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Topic: nursing homes.  (Read 2756 times)


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nursing homes.
« on: June 14, 2020, 12:31:08 pm »
Since this virus my dad has had to enter a home.  Now that the states are opening back up.  I don't understand why the homes cant reopen to visitors.  I think they can find a safe way to do this.  I mean like the court house takes your temp before entering and the staff is behind plexiglass.  The restaurants are open with limited seating.  They are coming up with crazy plans about opening schools.  By the way I hate those ideas.  I would hate to be a student and have to go to school like that.  Any back to the nursing homes.  I think they can find away to allow safe visits.  Other than talking on a cell phone through the window.  Put masks on go outside keep your distance.  I think it would do my Dad a world of good to see my Mom that way.


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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2020, 12:53:21 pm »
I dont think most take the best of care in them.


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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2020, 01:16:11 pm »
Since this virus my dad has had to enter a home.  Now that the states are opening back up.  I don't understand why the homes cant reopen to visitors.  I think they can find a safe way to do this.  I mean like the court house takes your temp before entering and the staff is behind plexiglass.  The restaurants are open with limited seating.  They are coming up with crazy plans about opening schools.  By the way I hate those ideas.  I would hate to be a student and have to go to school like that.  Any back to the nursing homes.  I think they can find away to allow safe visits.  Other than talking on a cell phone through the window.  Put masks on go outside keep your distance.  I think it would do my Dad a world of good to see my Mom that way.

I agree it is sad that residents have not seen their family since March.  I realize these people are the worst if they get the virus, but I think there has to be some way to allow families in.  Maybe if they only allowed immediate family, and you must wear a mask and gloves.  You can only meet with family in their room (no taking them out of room); residents must be masked and gloves.  I don’t know, maybe then it might work.   The nursing homes and hospitals where I live still are not allowing visitors except end of life residents or patients in hospitals.
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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2020, 01:39:07 pm »
Please God, allow me to die in peace without being subjected to being put in a nursing home.  :notworthy:



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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2020, 01:42:16 pm »
Some nursing homes are pleasant but others have abusive workers that mistreat the elderly. What they need in nursing homes are hidden cameras that no employees know about and weed out the people who are abusing older people.


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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2020, 07:23:56 pm »
I am sorry that you are faced with such a situation at this time.  I pray that the right home opens up soon so that you know that you are making the right decision.
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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #6 on: June 15, 2020, 09:29:17 am »
I have been looking into ways to have my mother put in assisted living and the paperwork and information is overwhelming


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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #7 on: June 15, 2020, 11:55:55 am »
Since this virus my dad has had to enter a home.  Now that the states are opening back up.  I don't understand why the homes cant reopen to visitors.  I think they can find a safe way to do this.  I mean like the court house takes your temp before entering and the staff is behind plexiglass.  The restaurants are open with limited seating.  They are coming up with crazy plans about opening schools.  By the way I hate those ideas.  I would hate to be a student and have to go to school like that.  Any back to the nursing homes.  I think they can find away to allow safe visits.  Other than talking on a cell phone through the window.  Put masks on go outside keep your distance.  I think it would do my Dad a world of good to see my Mom that way.

I would do all I could to keep my family out of a nursing home especially now. I don't know your circumstances so I assume there was no other choice. The not allowing visitors has nothing to do with the staff.  It has to do with keeping "the virus" out of the home.  If one patient gets it then they will all have it.  OR so they say.  I agree I think it is really hard mentally on residents to not be able to see their family.  A woman was on twitter saying how her dad died in the nursing home ALONE because they would not let any one in.

This is unfair as the staff are out living their lives and the staff are the biggest threat to bringing this virus in.  Taking temps is foolish.  You can "supposedly" be contagious for 14 days before you show the first symptoms so that makes no sense at all.

The answer is to back off and let people live their lives.  They don't act this way over the flu and for elderly in a nursing home that is just as deadly.


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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #8 on: June 15, 2020, 11:57:13 am »
Since this virus my dad has had to enter a home.  Now that the states are opening back up.  I don't understand why the homes cant reopen to visitors.  I think they can find a safe way to do this.  I mean like the court house takes your temp before entering and the staff is behind plexiglass.  The restaurants are open with limited seating.  They are coming up with crazy plans about opening schools.  By the way I hate those ideas.  I would hate to be a student and have to go to school like that.  Any back to the nursing homes.  I think they can find away to allow safe visits.  Other than talking on a cell phone through the window.  Put masks on go outside keep your distance.  I think it would do my Dad a world of good to see my Mom that way.

I agree it is sad that residents have not seen their family since March.  I realize these people are the worst if they get the virus, but I think there has to be some way to allow families in.  Maybe if they only allowed immediate family, and you must wear a mask and gloves.  You can only meet with family in their room (no taking them out of room); residents must be masked and gloves.  I don’t know, maybe then it might work.   The nursing homes and hospitals where I live still are not allowing visitors except end of life residents or patients in hospitals.

Not really.  A local woman in her 90s with COPD beat it.  As far as I know in my state they have opened that back up but not really sure because I do not have family in a nursing home at this time.


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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #9 on: June 15, 2020, 04:25:31 pm »
Since this virus my dad has had to enter a home.  Now that the states are opening back up.  I don't understand why the homes cant reopen to visitors.  I think they can find a safe way to do this.  I mean like the court house takes your temp before entering and the staff is behind plexiglass.  The restaurants are open with limited seating.  They are coming up with crazy plans about opening schools.  By the way I hate those ideas.  I would hate to be a student and have to go to school like that.  Any back to the nursing homes.  I think they can find away to allow safe visits.  Other than talking on a cell phone through the window.  Put masks on go outside keep your distance.  I think it would do my Dad a world of good to see my Mom that way.

It’s sad you have to put your dad in a nursing home, especially now.  Unfortunately we had to put my mon in a few years ago.  She had Alzheimer’s was non verbal, could not walk, incontinent, and at times physically abusive.  My siblings and I checked all the homes in our area and chose a beautiful, highly rated one.  She had a beautiful single room overlooking a garden. This was all nice and good, but a word to the wise, don’t trust the staff 100%.  There were no set visiting hours (as there should not be), so between my siblings and myself and spouses the staff never knew when we would show up.  Don’t visit the same times the same day, staff will know.  We also made nice nice with staff.  We gave them gift cards for pizza for the shifts, boxes of candy to share etc.  if you can’t afford that, it’s ok, just try to friend the staff.  I was thinking if staff liked us they would (we hoped) be nice to our mom.  Good luck, I know it’s a hard decision.  If your dad is mentally ok, you will have it easier as he can tell you what’s going on.  Again, good luck!
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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2020, 04:53:03 am »
I have a close friend that works in nursing home administration.  They are trying SO hard to keep everyone safe.  They are taking every precaution to keep the virus out and away from their residents.  It is disappointing that family could no longer visit, but the virus is so deadly to older people. 


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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2020, 05:58:26 am »
Since this virus my dad has had to enter a home.  Now that the states are opening back up.  I don't understand why the homes cant reopen to visitors.  I think they can find a safe way to do this.  I mean like the court house takes your temp before entering and the staff is behind plexiglass.  The restaurants are open with limited seating.  They are coming up with crazy plans about opening schools.  By the way I hate those ideas.  I would hate to be a student and have to go to school like that.  Any back to the nursing homes.  I think they can find away to allow safe visits.  Other than talking on a cell phone through the window.  Put masks on go outside keep your distance.  I think it would do my Dad a world of good to see my Mom that way.

It’s sad you have to put your dad in a nursing home, especially now.  Unfortunately we had to put my mon in a few years ago.  She had Alzheimer’s was non verbal, could not walk, incontinent, and at times physically abusive.  My siblings and I checked all the homes in our area and chose a beautiful, highly rated one.  She had a beautiful single room overlooking a garden. This was all nice and good, but a word to the wise, don’t trust the staff 100%.  There were no set visiting hours (as there should not be), so between my siblings and myself and spouses the staff never knew when we would show up.  Don’t visit the same times the same day, staff will know.  We also made nice nice with staff.  We gave them gift cards for pizza for the shifts, boxes of candy to share etc.  if you can’t afford that, it’s ok, just try to friend the staff.  I was thinking if staff liked us they would (we hoped) be nice to our mom.  Good luck, I know it’s a hard decision.  If your dad is mentally ok, you will have it easier as he can tell you what’s going on.  Again, good luck!

See that is not right at all.  When a family member was in the nursing home a few years ago I was there the most and they never knew when I would show up.  They also knew I would say something about things that were not right.  I probably made a few people mad.  I bought one of those huge bags of mini candy bars for my family member and it was in a sealed container in his room.  In just a few days (maybe 3-4) the staff had ate ALL the candy.  They have their own money and they can buy their own stuff.  All beside the point.

I would say someone who buys the staff stuff all the time may treat that family member better but that is wrong.  If you are in the facility you deserve to be treated with the upmost respect and helped.  If you as a staff member do not want to do that then you need to seek employment some where else.  No it is not a fun job but most jobs aren't.  I saw a lot when I was there.  There was one woman who did not have family and they were kind of mean to her.  She did not have anyone to advocate for her.  It is good if you have several family members that can drop in and stop all different times so they never know when you might show up.  And you would be surprised to know that the residents won't tell on the staff.  I wonder sometimes if they threaten them.


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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #12 on: June 16, 2020, 06:43:36 am »
Since this virus my dad has had to enter a home.  Now that the states are opening back up.  I don't understand why the homes cant reopen to visitors.  I think they can find a safe way to do this.  I mean like the court house takes your temp before entering and the staff is behind plexiglass.  The restaurants are open with limited seating.  They are coming up with crazy plans about opening schools.  By the way I hate those ideas.  I would hate to be a student and have to go to school like that.  Any back to the nursing homes.  I think they can find away to allow safe visits.  Other than talking on a cell phone through the window.  Put masks on go outside keep your distance.  I think it would do my Dad a world of good to see my Mom that way.

It’s sad you have to put your dad in a nursing home, especially now.  Unfortunately we had to put my mon in a few years ago.  She had Alzheimer’s was non verbal, could not walk, incontinent, and at times physically abusive.  My siblings and I checked all the homes in our area and chose a beautiful, highly rated one.  She had a beautiful single room overlooking a garden. This was all nice and good, but a word to the wise, don’t trust the staff 100%.  There were no set visiting hours (as there should not be), so between my siblings and myself and spouses the staff never knew when we would show up.  Don’t visit the same times the same day, staff will know.  We also made nice nice with staff.  We gave them gift cards for pizza for the shifts, boxes of candy to share etc.  if you can’t afford that, it’s ok, just try to friend the staff.  I was thinking if staff liked us they would (we hoped) be nice to our mom.  Good luck, I know it’s a hard decision.  If your dad is mentally ok, you will have it easier as he can tell you what’s going on.  Again, good luck!

See that is not right at all.  When a family member was in the nursing home a few years ago I was there the most and they never knew when I would show up.  They also knew I would say something about things that were not right.  I probably made a few people mad.  I bought one of those huge bags of mini candy bars for my family member and it was in a sealed container in his room.  In just a few days (maybe 3-4) the staff had ate ALL the candy.  They have their own money and they can buy their own stuff.  All beside the point.

I would say someone who buys the staff stuff all the time may treat that family member better but that is wrong.  If you are in the facility you deserve to be treated with the upmost respect and helped.  If you as a staff member do not want to do that then you need to seek employment some where else.  No it is not a fun job but most jobs aren't.  I saw a lot when I was there.  There was one woman who did not have family and they were kind of mean to her.  She did not have anyone to advocate for her.  It is good if you have several family members that can drop in and stop all different times so they never know when you might show up.  And you would be surprised to know that the residents won't tell on the staff.  I wonder sometimes if they threaten them.

I agree it’s sad how some residents are treated.  If the resident is able to speak it’s not as bad as someone like my mom was.  I saw many residents like my mom who were in bed 90% of the time because staff were too lazy to get them up and if no family came who would know.  My mother was always up and dressed.  Believe me when things were not to my liking they heard about it immediately.  Yes, all residents should all be treated equally, but sadly that’s not always the case.  In the fairness to staff there were some excellent nurses and CNAs but then there were some who didn’t give a dam   Buying the staff things may or may not have been right, but our thinking was if we treat staff nice, they will treat her nice.  I only pray that was the case when we were not there.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2020, 06:47:15 am by Nancy5 »
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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2020, 08:46:39 am »

I agree it’s sad how some residents are treated.  If the resident is able to speak it’s not as bad as someone like my mom was.  I saw many residents like my mom who were in bed 90% of the time because staff were too lazy to get them up and if no family came who would know.  My mother was always up and dressed.  Believe me when things were not to my liking they heard about it immediately.  Yes, all residents should all be treated equally, but sadly that’s not always the case.  In the fairness to staff there were some excellent nurses and CNAs but then there were some who didn’t give a dam   Buying the staff things may or may not have been right, but our thinking was if we treat staff nice, they will treat her nice.  I only pray that was the case when we were not there.

If you can/could afford it that is fine. Wasn't saying that. Just thinking of staff that was nicer to someone who they got more out of it from the family. I complained about one thing several times and my cousin who worked there said I needed to be quite because the thing I was complaining about could get the facility shut down. WELL FIX IT you dumb butts. smh

There was a resident that got tied to a chair as punishment (his wife told me about it) and I think another resident told her.  The girl who done it was fired. As far as I know no one was mean to my family but he probably would not have said anything for fear.  He had to live there.  You are right like with your mom she could not tell.  But with her mental status she probably would not even know to try to let you know.  I am sure she would know if they were hurting her (and I pray that did not happen and it most likely did not).

There was a man who had no family that was there and had not had a visitor in 8 years.  He usually yelled at staff if they came in his room.  He had laid in a bed for 8 years. No visitors.  I can imagine he was angry and probably just wanted to die.  I took some stuffed animals out there one day (one for every resident) and I was warned before we went in to his room.  He did not talk but he smiled at me when I gave him the bear.  My cousin had went with me and she said she have never seen him smile before.  Like somebody else said, I think I would rather just die than end up some where like this.  Esp when they are doing things where they can ban family from visiting.

I have wondered if you could remove them from the facility or they are just locked up in there during times like now.  And get ready cause the lock downs will be back in the fall.  Esp around election time.


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Re: nursing homes.
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2020, 09:17:39 am »

I agree it’s sad how some residents are treated.  If the resident is able to speak it’s not as bad as someone like my mom was.  I saw many residents like my mom who were in bed 90% of the time because staff were too lazy to get them up and if no family came who would know.  My mother was always up and dressed.  Believe me when things were not to my liking they heard about it immediately.  Yes, all residents should all be treated equally, but sadly that’s not always the case.  In the fairness to staff there were some excellent nurses and CNAs but then there were some who didn’t give a dam   Buying the staff things may or may not have been right, but our thinking was if we treat staff nice, they will treat her nice.  I only pray that was the case when we were not there.

If you can/could afford it that is fine. Wasn't saying that. Just thinking of staff that was nicer to someone who they got more out of it from the family. I complained about one thing several times and my cousin who worked there said I needed to be quite because the thing I was complaining about could get the facility shut down. WELL FIX IT you dumb butts. smh

There was a resident that got tied to a chair as punishment (his wife told me about it) and I think another resident told her.  The girl who done it was fired. As far as I know no one was mean to my family but he probably would not have said anything for fear.  He had to live there.  You are right like with your mom she could not tell.  But with her mental status she probably would not even know to try to let you know.  I am sure she would know if they were hurting her (and I pray that did not happen and it most likely did not).

There was a man who had no family that was there and had not had a visitor in 8 years.  He usually yelled at staff if they came in his room.  He had laid in a bed for 8 years. No visitors.  I can imagine he was angry and probably just wanted to die.  I took some stuffed animals out there one day (one for every resident) and I was warned before we went in to his room.  He did not talk but he smiled at me when I gave him the bear.  My cousin had went with me and she said she have never seen him smile before.  Like somebody else said, I think I would rather just die than end up some where like this.  Esp when they are doing things where they can ban family from visiting.

I have wondered if you could remove them from the facility or they are just locked up in there during times like now.  And get ready cause the lock downs will be back in the fall.  Esp around election time.

Like you said there are horror stories in some nursing homes by some aides and nurses.  It is so sad and pathetic that when a person reaches a certain age and cannot live alone and has to go in a nursing home they may be treated worse then an animal.  I can believe that man was not actually tied what he was was strapped by restraints which is considered tied down, and done in homes, I have seen it many times.  That’s what I mean by the man in his bed for 8 years.  No visitors God only knows how you are treated.  I don’t know if you can take someone out of a facility now, that’s a good question.  But in my case I could not bring my mom with me, not in her condition and I would have had to quit work.  I have told my family, and I’m dead serious, if I feel I’m slipping mentally I will kill myself.  I don’t ever want to end up like my mother.  It should be interesting what happens in fall.
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