Trump may not be perfect but where on earth did you get the segregation idea?
I agree, debidoo. I've tried to ignore it myself, but also could not. Anyone lumping Trump and segregation into the same sentence has absolutely ZERO intelligence about TRUE, LITERAL, and HISTORICAL segregation.
Trump is an arrogant asshat, but he is NOT a segregationist and to call him that does a real disservice to the people who actually lived and suffered through TRUE segregation. Anyone who blindly repeats the accusation that Trump is in favor of segregation is only diluting the harsh reality of what real historical segregation actually was... TRUE segregation.
Kind of like when speaking to African-Americans JOE BIDEN said electing Mitt Romney as President would have "put y'all back in chains" and when he recently said any black voter considering a vote for Trump instead of Biden himself: "ain't black." Those remarks were absolutely insulting and more closely represent a segregation mentality than
anything Trump has said or done.
But as the news media knows (and counts on) if the masses hear it and repeat it enough - they begin to believe it. It is so infuriately sad that people choose to not think for themselves, but instead repeat the bullshit liberal propaganda. It is that kind of thinking that prohibits us as a society to get beyond our differences and FIX the problems of racism in this country. I weep for the future that my children and grandchildren will have to live through.