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Topic: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!  (Read 3734 times)


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2020, 01:13:56 pm »
We need to be wary of strongly worded opinions.  A forceful opinion doesn't make it the truth.

lol Everybody's opinion is strongly worded. And just that their opinion. Including the ever changing touts from the CDC.

It's funny though because the maskers get all mad and want to force their views on the ones who do not wear a mask and get mad when the ones not wearing a mask say they do absolutely no good.  They are too stupid to see they are doing the same thing they accuse the other side of doing.

And FYI  -  I know someone, just found out today, that has worn a mask every day since early March and this person has covid.  So that is how much good your mask will do.  She wore a mask and she got it anyway.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2020, 01:15:57 pm by countrygirl12 »


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2020, 01:37:03 pm »
The gloom and doom of this planet is because Adam and Eve didnt obey God to begin with.

Soon Gods kingdom will fix ALL the problems on earth.

In the meantime the worldwide preaching work is on hold cos of this virus.That should tell us all how serious God takes this for the safety of his people.

Lesson?To obey God,and right now the rules are wearing a mask when around distancing and staying home more until this virus is under control.


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2020, 02:04:20 pm »
I have only one time got a flu shot.  Not that interested in getting one.


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2020, 08:13:37 am »
We are all getting our flu shots, no need on being one of the few people who get the flu.   The flu prevention and   covid prevention steps are pretty much the same.  Although the people I have seen with the flu in the past do not seem to be nearly as sick as the one with covid.  So of the ones with covid are still having problems weeks after getting over it.  Our friends son told his Dad on the phone he was sorry and mad because he thought it was just a hoax.  He died later that night with no other health issues and alone.  Lets hope that the flu is at a record low this year and that this covid thing also runs it course.   

I am so sick of hearing oh I thought it was a hoax and I honestly don't believe that.  Nobody ever said the virus was a hoax.  The virus is real.  Just like the flu.  The media fear monger hype surrounding it is what people say is a hoax.  The CDC released data saying the numbers were basically fabricated.  Only a little over 9000 people died from Covid and had no other health issues.  If you are morbidly obese the flu is more likely to kill you.  If you have breathing issues or other health problems the flu is more likely to kill you.  It is no different.  It seems funny you say you hope covid just runs it's course.  This has been going on since March.  Overall you are right though it will run it's course.  It will all go away in November.

If you are going to get this then you will.  It is the same with the flu.  It does not matter if you believe it is real or not.
You can only do so much.  And wearing a mask is foolish.  Watch people with a mask on.  They constantly fondle, handle, and pull and touch the mask.  The mask is worthless.

Wrong once again!  I heard the president, with my own ears, call the virus a hoax and most scientists and medical doctors are saying that one of the surest means to help contain the disease, hence open schools and the economy, is to wear a mask and use the other tools to manage the virus.  Interesting that people nowadays can't follow simple procedures for the general public good. but when you read what was given up during WWII it is a mere pittance!


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2020, 11:48:32 am »
We are all getting our flu shots, no need on being one of the few people who get the flu.   The flu prevention and   covid prevention steps are pretty much the same.  Although the people I have seen with the flu in the past do not seem to be nearly as sick as the one with covid.  So of the ones with covid are still having problems weeks after getting over it.  Our friends son told his Dad on the phone he was sorry and mad because he thought it was just a hoax.  He died later that night with no other health issues and alone.  Lets hope that the flu is at a record low this year and that this covid thing also runs it course.   

I am so sick of hearing oh I thought it was a hoax and I honestly don't believe that.  Nobody ever said the virus was a hoax.  The virus is real.  Just like the flu.  The media fear monger hype surrounding it is what people say is a hoax.  The CDC released data saying the numbers were basically fabricated.  Only a little over 9000 people died from Covid and had no other health issues.  If you are morbidly obese the flu is more likely to kill you.  If you have breathing issues or other health problems the flu is more likely to kill you.  It is no different.  It seems funny you say you hope covid just runs it's course.  This has been going on since March.  Overall you are right though it will run it's course.  It will all go away in November.

If you are going to get this then you will.  It is the same with the flu.  It does not matter if you believe it is real or not.
You can only do so much.  And wearing a mask is foolish.  Watch people with a mask on.  They constantly fondle, handle, and pull and touch the mask.  The mask is worthless.

Wrong once again!  I heard the president, with my own ears, call the virus a hoax and most scientists and medical doctors are saying that one of the surest means to help contain the disease, hence open schools and the economy, is to wear a mask and use the other tools to manage the virus.  Interesting that people nowadays can't follow simple procedures for the general public good. but when you read what was given up during WWII it is a mere pittance!

I AM NOT WRONG! He did not call the virus a hoax. He called the fear monger the media was pushing a hoax. But you will believe what you want. And you gonna believe what ever the dumorats shove out there so there ya go.
I will say it again, if you want to wear a mask then do so. But shut up on telling everyone else what they need to do.  If you wear your precious mask you are safe. Just like if you run get the vaccine you are safe. So don't worry about what I or anybody else does. Funny thing is nobody in my area is wearing mask. Things are open. Everybody goes where ever they want. And our numbers keep going DOWN. 


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2020, 02:23:56 pm »
We are all getting our flu shots, no need on being one of the few people who get the flu.   The flu prevention and   covid prevention steps are pretty much the same.  Although the people I have seen with the flu in the past do not seem to be nearly as sick as the one with covid.  So of the ones with covid are still having problems weeks after getting over it.  Our friends son told his Dad on the phone he was sorry and mad because he thought it was just a hoax.  He died later that night with no other health issues and alone.  Lets hope that the flu is at a record low this year and that this covid thing also runs it course.   

I am so sick of hearing oh I thought it was a hoax and I honestly don't believe that.  Nobody ever said the virus was a hoax.  The virus is real.  Just like the flu.  The media fear monger hype surrounding it is what people say is a hoax.  The CDC released data saying the numbers were basically fabricated.  Only a little over 9000 people died from Covid and had no other health issues.  If you are morbidly obese the flu is more likely to kill you.  If you have breathing issues or other health problems the flu is more likely to kill you.  It is no different.  It seems funny you say you hope covid just runs it's course.  This has been going on since March.  Overall you are right though it will run it's course.  It will all go away in November.

If you are going to get this then you will.  It is the same with the flu.  It does not matter if you believe it is real or not.
You can only do so much.  And wearing a mask is foolish.  Watch people with a mask on.  They constantly fondle, handle, and pull and touch the mask.  The mask is worthless.

Wrong once again!  I heard the president, with my own ears, call the virus a hoax and most scientists and medical doctors are saying that one of the surest means to help contain the disease, hence open schools and the economy, is to wear a mask and use the other tools to manage the virus.  Interesting that people nowadays can't follow simple procedures for the general public good. but when you read what was given up during WWII it is a mere pittance!

I AM NOT WRONG! He did not call the virus a hoax. He called the fear monger the media was pushing a hoax. But you will believe what you want. And you gonna believe what ever the dumorats shove out there so there ya go.
I will say it again, if you want to wear a mask then do so. But shut up on telling everyone else what they need to do.  If you wear your precious mask you are safe. Just like if you run get the vaccine you are safe. So don't worry about what I or anybody else does. Funny thing is nobody in my area is wearing mask. Things are open. Everybody goes where ever they want. And our numbers keep going DOWN.
LOL scroll up a few posts FC members and read CG said someone in her state <Mars?>had the mask on and got the virus...then she brags how PURE her area is!!!LOL!!

What a dunce!!!

Please also note FC members,CG will not say what state she is in or what religeon she is for fear of exposing her lying ways and her Babylonish WOEship!!

She has admitted there are services with her WOEship  and i know for a fact there will be outbreaks of the virus from that.

I am proud to say I belong to JWs and listen to instruction RE the virus and they have shutdown for months now....But their work is still carried out online etc.They also support when to wear masks and social distance.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2020, 02:36:06 pm by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2020, 02:53:06 pm »
I don't take vaccine/flu shots. Don't like needles.
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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #22 on: October 01, 2020, 03:05:55 pm »
I don 't agree with countrygirl12.  People should not assume that only one type of people will get sick and die.  Remember when initially they said the virus will only affect senior citizens.  That was a lie .  Now you are saying that people who are obese is a part of those catching the virus.  Another lie.  Anybody can get this virus  as it's been proven already.
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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2020, 10:21:42 am »
I don 't agree with countrygirl12.  People should not assume that only one type of people will get sick and die.  Remember when initially they said the virus will only affect senior citizens.  That was a lie .  Now you are saying that people who are obese is a part of those catching the virus.  Another lie.  Anybody can get this virus  as it's been proven already.

I never said that only one type of anything would get sick or die. NEVER. I have a troll that likes to tell you what I said or think. Just showing his ignorance. ::)

No I never saw where it was said that only senior citizens would get this.  The CDC and WHO have done nothing but lie from the start. You just admitted that but still want to believe certain things they say.  Things they have said multiple ways.

Yes anybody can get it.  Just like ANYBODY can get the flu.  I have never took a flu shot and never had the flu.

People need to learn to comprehend what is being said.  Maybe listen with full interest? Then you would likely still miss it.  Nobody said being fat would make you more likely to catch the virus.  Being over weight makes you more likely to have complications.  Being over weight makes you more likely to have complications with the flu as well.  And everything else.  Less than 10,000 people have died in the US that had covid that did not have other major health problems.  If you had stage 4 cancer and was already on your death bed then you died from cancer not cov.  ::)


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #24 on: October 17, 2020, 09:29:13 pm »
We are all getting our flu shots, no need on being one of the few people who get the flu.   The flu prevention and   covid prevention steps are pretty much the same.  Although the people I have seen with the flu in the past do not seem to be nearly as sick as the one with covid.  So of the ones with covid are still having problems weeks after getting over it.  Our friends son told his Dad on the phone he was sorry and mad because he thought it was just a hoax.  He died later that night with no other health issues and alone.  Lets hope that the flu is at a record low this year and that this covid thing also runs it course.   

I am so sick of hearing oh I thought it was a hoax and I honestly don't believe that.  Nobody ever said the virus was a hoax.  The virus is real.  Just like the flu.  The media fear monger hype surrounding it is what people say is a hoax.  The CDC released data saying the numbers were basically fabricated.  Only a little over 9000 people died from Covid and had no other health issues.  If you are morbidly obese the flu is more likely to kill you.  If you have breathing issues or other health problems the flu is more likely to kill you.  It is no different.  It seems funny you say you hope covid just runs it's course.  This has been going on since March.  Overall you are right though it will run it's course.  It will all go away in November.

If you are going to get this then you will.  It is the same with the flu.  It does not matter if you believe it is real or not.
You can only do so much.  And wearing a mask is foolish.  Watch people with a mask on.  They constantly fondle, handle, and pull and touch the mask.  The mask is worthless.
I know MOST of you dont need a reminder from me that CG is full of donkey dust.BUT....please note how she says in this post the virus will go away in Nov.

Thats only the tip of the iceberg.

Then she has said many times how i lie RE her posts.Tsk tsk.Plain as day here.

Ponder this,how ill she is getting caught with the goods and still denying it.

I dont feel like typing,but i can tell you there are many more examples and i thank the FC members for. thanking me for ALWAYS pointing that out RE her......and i always will.

Just like God in the bible warns of us throughout of Satans behavior,i will always do the same here RE hers.And eventually Satan is put out of commission and until FC either folds or puts CG OUT she will be exposed.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2020, 08:50:15 am by Donnamarg323 »


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #25 on: October 17, 2020, 10:22:34 pm »
Vitamins tea and juice do the trick instead of flu shot


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #26 on: October 21, 2020, 05:52:33 am »
It will be a welcomed change to have less flu cases this year.  I heard that it in itself is an awful thing to go through.  Thank God I have never had to go through it and I pray that it will not come my way.  I guess I will wear my mask as a precaution.

I caught the Flu Type A last February from my granddaughter and it was awful my whole body ache, my head was killing me and the stuffy nose and cough where the worse I have had. Is not something I wish on anyone, now they say that Covid is worse?  OMG I cannot imagine.  My daughter has a friend that was patient 0 in our area (he is 29 years old) and has Asthma, so he was really sick and still not fully recover from it, he lost he smell and now his lungs are at 75% capacity.  :(

As for me I recover from the flu but my cough has lingered and now I have been diagnosed with Asthma, my dr. says my right lung has some scarring from either an old bronchitis or an old pneumonia and that is causing me to have this asthma now.  And that was not COVID but the flu, I cannot imagine how I would be if I had caught COVID instead
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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #27 on: October 21, 2020, 08:48:22 am »
All of you people who don't wear a mask, keep on not wearing one in public.  You go to your doctor and he tells you to take a certain med, you take it right?  You people are not doctors, so keep doing whatever you will and I pray I never come in contact with you.


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2020, 08:51:29 am »
It will be a welcomed change to have less flu cases this year.  I heard that it in itself is an awful thing to go through.  Thank God I have never had to go through it and I pray that it will not come my way.  I guess I will wear my mask as a precaution.

I caught the Flu Type A last February from my granddaughter and it was awful my whole body ache, my head was killing me and the stuffy nose and cough where the worse I have had. Is not something I wish on anyone, now they say that Covid is worse?  OMG I cannot imagine.  My daughter has a friend that was patient 0 in our area (he is 29 years old) and has Asthma, so he was really sick and still not fully recover from it, he lost he smell and now his lungs are at 75% capacity.  :(

As for me I recover from the flu but my cough has lingered and now I have been diagnosed with Asthma, my dr. says my right lung has some scarring from either an old bronchitis or an old pneumonia and that is causing me to have this asthma now.  And that was not COVID but the flu, I cannot imagine how I would be if I had caught COVID instead
I have been taking pro-biotics from Purity Products for a longtime.I recommend taking them no matter where U get them from to build up your immune system.I think that is the best defense besides a healthy lifestyle to ward off getting sick.


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Re: Covid19 yes Flu?, No! Lowest flu numbers yet!
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2020, 10:37:56 am »
All of you people who don't wear a mask, keep on not wearing one in public.  You go to your doctor and he tells you to take a certain med, you take it right?  You people are not doctors, so keep doing whatever you will and I pray I never come in contact with you.

All you people who wear a face diaper in public keep right on wearing one.  You would follow the rest of the sheep to the slaughter house. And the people who don't wear a mask feel the same way about you.  I hope I never come in contact with you.  Oh let's say it like you did - I pray I never come in contact with you.  Only sick people need to wear a mask.  So if you have a face diaper on then obviously you are sick.   As for the rest of your foolish statement ---  NO just because a doctor says here put this in your body does not mean I will.  There are a lot of people who are smart enough to do research and not just follow what some doctor says.

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