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Topic: up dat on the working from home.  (Read 2465 times)


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2020, 07:10:19 am »
I've been hearing a lot of people feel this way; at first it was like a vacation but now they'd rather go back.  I think the kids are feeling a similar way about school.

I currently work from home and have been since March.  My company does not want us to return until at least January.  Honestly, at first I loved the idea, but now I would rather be at work.  Yeah I can do my job at home, but it was much easier at work.  I have a good laptop that we got from work which I use, but it was easier when everything was at your finger tips, printers, hard files, etc.  Virtual meetings are not the same as face to face.  I miss the being with other employees.  And I’m sick of being home working, but like I said we cannot return until January.  I hope this virus is gone soon, I want life to return


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2020, 08:44:53 am »
I am still on unpaid leave not fired so I do what ever I can do. 


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2020, 09:21:21 am »
I have been working from home since February, first because I caught the Flu and was home bound for 2 weeks, then I went on vacation and when I came back we were ordered to work from home.  I work as a Contractor for the Federal Government and at a Federal Owned building but we have not gone back to the office yet, and it looks like we will not been going back until at least January.  I like working from home but I prefer been at the office, so I can interact with co-workers and walk more than I do at home, I get lazier for my walking at home.  My husband has been furloughed since March and the already told them that they will not open the building until at least January maybe March so he is out of work, been looking for something but nobody calls him and unemployment will be over in a few weeks.

So I am curious as to if he has applied at Walmart?  Lowes?  And other places like that?  It is on the news all the time how these places can't get people to work.  If he is really as desperate as you make it sound for a job he would take one of these type jobs.  Of course as long as he get unemployment with that extra added on he is not going to seriously look for a job.  Nobody is. I know people riding the "freebie" train and they are not even looking.  They just say there aren't any jobs.  I can't wait until they file taxes the first of the year and find out they have to pay taxes on all that big money they got.  It was not just free money!

He is NOT getting any EXTRA, just the regular low amount that the state pays (the extra $300 was approved for 6 weeks and were paid in 1 big lump sum and that is it and that $$ helped us pay the mortgage for this past month, otherwise I would not have enough for it).  He was working and getting a salary above $30 an hour, Walmart and Lowes are not going to pay anywhere close to that amount, it will be the same as getting unemployment for salary.  He did applied at Costco, and was told that he is too qualified to work at their place (my husband is a College graduated with more than 40 years of experience), and he is too qualified for any job that is pay minimum wage (as per the companies).  PLEASE DO NOT assume that he is getting a freebie, because he IS NOT, HE IS NOT LAZY he is looking for something that at least will help us pay bills and have enough extra for food.

Seriously CG yo have this weird thinking that people is just sitting on their b....s and getting $$ for free, unemployment is an earned insurance that you get when you work hard.  Responsible people with families and responsibilities is looking very hard for a job but maybe were you live in lalala land they are hiring but were we are at is not as easy as you are make it look.  A College graduate who is almost 60 years old cannot be hired by Walmart, Lowes and Costco because they do not want them, so DO NOT accuse  everybody of just sitting and scratching their behinds and getting $$ for free.
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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2020, 09:37:20 am »
Initially, working from home stresses you out because in the past you always know what you have to do to prepare to go to a job outside of your home.  But you have to be creative when you are stuck at home with the kiddies.  Also it gives you time to clean out, throw out things that you have been thinking to do.
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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2020, 09:56:39 am »
I have been working from home since February, first because I caught the Flu and was home bound for 2 weeks, then I went on vacation and when I came back we were ordered to work from home.  I work as a Contractor for the Federal Government and at a Federal Owned building but we have not gone back to the office yet, and it looks like we will not been going back until at least January.  I like working from home but I prefer been at the office, so I can interact with co-workers and walk more than I do at home, I get lazier for my walking at home.  My husband has been furloughed since March and the already told them that they will not open the building until at least January maybe March so he is out of work, been looking for something but nobody calls him and unemployment will be over in a few weeks.

So I am curious as to if he has applied at Walmart?  Lowes?  And other places like that?  It is on the news all the time how these places can't get people to work.  If he is really as desperate as you make it sound for a job he would take one of these type jobs.  Of course as long as he get unemployment with that extra added on he is not going to seriously look for a job.  Nobody is. I know people riding the "freebie" train and they are not even looking.  They just say there aren't any jobs.  I can't wait until they file taxes the first of the year and find out they have to pay taxes on all that big money they got.  It was not just free money!

He is NOT getting any EXTRA, just the regular low amount that the state pays (the extra $300 was approved for 6 weeks and were paid in 1 big lump sum and that is it and that $$ helped us pay the mortgage for this past month, otherwise I would not have enough for it).  He was working and getting a salary above $30 an hour, Walmart and Lowes are not going to pay anywhere close to that amount, it will be the same as getting unemployment for salary.  He did applied at Costco, and was told that he is too qualified to work at their place (my husband is a College graduated with more than 40 years of experience), and he is too qualified for any job that is pay minimum wage (as per the companies).  PLEASE DO NOT assume that he is getting a freebie, because he IS NOT, HE IS NOT LAZY he is looking for something that at least will help us pay bills and have enough extra for food.

Seriously CG yo have this weird thinking that people is just sitting on their b....s and getting $$ for free, unemployment is an earned insurance that you get when you work hard.  Responsible people with families and responsibilities is looking very hard for a job but maybe were you live in lalala land they are hiring but were we are at is not as easy as you are make it look.  A College graduate who is almost 60 years old cannot be hired by Walmart, Lowes and Costco because they do not want them, so DO NOT accuse  everybody of just sitting and scratching their behinds and getting $$ for free.

If he was drawing unemployment when this first started he WAS in fact getting freebies. Although he will pay taxes on it.  Did he not get the extra $600?  A job at Walmart is better than NO job at all.  $10 to $15 an hour is better than $0 an hour.  He may not get another job making $30 an hour.

I know what unemployment is.  The extra was not part of unemployment.  It was just extra money handed out.  I know for a fact people are or were sitting on their butt drawing unemployment.  It was also all over the news confirming it.  People were making over twice as much sitting at home than they made working. Part of the reason people refused to get a job.  I talked to people personally who said they were making more money not working.  Saying "why would I work when I would make less money working than I am not working". 

There are jobs in literally every corner of the country. Just not jobs you may want to do.  You may have to take something you do not want.  Or lose your home and let your family starve. Kind of up to you.  I know for a fact both Lowes and Walmart will hire older workers.


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2020, 09:59:34 am »
Initially, working from home stresses you out because in the past you always know what you have to do to prepare to go to a job outside of your home.  But you have to be creative when you are stuck at home with the kiddies.  Also it gives you time to clean out, throw out things that you have been thinking to do.

I don't see how.  If you are actually WORKING then you should be focused on working and not running around the house doing other stuff.  I get that most people do.  I have called customer service and can hear dogs barking and kids yapping in the background. Send your kid in the other room and worry about helping customers.


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2020, 10:28:57 am »
I have been working from home since February, first because I caught the Flu and was home bound for 2 weeks, then I went on vacation and when I came back we were ordered to work from home.  I work as a Contractor for the Federal Government and at a Federal Owned building but we have not gone back to the office yet, and it looks like we will not been going back until at least January.  I like working from home but I prefer been at the office, so I can interact with co-workers and walk more than I do at home, I get lazier for my walking at home.  My husband has been furloughed since March and the already told them that they will not open the building until at least January maybe March so he is out of work, been looking for something but nobody calls him and unemployment will be over in a few weeks.

So I am curious as to if he has applied at Walmart?  Lowes?  And other places like that?  It is on the news all the time how these places can't get people to work.  If he is really as desperate as you make it sound for a job he would take one of these type jobs.  Of course as long as he get unemployment with that extra added on he is not going to seriously look for a job.  Nobody is. I know people riding the "freebie" train and they are not even looking.  They just say there aren't any jobs.  I can't wait until they file taxes the first of the year and find out they have to pay taxes on all that big money they got.  It was not just free money!

He is NOT getting any EXTRA, just the regular low amount that the state pays (the extra $300 was approved for 6 weeks and were paid in 1 big lump sum and that is it and that $$ helped us pay the mortgage for this past month, otherwise I would not have enough for it).  He was working and getting a salary above $30 an hour, Walmart and Lowes are not going to pay anywhere close to that amount, it will be the same as getting unemployment for salary.  He did applied at Costco, and was told that he is too qualified to work at their place (my husband is a College graduated with more than 40 years of experience), and he is too qualified for any job that is pay minimum wage (as per the companies).  PLEASE DO NOT assume that he is getting a freebie, because he IS NOT, HE IS NOT LAZY he is looking for something that at least will help us pay bills and have enough extra for food.

Seriously CG yo have this weird thinking that people is just sitting on their b....s and getting $$ for free, unemployment is an earned insurance that you get when you work hard.  Responsible people with families and responsibilities is looking very hard for a job but maybe were you live in lalala land they are hiring but were we are at is not as easy as you are make it look.  A College graduate who is almost 60 years old cannot be hired by Walmart, Lowes and Costco because they do not want them, so DO NOT accuse  everybody of just sitting and scratching their behinds and getting $$ for free.

If he was drawing unemployment when this first started he WAS in fact getting freebies. Although he will pay taxes on it.  Did he not get the extra $600?  A job at Walmart is better than NO job at all.  $10 to $15 an hour is better than $0 an hour.  He may not get another job making $30 an hour.

I know what unemployment is.  The extra was not part of unemployment.  It was just extra money handed out.  I know for a fact people are or were sitting on their butt drawing unemployment.  It was also all over the news confirming it.  People were making over twice as much sitting at home than they made working. Part of the reason people refused to get a job.  I talked to people personally who said they were making more money not working.  Saying "why would I work when I would make less money working than I am not working". 

There are jobs in literally every corner of the country. Just not jobs you may want to do.  You may have to take something you do not want.  Or lose your home and let your family starve. Kind of up to you.  I know for a fact both Lowes and Walmart will hire older workers.

He will take any work t if they offered to him (even at a lower salary) but Literally told him that he is too OVERQUALIFIED to work with them, and the $600 have been gone for a while now, they did not make more salary for him that what he made normally but helped us balance. And he is not getting the $300. 
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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2020, 10:06:35 am »
A job at Walmart is better than NO job at all.  $10 to $15 an hour is better than $0 an hour.  He may not get another job making $30 an hour.

There are jobs in literally every corner of the country. Just not jobs you may want to do.  You may have to take something you do not want.  Or lose your home and let your family starve. Kind of up to you.  I know for a fact both Lowes and Walmart will hire older workers.

My husband was laid off when his job was outsourced to India several years ago, way before this pandemic. He was making about $35/hour at the time. He was applying at all kinds of places, including retail and even the gas station a couple blocks away. He was either ignored or they told him he wasn't qualified. He didn't have retail experience, and he was over 50. It was over two years before he was finally hired somewhere, making $15/hr. So yeah, any pay is better than no pay, but you have to actually get hired. You can't just walk in and start working.  There's a reason they tell you not to put dates on your resume, but it's pretty hard to hide your age at an interview. It's not easy to get "just get a job" when you're older, and age discrimination is difficult to prove.


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2020, 10:44:36 am »
I have been working from home since February, first because I caught the Flu and was home bound for 2 weeks, then I went on vacation and when I came back we were ordered to work from home.  I work as a Contractor for the Federal Government and at a Federal Owned building but we have not gone back to the office yet, and it looks like we will not been going back until at least January.  I like working from home but I prefer been at the office, so I can interact with co-workers and walk more than I do at home, I get lazier for my walking at home.  My husband has been furloughed since March and the already told them that they will not open the building until at least January maybe March so he is out of work, been looking for something but nobody calls him and unemployment will be over in a few weeks.

So I am curious as to if he has applied at Walmart?  Lowes?  And other places like that?  It is on the news all the time how these places can't get people to work.  If he is really as desperate as you make it sound for a job he would take one of these type jobs.  Of course as long as he get unemployment with that extra added on he is not going to seriously look for a job.  Nobody is. I know people riding the "freebie" train and they are not even looking.  They just say there aren't any jobs.  I can't wait until they file taxes the first of the year and find out they have to pay taxes on all that big money they got.  It was not just free money!

He is NOT getting any EXTRA, just the regular low amount that the state pays (the extra $300 was approved for 6 weeks and were paid in 1 big lump sum and that is it and that $$ helped us pay the mortgage for this past month, otherwise I would not have enough for it).  He was working and getting a salary above $30 an hour, Walmart and Lowes are not going to pay anywhere close to that amount, it will be the same as getting unemployment for salary.  He did applied at Costco, and was told that he is too qualified to work at their place (my husband is a College graduated with more than 40 years of experience), and he is too qualified for any job that is pay minimum wage (as per the companies).  PLEASE DO NOT assume that he is getting a freebie, because he IS NOT, HE IS NOT LAZY he is looking for something that at least will help us pay bills and have enough extra for food.

Seriously CG yo have this weird thinking that people is just sitting on their b....s and getting $$ for free, unemployment is an earned insurance that you get when you work hard.  Responsible people with families and responsibilities is looking very hard for a job but maybe were you live in lalala land they are hiring but were we are at is not as easy as you are make it look.  A College graduate who is almost 60 years old cannot be hired by Walmart, Lowes and Costco because they do not want them, so DO NOT accuse  everybody of just sitting and scratching their behinds and getting $$ for free.
Geez, I agree, cg is so rude sometimes. She thinks she is above everyone else. It irritates me that she thinks people sit around doing nothing. Have you ever stated what job you have cg? Because you seem to have a lot of time in the forum to put others down on a regular basis. SMDH :(


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2020, 10:58:33 am »
I work outside the home in a restaurant in a very small town. We initially shut down on St. Paddy's Day this year, and reopened the 1st week of May. We had zero cases of COVID in our county for many months. I think it was August when the 1st ones happened. Our Governor asked for everyone to mask up if our county had more than 4 cases at any given time. So we did, but even when it got down to just 1 active case, I still wore my mask always at work and anywhere else outside my home. I was pretty sure it was not over. I was right. Earlier this week, an employee tested positive and we are once again temporarily closed down. The employee pretty much went without a mask and therefore put us all at risk, but I stood my ground and kept wearing one every day I worked. Even customers stopped masking up, which made me angry. Now we have about 28 active cases in our county, and I know several of them personally. We are scheduled to open up again on the 19th, but I wouldn't be a bit surprised if another employee contracts it. I get SS and have a side business at home, so I'm not worried about a paycheck. I filed for unemployment too, as I did not qualify for it back in March. To have this pandemic behind us would be absolutely wonderful, but in my opinion it won't happen until there's a vaccine or until all people social distance and wear a damn mask or some other covering. It so very much irritates me that some people just don't "get it"!


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #25 on: October 10, 2020, 11:07:11 am »

Sounds like you are enjoying working from home.  There are mixed emotions from some folks.


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #26 on: October 10, 2020, 03:46:37 pm »
My daughter in law worked from home for awhile. They kept track of the movement of her mouse.  We're all being watched I suppose.

Wow! I haven't heard of people tracking mouse movements. :o
Opinion: 1) a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter 2) belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
This is the internet, learn to let people have opinions. And don't be so sensitive.  8)


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2020, 06:02:37 pm »
Need the vaccineo


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2020, 06:08:53 am »
A job at Walmart is better than NO job at all.  $10 to $15 an hour is better than $0 an hour.  He may not get another job making $30 an hour.

There are jobs in literally every corner of the country. Just not jobs you may want to do.  You may have to take something you do not want.  Or lose your home and let your family starve. Kind of up to you.  I know for a fact both Lowes and Walmart will hire older workers.

My husband was laid off when his job was outsourced to India several years ago, way before this pandemic. He was making about $35/hour at the time. He was applying at all kinds of places, including retail and even the gas station a couple blocks away. He was either ignored or they told him he wasn't qualified. He didn't have retail experience, and he was over 50. It was over two years before he was finally hired somewhere, making $15/hr. So yeah, any pay is better than no pay, but you have to actually get hired. You can't just walk in and start working.  There's a reason they tell you not to put dates on your resume, but it's pretty hard to hide your age at an interview. It's not easy to get "just get a job" when you're older, and age discrimination is difficult to prove.

I completely understand that. And people get too bent out of shape and take things too personal. Over all most people are not looking for work as long as the unemployment pays more than working.  That has been all over the news. The extra $600 never should have happened.


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Re: up dat on the working from home.
« Reply #29 on: October 11, 2020, 06:11:02 am »
I have been working from home since February, first because I caught the Flu and was home bound for 2 weeks, then I went on vacation and when I came back we were ordered to work from home.  I work as a Contractor for the Federal Government and at a Federal Owned building but we have not gone back to the office yet, and it looks like we will not been going back until at least January.  I like working from home but I prefer been at the office, so I can interact with co-workers and walk more than I do at home, I get lazier for my walking at home.  My husband has been furloughed since March and the already told them that they will not open the building until at least January maybe March so he is out of work, been looking for something but nobody calls him and unemployment will be over in a few weeks.

So I am curious as to if he has applied at Walmart?  Lowes?  And other places like that?  It is on the news all the time how these places can't get people to work.  If he is really as desperate as you make it sound for a job he would take one of these type jobs.  Of course as long as he get unemployment with that extra added on he is not going to seriously look for a job.  Nobody is. I know people riding the "freebie" train and they are not even looking.  They just say there aren't any jobs.  I can't wait until they file taxes the first of the year and find out they have to pay taxes on all that big money they got.  It was not just free money!

He is NOT getting any EXTRA, just the regular low amount that the state pays (the extra $300 was approved for 6 weeks and were paid in 1 big lump sum and that is it and that $$ helped us pay the mortgage for this past month, otherwise I would not have enough for it).  He was working and getting a salary above $30 an hour, Walmart and Lowes are not going to pay anywhere close to that amount, it will be the same as getting unemployment for salary.  He did applied at Costco, and was told that he is too qualified to work at their place (my husband is a College graduated with more than 40 years of experience), and he is too qualified for any job that is pay minimum wage (as per the companies).  PLEASE DO NOT assume that he is getting a freebie, because he IS NOT, HE IS NOT LAZY he is looking for something that at least will help us pay bills and have enough extra for food.

Seriously CG yo have this weird thinking that people is just sitting on their b....s and getting $$ for free, unemployment is an earned insurance that you get when you work hard.  Responsible people with families and responsibilities is looking very hard for a job but maybe were you live in lalala land they are hiring but were we are at is not as easy as you are make it look.  A College graduate who is almost 60 years old cannot be hired by Walmart, Lowes and Costco because they do not want them, so DO NOT accuse  everybody of just sitting and scratching their behinds and getting $$ for free.
Geez, I agree, cg is so rude sometimes. She thinks she is above everyone else. It irritates me that she thinks people sit around doing nothing. Have you ever stated what job you have cg? Because you seem to have a lot of time in the forum to put others down on a regular basis. SMDH :(

LOL Just because YOU do not agree with me does not make me rude. I speak the truth. Can't handle that then that is on you.  I am not in the forum any more than any one else.  Maybe you don't work.  You seem to be in here putting me down. smh

People DO sit around doing nothing.  Pull your head out of the sand.  I never said everyone does it.  But when I make a general statement and you take all kinds of offense maybe it applies to you.  Again, that is on you.  Not me.

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