I saw that last night..Wonder what they will think of next...lol
lol Hard to say. Got to step up the game. People are just foolish. They believe what ever the media spoon feeds them. I talked to a guy yesterday who was concerned at first and then said he started digging and doing his own research and realized the media is lying. I done the same thing. It is not hard to do. You can find all the information from official sources and you can add it up and see it is not what is being reported on news stations.
A person associated with family who works in a hospital, a few weeks ago, was telling everybody we are fixing to have to start making a decision as to who gets treated and who is just left to die. We can't handle this. She needs to be fired! That was a fear monger lie with NO truth whatsoever to the statement. They had plenty of vents available if needed. This whole time they have used ONE vent. And had a grand total of 5 that is FIVE hospitalized with cov. They are being told not to use vents anyway unless the person is not breathing at all because the vent is likely to kill them. A vent is really hard on your body.
When this first started I was pretty worried. But if you read all the news and listen to all this stuff every day you will make yourself crazy. When I started really looking at numbers - the total positive, the recovered subtract the two to get a total active now, the deaths, the number hospitalized LOOK at it and download a calculator to figure percentages for you and it is not that scary. No I don't want to get said virus but I don't want the flu either. A co-worker died with the flu a few years ago. Heck a bad cold can kill a person with already existing health conditions. If you have issues then you need to stay at home. YOU. Not try to control the entire population and make them stay home as well. I have a friend who just started chemo. She said she will be staying home because of a weak immune system. She does not expect the rest of the world to stop for her.