... Michelle was never proud of America. Racism was perpetrated by his administration and set us back years. The Dems in Congress with the help of Hillary (deplorables) started the lies from day 1 about Trump with the name calling, the hate, never trying to work with him.but blocking him every step of the way and he had some good plans. By the next 4 years, I'm sure certain people will rue the day Biden was sworn in. I'm not sure anyone will like the tax increases, kissing Iran's butt again, forcing solar and electric energy on us when we're not ready or equipped for it, getting us back into treaties or agreements most people didn't want, making China #1 trading partner once again, just to name a few. Wait and see.