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Topic: RIP: George Floyd  (Read 13865 times)


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #90 on: June 01, 2020, 12:41:57 pm »
Open your eyes countrygirl.  That is why the world is like it is today.  How many times have you seem a black cop killing a white man for no reason come on now. Right is right and wrong is wrong.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #91 on: June 01, 2020, 12:56:11 pm »
It is 2020 and yet bigotry and hatred for African Americans continues to happen.  I can't watch the TV anymore because the pictures show the aura of the murderers.   My soul hurts because these men did nothing to have this happen to them simply because of the color of their skin.  These cowards destroyed families and their love ones.  To watch as these men lay dying at the hand of cowards, show that they believed that nothing would happen to them.  The insanity has to stop NOW!!!
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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #92 on: June 01, 2020, 12:57:59 pm »
nickylanena and countrygirl12

Will you please create a new thread to squabble in? It's difficult to find actual posts about the George Floyd situation, the subject of this thread.

Thank you.

Apologies 1imaginarygirl (and linderlizzie)!  :notworthy:

I've said my piece.
  :thumbsup: :peace:
Opinion: 1) a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter 2) belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
This is the internet, learn to let people have opinions. And don't be so sensitive.  8)


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #93 on: June 01, 2020, 01:08:58 pm »

Like I said on the first post of mine you commented on: I responded and didn't just conform to your opinion if you think this is me talking down to you and "trying to fight." Stop being ignorant and butthurt.

The only ignorant and butthurt person here is you.  You are hilarious.  You want to call me names then get all bent if I say something back. Yes, I replied to something you said. I asked a simple question that you could not handle and it leads to this.  ::)  Oh well.  At least it gives you something to do.  I guess fighting with random strangers on the internet is better than nothing.  ;D

You say you aren't butthurt but you are the first person to want to call someone stupid, etc. I normally refrain from it but it obviously is the only thing you respond to. I do think I am quite funny but I'll take hilarious. 8)

Cannot handle what? You can never handle when someone's response doesn't 100% agree with yours; you always think you have to be right and when someone implies that you are not you revert back to being a child saying "you are 'stupid,' 'ignorant,' etc. And you label it as fighting. HAHAHA

Again, and yes I am repeating it, you have done everything you accuse me of.  YOU started this with your snide oh do they teach them that is cop school remark.  I simply pointed out that is rude and out of line.  I could also not care one way or the other if you think I am right.  YOU do the same thing you accuse me of.  YOU want everyone to agree with you. You cannot handle me not 100% agreeing with you. Otherwise you would let it go.

And if you would read my comments and see what I say instead of just coming back swinging at everything I say you would see we agreed on a lot.  You just can't handle the fact that white people get killed by the police too.  And when that happens - it just happens.   That is the end of it.  Nobody cares.  Not riots, no protests, no nothing.  Life just goes on.
Are you that dense? You have been going on a tangent because of something I DIDN'T say because you came to this thread with your preconceived notions. I was the 3rd person to respond and NEVER mentioned "cop school." I don't accuse you of anything until you start trying to act like your opinions are facts. Clearly you can't even check the facts of "who said what" on a forum and you want people to trust what you say you know outside of this???

"You are being mean to me" "I'm just responding and am being argued with" You want to be some kind of attacked victim here. Trust me, nobody cares enough to target you. We are just voicing opinions and it's not that deep until you make it. And there is no being "right" when we're talking opinions.

You just admitted you have multiple accounts.  The 3rd post is by potluck and you did not post in here until after I did.  SO either you have multiple accounts or like you accuse me of you are just dense.  YOU did not post in this thread until after I did. And your first reply was to ME.

No, but you just admitted you're dumb enough to believe I have multiple accounts AND that you don't understand how quoting a post works.

You really need to get some help. ::)  There is that emoji you like so much


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #94 on: June 01, 2020, 01:09:54 pm »

Like I said on the first post of mine you commented on: I responded and didn't just conform to your opinion if you think this is me talking down to you and "trying to fight." Stop being ignorant and butthurt.

The only ignorant and butthurt person here is you.  You are hilarious.  You want to call me names then get all bent if I say something back. Yes, I replied to something you said. I asked a simple question that you could not handle and it leads to this.  ::)  Oh well.  At least it gives you something to do.  I guess fighting with random strangers on the internet is better than nothing.  ;D

You say you aren't butthurt but you are the first person to want to call someone stupid, etc. I normally refrain from it but it obviously is the only thing you respond to. I do think I am quite funny but I'll take hilarious. 8)

Cannot handle what? You can never handle when someone's response doesn't 100% agree with yours; you always think you have to be right and when someone implies that you are not you revert back to being a child saying "you are 'stupid,' 'ignorant,' etc. And you label it as fighting. HAHAHA

Again, and yes I am repeating it, you have done everything you accuse me of.  YOU started this with your snide oh do they teach them that is cop school remark.  I simply pointed out that is rude and out of line.  I could also not care one way or the other if you think I am right.  YOU do the same thing you accuse me of.  YOU want everyone to agree with you. You cannot handle me not 100% agreeing with you. Otherwise you would let it go.

And if you would read my comments and see what I say instead of just coming back swinging at everything I say you would see we agreed on a lot.  You just can't handle the fact that white people get killed by the police too.  And when that happens - it just happens.   That is the end of it.  Nobody cares.  Not riots, no protests, no nothing.  Life just goes on.
Are you that dense? You have been going on a tangent because of something I DIDN'T say because you came to this thread with your preconceived notions. I was the 3rd person to respond and NEVER mentioned "cop school." I don't accuse you of anything until you start trying to act like your opinions are facts. Clearly you can't even check the facts of "who said what" on a forum and you want people to trust what you say you know outside of this???

"You are being mean to me" "I'm just responding and am being argued with" You want to be some kind of attacked victim here. Trust me, nobody cares enough to target you. We are just voicing opinions and it's not that deep until you make it. And there is no being "right" when we're talking opinions.

Are you that stupid?  See you insult me and then get mad if I say something back to you.  What are you 5?

YOU responded to me first.  Maybe you like others have multiple accounts.  Sounds like it.  YOU jumped me because I said I did not think he killed the man on purpose.  You say he did.  Which is YOUR opinion.  Unless YOU are him you have no idea what his intention were.
Oh, so you're repeating my initial comments yet again?

Not repeating anything.  Seriously.  How long are you going to continue with this nonsense.  YOU replied to ME first. Let it go.  You know like the build a snowman song says.  LET IT GO


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #95 on: June 01, 2020, 01:10:48 pm »
It was a devastating video to see. I kept wondering what crime he had committed and I saw that he used a counterfeit bill to buy cigarettes. The use of force was excessive and these particular cops had previously used undue force and should have been severely disciplined. And in this case, the charge should at least be manslaughter because he kept his knee on Mr. Lloyd's neck (not appropriate at all) and did not remove it until his body was limp and lifeless and was lifted onto a stretcher. It's a shame that these things happen and that all police are all lumped into the same basket of deplorable people that should be dishonored and not respected.

I also hate that the disagreement causes dissension within our ranks; our Fusion Cash group. I like intelligent discourse and even disagreement with argument, but I don't like people attacking each other's opinions. I wish we would agree to disagree and promote our arguments with intelligent back and forth discussion. None of these racial incidents are easy to dissect and understand. Perhaps we should think about praying for the situation.  :angel11: A lot of people were hurt and will be affected for a very long time.

There are lots of intelligent and caring people within our ranks. Let's just kiss and make up. Okay?  :notworthy:

I also enjoy intelligent discourse. I do, however, hate when people feel they can't voice their opinions freely without being criticized and attacked. Discussions should be exchanges and not people trying to stifle others.

I also think we should all be capable of having conversations without childish insults. We are (hopefully) not children.

Hahaha! Anyways, here is my makeup kiss. :kiss:

Hmmm.  That goes both ways.  YOU can't let me have a say without attacking me.  And yes you have done that.  It is funny because as I pointed out there were 2 different conversations going on and YOU were like 2 completely different people.  On one you are all attacking and calling me names and the other actually half way having a conversation.  It is funny because you do all the things you have accused me of.

I asked a simple serious question.  WHY do you think he was intentionally trying to kill the man?  You can't answer that.  All you can (in your words) do is be butthurt and hurl insults and call me names.  Exactly why the country is in chaos and fighting.  Nobody wants to actually listen to the other person.  I stated yes he should be arrested, charged, and go to jail.  But I do not think he was trying to kill him.  Rough him up yes.  But actually murder him - no.  The cop had been rough with people in the past and got away with it. I think he was doing the same thing.  He thought he would be rough and go on with life.  I do not think he in any way meant to actually kill him or for any of this other stuff to happen.  So how about take your own advice and have a conversation with calling me names and putting me down.  It would not matter what I said you would fight with me because you have already formed an opinion of me and would argue about anything just to disagree with me.  Again, it is kind of funny at this point.

I do not "attack" anyone on these forums; look through my posts if you want to see. Like I've said before, I respond to topics and sometimes to others' post. And now you want to claim that I am 2 different people? I just understand that a person can agree with parts of a conversation and not the whole. Is that honestly harder to comprehend than 2 people/split personalities? HAHAHA!

You NEVER once asked any questions, especially not WHY/IF I think the officer was intentionally trying to kill the man. That is where you are wrong. You go off on tangents for NO REASON at all and get offended. I always respond to what is posted. So the whole discussion started because you thought you posed a question that you never did? I've responded and answered everything. Don't lie, just go back and reread. If he had his knee on a man's neck after he stopped moving it seems that he committed 2nd degree murder which "is intended to only cause bodily harm, and demonstrates an extreme indifference to human life." He could have stopped and put him in the cop car. It doesn't matter what you think he was trying to do - it's done.

If you don't want me to call you names, it's simple: don't call me names. You can also go back and check the threads, but you are always the first one to say someone is "stupid." I know others on this forum don't like to feed into that, but I personally don't care and have no problem dishing it back. What goes around, comes around.

And no, I only disagreed with part of your post as I said. You have already formed an opinion of me and decided that you wanted to argue just to disagree with me. Because clearly you didn't read anything that was written. Instead you saw that it was written by me and assumed what you wanted. Take it or leave it. :dontknow:

Yes you do.  You have called me names several times.  In this convo and others as well.  It is hilarious you are still touting the oh you are offended.  Like I said previously, if it makes you feel better to think that then by all means keep thinking it. 

And you can keep dishing it.  I can do it too.  Like I said, it is quite entertaining.  Let's keep it going.  lol
...Because you initiate and I have no problem returning the favor. Yes, you have as well. I say you're offended because it's apparent. And I will keep responding because I find your ignorance amusing. LOL

And your ignorance is amusing as well.  So keep showing your stupidity.  It entertains me.  Keep thinking I am offended.  It give me something to laugh at.
"as well" <--there was finally an admittance! So you are ignorant? LMAO

You need to go back and read your comments.  And quit being a cry baby.  You call me names in every post you make then get all cry baby if I do it back to you.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #96 on: June 01, 2020, 01:11:14 pm »
nickylanena and countrygirl12

Will you please create a new thread to squabble in? It's difficult to find actual posts about the George Floyd situation, the subject of this thread.

Thank you.

lol  Probably not. Guess we will see.  She says she is done but I doubt it.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 01:18:39 pm by countrygirl12 »


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #97 on: June 01, 2020, 01:13:15 pm »
Open your eyes countrygirl.  That is why the world is like it is today.  How many times have you seem a black cop killing a white man for no reason come on now. Right is right and wrong is wrong.

Open your eyes.  It has happened many times.  But you only see what you want to.  Just like you fail to see I said this happening was wrong.  All you can focus on is that I said it happens both ways.  But if a black cop kills a white man nothing is said.  If a cop in general kills a white man nothing is said.  The point is there are only outrage and riots if it is a black person killed.  Take race out of it and just say cop kills man and make no mention of what color skin is.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #98 on: June 01, 2020, 01:15:25 pm »
It is 2020 and yet bigotry and hatred for African Americans continues to happen.  I can't watch the TV anymore because the pictures show the aura of the murderers.   My soul hurts because these men did nothing to have this happen to them simply because of the color of their skin.  These cowards destroyed families and their love ones.  To watch as these men lay dying at the hand of cowards, show that they believed that nothing would happen to them.  The insanity has to stop NOW!!!

So do you see anything wrong with the group of black men that kicked and stomped a white man to death in the street for trying to defend his store that they were trying to loot and burn?  They hate him just because he is white.  What is the difference?  Why is that okay?  Explain that to me!  That white guy had nothing to do with the guy that died.  He did not do it.  Too many do not see anything wrong.

Not to mention his family has begged people to stop this.  Stop rioting, looting, burning stuff, just stop.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #99 on: June 01, 2020, 05:09:13 pm »
It wasn't right what happened to this man and indeed RIP but the response to it is wrong on every level.  People are destroying the property and possibly lives of people they don't even know.  I think they should be dragged to jail.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #100 on: June 01, 2020, 05:52:52 pm »
It definitely wasn't right what happened to George Floyd and I hope and pray that he gets the justice he deserves.  I was so happy when they arrested the officer for murder because that's exactly what he was.....murder!


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #101 on: June 02, 2020, 01:59:05 pm »
This is really sad.  No one deserves to be murdered like this with a knee on your neck for over 8 minutes for any type of crime.  Let it go through the justice system and let them mete out the punishment and I don't think it would be death by pressure on your neck.   


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #102 on: June 02, 2020, 08:55:38 pm »
The racist Cop who murdered George Floyd should be thrown in prison for first degree murder.  Also so does the other cops who were standing around condoning it because they did not do a thing to stop Chauvin, the racist cop. The MF's should be put away for the next 100 years.  This sh*t has to stop.
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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #103 on: June 03, 2020, 02:49:44 pm »
Update: Charges upgraded to unintentional 2nd degree murder

Also the other three cops were charge with aiding and abetting. I really hope they know what they're doing and have enough evidence for this. I'm afraid of the consequences for all of us if this falls apart at trial.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #104 on: June 03, 2020, 02:57:29 pm »
Update: Charges upgraded to unintentional 2nd degree murder

Also the other three cops were charge with aiding and abetting. I really hope they know what they're doing and have enough evidence for this. I'm afraid of the consequences for all of us if this falls apart at trial.

The thing with this - a lot of people are commenting online on news stories saying it would have been better to leave it like it was because they had a better chance of getting a guilty verdict. Lot of people are thinking they won't be able to get a guilty on 2nd degree.  And if he is found not guilty he walks away.  Free and clear.  They can't come back and charge him again.

Also the other 3 cops - none of them were white.  SO that kind of throws the whole racist thing out the window.

I don't really think it matters how the trial turns out I think the things going on will continue.  And the trial will likely not be for several months.  Most times it is at least a year or so with any one else.

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