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Topic: Biden won  (Read 8507 times)


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #75 on: November 13, 2020, 06:49:59 pm »
Biden won on illegal & voter's fraud!

Dead people Can Not Vote!

Yup. Even though you're yelling at us, you're right as rain.


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #76 on: November 14, 2020, 07:37:47 am »
Hey folks,

I was away for a while, and it felt pretty good to get away from this madness.

sfreeman8 has my thoughts in this matter and wrote them as I feel   

So, no long novel from me today.

I will say one thing.   Or two, three. or more. ;D

The media now will not cover sleepy as they did trump. 

Sleepy will get away with saying, doing what he wants.  Well, what others
tell him what to do and say.

The media will continue to cover for him.  Soon he will walk on water.
Until the rats decide to get rid of him---soon---and he will sink.

He will remain corrupt.  His son will continue to profit from sleepy's position,
and in turn sleepy will benefit.

Soon sleepy and heels will be millionaires, heels on her own, and not via her
rich husband, same same obama became a rich group manager.

Heels will be your president soon.   Sleepy is going to sink.

And me and my family.  Typical Mexican/American family, all 300 or more of us
---many veterans--will never salute sleepy or heels.  Those now in service will
probably muster out.

And God help this country and God help you for being led like a herd of cows
to slaughter.

So I am out of this topic and on to other topics.


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #77 on: November 14, 2020, 08:09:28 am »
Hey folks,

I was away for a while, and it felt pretty good to get away from this madness.

sfreeman8 has my thoughts in this matter and wrote them as I feel   

So, no long novel from me today.

I will say one thing.   Or two, three. or more. ;D

The media now will not cover sleepy as they did trump. 

Sleepy will get away with saying, doing what he wants.  Well, what others
tell him what to do and say.

The media will continue to cover for him.  Soon he will walk on water.
Until the rats decide to get rid of him---soon---and he will sink.

He will remain corrupt.  His son will continue to profit from sleepy's position,
and in turn sleepy will benefit.

Soon sleepy and heels will be millionaires, heels on her own, and not via her
rich husband, same same obama became a rich group manager.

Heels will be your president soon.   Sleepy is going to sink.

And me and my family.  Typical Mexican/American family, all 300 or more of us
---many veterans--will never salute sleepy or heels.  Those now in service will
probably muster out.

And God help this country and God help you for being led like a herd of cows
to slaughter.

So I am out of this topic and on to other topics.
Bad association,spoil useful habits.


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #78 on: November 18, 2020, 03:19:24 am »
There is a God! We need someone with experience to run the country. Not a man-child who’s been winging it for the last 4 wasted years!By next year billions of Americans will have contracted & died from the Coronavirus! Who will Trump blame for this out at the end of his destructive reign! Trump breaks ppl apart, increases & fuels the flames of hatred,racism, ideology,women rights, bigotry, white power,.......he has destroyed everything humane,decent, & kind among the American people!


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #79 on: November 18, 2020, 05:30:10 pm »
There is a God! We need someone with experience to run the country. Not a man-child who’s been winging it for the last 4 wasted years!By next year billions of Americans will have contracted & died from the Coronavirus! Who will Trump blame for this out at the end of his destructive reign! Trump breaks ppl apart, increases & fuels the flames of hatred,racism, ideology,women rights, bigotry, white power,.......he has destroyed everything humane,decent, & kind among the American people!

Experience in cheating and fraud? Experience in lying? What kind of experience do you think that Biden has after his 47 years in office? Can you name one thing he actually accomplished for this country that succeeded other than making some good financial deals with China? Or possibly spreading lies about his opponent, or changing his story about what he will do in office depending on who he's talking to at the moment. Do you seriously think he can stop a virus with his own bare hands just because he says he will?

As for the man-child as you call him, what has he destroyed? Give us some examples. I can give you a few of what he has done. He has greatly increased employment for blacks and Hispanics. He has given us tax cuts. He has restored good relations with other countries. He has stopped China from stealing our intellectual property. He has made other countries pay for being guarded instead of tapping our resources.

He wants to make America great instead of apologizing for us to other countries. If that's what you call wasted, maybe you should move to a Socialist country and find out if you like it better there. Again, I ask you what has President Trump destroyed. Your vague comments are out of line and untrue. Shame on you if you cannot prove an innocent man guilty with facts instead giving opinions garnered from social media and the news networks. Wake up and see the positivity that is displayed in your present president. What specifically in your life has gotten worse? Are you employed and having a good life? If you are, then I would reconsider before I just bash someone who has tried to save us from career politicians who are enjoying enormous wealth and all the perks that provides.

Sometimes I think some of the FC forum posters are just people that want to provoke arguments. Does anyone else think that may be the case?


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #80 on: November 18, 2020, 05:45:06 pm »
All i know is Gods people shine more and more everyday from what this world has become.

You can argue Republican/Democrat till the sky isnt blue anymore.

Since 1914 this has been preached.All things are continuing right down to this day says the bible RE the end of the manmade/Satanic rule.

Is Biden or Trump gonna make it peachy?LOL!!

As Jesus said,he that is not with me will scatter and friendship with the world is enmity with God.Satan is Gods enemy,not hard to figure out why God feels that way.

I dont think if any of our coffins were draped with an American flag it will give us life.

It wasnt for nothing Jesus told Pilate his kingdom was NOT from this world.What kind of God would Jehovah be if he was a part of the nonsense that has gone down in mans history?The wars and acts of cruelty.His name has been smeared and HE soon will clear it from all of Satans/mans claims.

There is NO doubt after 6000 yrs of mans existence,neither he nor Satan can govern this planet sucessfully.

Time for many of U to examine your religeon.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2020, 06:00:57 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #81 on: December 01, 2020, 04:32:09 am »
All i know is Gods people shine more and more everyday from what this world has become.

You can argue Republican/Democrat till the sky isnt blue anymore.

Since 1914 this has been preached.All things are continuing right down to this day says the bible RE the end of the manmade/Satanic rule.

Is Biden or Trump gonna make it peachy?LOL!!

I'm just looking forward to seeing your disparaging posts about Biden in equal frequency and demeanor as those you've posted about Trump, since you say that you despise politics and politicians from both sides of the aisle.


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #82 on: December 01, 2020, 05:13:07 am »
All i know is Gods people shine more and more everyday from what this world has become.

You can argue Republican/Democrat till the sky isnt blue anymore.

Since 1914 this has been preached.All things are continuing right down to this day says the bible RE the end of the manmade/Satanic rule.

Is Biden or Trump gonna make it peachy?LOL!!

I'm just looking forward to seeing your disparaging posts about Biden in equal frequency and demeanor as those you've posted about Trump, since you say that you despise politics and politicians from both sides of the aisle.
Then U havent looked hard enuff.

Ive said a million times i dont vote.Ive said many times a man will not fix the world.Ive said if Biden didnt help the JWs in Russia he can take a hike too.

You must have Countrygirl syndrome.

You know <i hope>Trump was an idiot RE this virus and masks.His influence RE wearing one and social distancing could have saved lives.You wanna back the clown be my guest.

Trump has a chip on his shoulder bigger then the Rock of Gibraltar.Then he looks like a clown holding up a bible.

The man needs humility.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 05:19:10 am by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #83 on: December 01, 2020, 07:55:15 am »
Then U havent looked hard enuff.

Ive said a million times i dont vote.Ive said many times a man will not fix the world.Ive said if Biden didnt help the JWs in Russia he can take a hike too.

You must have Countrygirl syndrome.

You know <i hope>Trump was an idiot RE this virus and masks.His influence RE wearing one and social distancing could have saved lives.You wanna back the clown be my guest.

Trump has a chip on his shoulder bigger then the Rock of Gibraltar.Then he looks like a clown holding up a bible.

The man needs humility.

No - you didn't read very well. What I said was that I look forward :::FORWARD::: to what you say/post in the future - (that's what looking forward means) once Trump is out and Biden is in. What you have said already in the past (and continue to say strongly negative things about Trump in this post I am replying to) is of no interest to me. I just want to see you bash Biden - when he does nothing to help the Russian JWs and when he destroys the economy and race baits the black community - with the same vitriol that you've used to bash Trump.

I will grant that you have not been an obvious Biden supporter, but just in keeping with what you've posted about not caring about the politics - I'm just looking forward to another critical voice about the yet to be seen job that Biden will do.

It shouldn't be that tough for you bash Biden though because he IS a [IN NAME ONLY] Catholic.   ;)


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #84 on: December 01, 2020, 08:00:52 am »
You must have Countrygirl syndrome.

Knowing your disdain for Countrygirl (who I agree may come off as harsh at times, but in all honesty says a lot of credible things here - as do you), I am not sure why you chose to insult my comment. I did not attack you or your position - I was just responding to your remark that neither Trump nor Biden will make things peachy.


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #85 on: December 01, 2020, 12:02:08 pm »
There is a God! We need someone with experience to run the country. Not a man-child who’s been winging it for the last 4 wasted years!By next year billions of Americans will have contracted & died from the Coronavirus! Who will Trump blame for this out at the end of his destructive reign! Trump breaks ppl apart, increases & fuels the flames of hatred,racism, ideology,women rights, bigotry, white power,.......he has destroyed everything humane,decent, & kind among the American people!

Yes there is a God. But God is not behind the devil that is planning to be in office in January. God is not and was not behind this election.  People's ignorance amazes me.  How you can blame President Trump for a virus that originated in China is beyond me. Oh back to the ignorance thing. So starting January 20th every single person that dies from cov or anything else is 100% totally B boys fault because he should stop it.  This country was in a good place before the bigot went into office in 2008 and totally divided and destroyed the country.  You are beyond foolish if you believe the everything will be free and that "we" will do socialism right.  Socialism does not work.  And YOU have NO rights to what "I" work for.


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #86 on: December 01, 2020, 01:29:47 pm »
Then U havent looked hard enuff.

Ive said a million times i dont vote.Ive said many times a man will not fix the world.Ive said if Biden didnt help the JWs in Russia he can take a hike too.

You must have Countrygirl syndrome.

You know <i hope>Trump was an idiot RE this virus and masks.His influence RE wearing one and social distancing could have saved lives.You wanna back the clown be my guest.

Trump has a chip on his shoulder bigger then the Rock of Gibraltar.Then he looks like a clown holding up a bible.

The man needs humility.

No - you didn't read very well. What I said was that I look forward :::FORWARD::: to what you say/post in the future - (that's what looking forward means) once Trump is out and Biden is in. What you have said already in the past (and continue to say strongly negative things about Trump in this post I am replying to) is of no interest to me. I just want to see you bash Biden - when he does nothing to help the Russian JWs and when he destroys the economy and race baits the black community - with the same vitriol that you've used to bash Trump.

I will grant that you have not been an obvious Biden supporter, but just in keeping with what you've posted about not caring about the politics - I'm just looking forward to another critical voice about the yet to be seen job that Biden will do.

It shouldn't be that tough for you bash Biden though because he IS a [IN NAME ONLY] Catholic.   ;)
I dont bash you,why should i bash Biden cos hes a Catholic?We went over this.I dont bash gays.I told you I have friends who are gay.I dont support their lifestyle the same way i dont support the Catholic religeon and i have used the bible to back up why.

Maybe you dont need to hear this again.CG and Jedi sent in 100s of BS to FC Re Hitch.They are liars and rats.I simply use CG to expose her BS and entertain this forum while i do so.

Please note JJ hasnt posted much in 5 months.Yeh i know the pickens are slim here but hes a beaten puppy that didnt get his way with Hitch or his supporters and is &issed off he didnt get his way.

Hitch didnt deserve to get banned and we have more then vindicated that as well as still support bible truths and entertain the truth RE those that have stepped on it.

You deal with CG your way and i will deal with her my way.I know there is a reply to this topic i havent read yet from her.To show you i know her creepy ways she sees now you have given her some support and will chime in.But go look around at how many here cant stand her and how much more support we have gotten then her.Its not a contest...its just the hard truth and facts.Just like the bible warns us of the machinations of the devil,i warn the FC members the same RE CG.

I dont care for Trumps charactor.That has nothing to do with all his other foolish ways.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 02:02:24 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #87 on: December 01, 2020, 01:47:34 pm »
So i just read CGs reply and so far it had nothing to do with you UGP YET!!!

She actually is right when she says God has nothing to do with elections.

My world is NO part of this world says Jesus and friendship with world is enmity with God says bible.

But from someone who thinks they understand bible,to say the modern day Sodom went on in Trumps rein was good.....all i can do is just LOLLLLLLL!!!

Democrat/Republican?It doesnt matter....Man will still dominate himself to his own injury Eccl 8:9.

Democracy,Communism,Socialism.....NONE of it will work.Doesnt 6000 yrs of Satanic/

manmade failure account for anything?

Then you think you will die and go to heaven while a loving God allowed all this crap to happen?LOL!!

Just a reminder....the earth was created to be inhabited by Jehovah forever under righteous conditions NOT the cruelty we have seen for 6000 yrs.Precisely why HE allowed it to go on for proof his laws will only work.

And to disprove the claims Satan made RE man would be better off independent from God and that man only would care for God cos of what he could get from him.Simply saying man doesnt really love you as the man Job proved Satan was quite a liar.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 02:07:28 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #88 on: December 01, 2020, 02:44:17 pm »
Like it or not, and please be nice with your comments, he won
That's because the only window we have to the results is the liberal media, but it is reversible.
So are pantyhose.


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Re: Biden won
« Reply #89 on: December 01, 2020, 08:02:37 pm »
1 last thing UGP.The person Trump comes across as and all the things he has done that i dont agree with,if he did something RE what is going on in Russia especially since his SIL got a good deal with Watchtower Building i woulda stood up and applauded that.

Love covers a multitude of sins says the bible.

He did NOTHING!!!And if Biden does nothing as i said also,he can take a flying leap too.He doesnt come across as arrogant as Trump and i think he supports what the JWs do RE the virus <as many do>.... but UR 1 of the most powerful men in this world <by Jehovahs allowance>and you turn your back on them?

As i said he can take a hike too thats how i feel RE that situation when UR in power to do something about it and dont care.

But i also know  by bible prophecy this is gonna happen to ALL religeon...governments shutting them ALL down.Then on a worldwide scale when they come after Gods people again you can be assurred this time Jehovah will step in just as he buried the Egyptians in the Red sea after Pharoah took advantage of Gods patience and warnings to free his people.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2020, 08:12:15 pm by Donnamarg323 »

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