I was wondering if Katie knew the biblical account of the 3 Hebrews that refused to bow down to King Nebuchadnezzars images and were saved by Jehovah and rewarded by God?Here is the biblical account for those interested.
https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/2006522And UGP,what god is going to bless The judge?What Kap did <and i really dont know why he did.Im guessing it was RE the blacks and the police>NOT bowing to an image is RIGHT before Jehovah.
On another note,you have many that are against masks and vaxs right?But they are hippocrites to speak out against Kap!!
REV 4:11 reads Everybody exists because of Jehovah and HE is the ONLY one that deserves to be worshipped.Thats why the command also says to honor your mom and dad cos they gave us life.
I remind you all it was important for Satan to offer Jesus ALL the kingdoms of this world for an act of worship from Jesus.Jesus told him to go away and ONLY Jehovah deserved that.
The bible is clear who the ruler of this world is NOW!!!