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Topic: RIP: George Floyd  (Read 13771 times)


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #60 on: May 31, 2020, 10:05:18 am »
Well, last night was very different in Minneapolis. In the previous nights, there was basically NO police or national guard presence. The rioters were free to do as they pleased. Last night, all the major freeways in the Twin Cities were closed. The police, state patrol and national guard were out, dispersing the crowds with flashbangs, tear gas, paintballs and rubber bullets. I'm sure there were plenty of injuries, but thankfully, no one was killed. By 1am, it had pretty much fizzled out. There were some small fires, but nothing like the previous nights. I'm not sure what will happen tonight, but hopefully the worst of this is over. So many of the local businesses that were destroyed were minority-owned, and now their hardships are that much worse.  :(


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #61 on: May 31, 2020, 10:14:17 am »
Well, last night was very different in Minneapolis. In the previous nights, there was basically NO police or national guard presence. The rioters were free to do as they pleased. Last night, all the major freeways in the Twin Cities were closed. The police, state patrol and national guard were out, dispersing the crowds with flashbangs, tear gas, paintballs and rubber bullets. I'm sure there were plenty of injuries, but thankfully, no one was killed. By 1am, it had pretty much fizzled out. There were some small fires, but nothing like the previous nights. I'm not sure what will happen tonight, but hopefully the worst of this is over. So many of the local businesses that were destroyed were minority-owned, and now their hardships are that much worse.  :(

Not over. They just move to different areas.  They should have done this a few nights ago.  Once they realize there is a force fighting back they won't be as vocal.  I have not seen much news but did see where there were somewhat violent protests in a town about 30 minutes from me.  They called in highway patrol and police from the next county over. These people do not care about the man who died. All the violence is just causing more problems and for innocent people.  A lot of people were outraged and a lot of people care what happened.  But rioters and protesters make people care less.  Totally takes away from your cause. :(


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #62 on: May 31, 2020, 01:49:37 pm »
This was all very sad indeed.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #63 on: May 31, 2020, 03:34:03 pm »

You want me to believe your one case because "personally know about." So amuse me and name the cases. As I mentioned, no one is saying white men are not also victims. Once again, reread above where I said: If you have a problem with it, DO something about it. Minorities are fighting for justice.

Make it a big deal if you feel nobody cares OR just keep complaining to the internet like you do.
But stop spreading ignorance. :thumbsup:

How about you stop spreading ignorance.  Let it go already.  I am not complaining.  But you sure are.  What difference does it make if I  "name" the case.  You still won't believe it because there was no big deal made.  Just a simple news story and it that news story no mention of race.  That was my point.  The only people who know are the ones who live near where it happened and knew the people involved.  No where in the news story does it say a BLACK cop shot a WHITE man.  Just that it happened.  But you are too foolish to see that.  So keep arguing with me.  You know that thing you say you aren't doing. It is quite entertaining.
"Let it go already. I am not complaining." Yet YOU ARE. Simple: You asked if I wanted you to "name every case" so I said go ahead. Haha! Why do you insist on bringing up race? What is your point?
It is entertaining that you are bringing up random things.

LOL  YOU LET IT GO!  How many times are we going to go thru the back and forth.  DO what you are screaming at me.  I have not complained once.  Simple made statements.  I am not bringing up random things.  This whole thing is about race.  If it was not it would not be white cop kills black man.  Or black people are killed by police.  It would simple be a man was killed by police.  And no mention of skin color would ever have been mentioned.  How hard is that for you to understand?  smh
I've been simply returning replies hence the back and forth. Let go of what exactly?  ???
And here we can see you are taking offense, per usual, by insinuating I'm "screaming" at you. HAHAHAHAHA! It is NOT that serious for me. I'm just typing on my keyboard. It's about race because evidently people are tired of "accidental" police killings where the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Don't be dense and let information go into your brain. Maybe shaking your head (SMH) will help.
Opinion: 1) a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter 2) belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
This is the internet, learn to let people have opinions. And don't be so sensitive.  8)


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #64 on: May 31, 2020, 03:53:34 pm »

Like I said on the first post of mine you commented on: I responded and didn't just conform to your opinion if you think this is me talking down to you and "trying to fight." Stop being ignorant and butthurt.

The only ignorant and butthurt person here is you.  You are hilarious.  You want to call me names then get all bent if I say something back. Yes, I replied to something you said. I asked a simple question that you could not handle and it leads to this.  ::)  Oh well.  At least it gives you something to do.  I guess fighting with random strangers on the internet is better than nothing.  ;D

You say you aren't butthurt but you are the first person to want to call someone stupid, etc. I normally refrain from it but it obviously is the only thing you respond to. I do think I am quite funny but I'll take hilarious. 8)

Cannot handle what? You can never handle when someone's response doesn't 100% agree with yours; you always think you have to be right and when someone implies that you are not you revert back to being a child saying "you are 'stupid,' 'ignorant,' etc. And you label it as fighting. HAHAHA
Opinion: 1) a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter 2) belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
This is the internet, learn to let people have opinions. And don't be so sensitive.  8)


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #65 on: May 31, 2020, 04:14:13 pm »
It was a devastating video to see. I kept wondering what crime he had committed and I saw that he used a counterfeit bill to buy cigarettes. The use of force was excessive and these particular cops had previously used undue force and should have been severely disciplined. And in this case, the charge should at least be manslaughter because he kept his knee on Mr. Lloyd's neck (not appropriate at all) and did not remove it until his body was limp and lifeless and was lifted onto a stretcher. It's a shame that these things happen and that all police are all lumped into the same basket of deplorable people that should be dishonored and not respected.

I also hate that the disagreement causes dissension within our ranks; our Fusion Cash group. I like intelligent discourse and even disagreement with argument, but I don't like people attacking each other's opinions. I wish we would agree to disagree and promote our arguments with intelligent back and forth discussion. None of these racial incidents are easy to dissect and understand. Perhaps we should think about praying for the situation.  :angel11: A lot of people were hurt and will be affected for a very long time.

There are lots of intelligent and caring people within our ranks. Let's just kiss and make up. Okay?  :notworthy:

I also enjoy intelligent discourse. I do, however, hate when people feel they can't voice their opinions freely without being criticized and attacked. Discussions should be exchanges and not people trying to stifle others.

I also think we should all be capable of having conversations without childish insults. We are (hopefully) not children.

Hahaha! Anyways, here is my makeup kiss. :kiss:

Hmmm.  That goes both ways.  YOU can't let me have a say without attacking me.  And yes you have done that.  It is funny because as I pointed out there were 2 different conversations going on and YOU were like 2 completely different people.  On one you are all attacking and calling me names and the other actually half way having a conversation.  It is funny because you do all the things you have accused me of.

I asked a simple serious question.  WHY do you think he was intentionally trying to kill the man?  You can't answer that.  All you can (in your words) do is be butthurt and hurl insults and call me names.  Exactly why the country is in chaos and fighting.  Nobody wants to actually listen to the other person.  I stated yes he should be arrested, charged, and go to jail.  But I do not think he was trying to kill him.  Rough him up yes.  But actually murder him - no.  The cop had been rough with people in the past and got away with it. I think he was doing the same thing.  He thought he would be rough and go on with life.  I do not think he in any way meant to actually kill him or for any of this other stuff to happen.  So how about take your own advice and have a conversation with calling me names and putting me down.  It would not matter what I said you would fight with me because you have already formed an opinion of me and would argue about anything just to disagree with me.  Again, it is kind of funny at this point.

I do not "attack" anyone on these forums; look through my posts if you want to see. Like I've said before, I respond to topics and sometimes to others' post. And now you want to claim that I am 2 different people? I just understand that a person can agree with parts of a conversation and not the whole. Is that honestly harder to comprehend than 2 people/split personalities? HAHAHA!

You NEVER once asked any questions, especially not WHY/IF I think the officer was intentionally trying to kill the man. That is where you are wrong. You go off on tangents for NO REASON at all and get offended. I always respond to what is posted. So the whole discussion started because you thought you posed a question that you never did? I've responded and answered everything. Don't lie, just go back and reread. If he had his knee on a man's neck after he stopped moving it seems that he committed 2nd degree murder which "is intended to only cause bodily harm, and demonstrates an extreme indifference to human life." He could have stopped and put him in the cop car. It doesn't matter what you think he was trying to do - it's done.

If you don't want me to call you names, it's simple: don't call me names. You can also go back and check the threads, but you are always the first one to say someone is "stupid." I know others on this forum don't like to feed into that, but I personally don't care and have no problem dishing it back. What goes around, comes around.

And no, I only disagreed with part of your post as I said. You have already formed an opinion of me and decided that you wanted to argue just to disagree with me. Because clearly you didn't read anything that was written. Instead you saw that it was written by me and assumed what you wanted. Take it or leave it. :dontknow:
Opinion: 1) a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter 2) belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
This is the internet, learn to let people have opinions. And don't be so sensitive.  8)


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #66 on: May 31, 2020, 06:19:35 pm »
Generally, I suspend my opinion on these police brutality cases on the African American community. However, for some reason, the George Floyd case was particularly emotional and difficult for me not to provide my $0.02. While I do not condone violence under any circumstances, it is not difficult to understand the frustrations of African Americans (myself included) over having to witness time-and-time again some select corrupt police officers using their badge as an excuse to beat and (in some instances) kill African Americans. I honestly hope that ALL of the police officers (not just the moron who put his knee on Floyd's neck) get charged and face justice to the fullest extent.

Amen to this, I hope so as well !!

AMEN!  :notworthy:
Opinion: 1) a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter 2) belief stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
This is the internet, learn to let people have opinions. And don't be so sensitive.  8)


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #67 on: May 31, 2020, 06:52:31 pm »
FC should actually pay its members for putting up with CGs rubbish.Then there would be good reason for her to still be here.....and be able to use it towards the 5 cents to qualify for the PTC.

That would solve many a problem for those that say its been difficult to get the nickel.LOL!


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #68 on: May 31, 2020, 07:23:25 pm »
Described as a gentle giant that was starting over after five years in prison for armed robbery he lost his life for allegedly writing a counterfeit check. He leaves behind a six year old daughter. The video was gruesome. Surveillance videos contradict the officer's statement that Floyd was resisting arrest. The officer filmed kneeling on the neck of the victim has been the subject of ten conduct complaints and three police shootings in his nineteen years as an officer. Colin Kaepernic and Ice Cube are calling for revolts. Target and AutoZone closed the local stores after being looted and/or burned. The University of Minnesota won't hire Minneapolis Police officers as security at football games. All this in the wake of the Ahmaud Arbery shooting.

I was on Orange Avenue downtown Orlando yesterday and hundreds of people were marching and protesting about this.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #69 on: May 31, 2020, 10:21:44 pm »
RIP Floyd another senseless kill/murder by the people that's suppose to protect us!


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #70 on: June 01, 2020, 07:01:50 am »

You want me to believe your one case because "personally know about." So amuse me and name the cases. As I mentioned, no one is saying white men are not also victims. Once again, reread above where I said: If you have a problem with it, DO something about it. Minorities are fighting for justice.

Make it a big deal if you feel nobody cares OR just keep complaining to the internet like you do.
But stop spreading ignorance. :thumbsup:

How about you stop spreading ignorance.  Let it go already.  I am not complaining.  But you sure are.  What difference does it make if I  "name" the case.  You still won't believe it because there was no big deal made.  Just a simple news story and it that news story no mention of race.  That was my point.  The only people who know are the ones who live near where it happened and knew the people involved.  No where in the news story does it say a BLACK cop shot a WHITE man.  Just that it happened.  But you are too foolish to see that.  So keep arguing with me.  You know that thing you say you aren't doing. It is quite entertaining.
"Let it go already. I am not complaining." Yet YOU ARE. Simple: You asked if I wanted you to "name every case" so I said go ahead. Haha! Why do you insist on bringing up race? What is your point?
It is entertaining that you are bringing up random things.

LOL  YOU LET IT GO!  How many times are we going to go thru the back and forth.  DO what you are screaming at me.  I have not complained once.  Simple made statements.  I am not bringing up random things.  This whole thing is about race.  If it was not it would not be white cop kills black man.  Or black people are killed by police.  It would simple be a man was killed by police.  And no mention of skin color would ever have been mentioned.  How hard is that for you to understand?  smh
I've been simply returning replies hence the back and forth. Let go of what exactly?  ???
And here we can see you are taking offense, per usual, by insinuating I'm "screaming" at you. HAHAHAHAHA! It is NOT that serious for me. I'm just typing on my keyboard. It's about race because evidently people are tired of "accidental" police killings where the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Don't be dense and let information go into your brain. Maybe shaking your head (SMH) will help.

What ever it is you screamed at me to let go.  You said it first. ::)  If it makes you feel better to think you have the ability to offend me then by all means continue to think that.  You mean nothing to me.  And that is that.  Could not care one iota what you do, what you think, or what happens to you. 

Funny how you finish your post with an insult to me and then say on you have never done that. lol  What ever you want to believe.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #71 on: June 01, 2020, 07:04:57 am »

Like I said on the first post of mine you commented on: I responded and didn't just conform to your opinion if you think this is me talking down to you and "trying to fight." Stop being ignorant and butthurt.

The only ignorant and butthurt person here is you.  You are hilarious.  You want to call me names then get all bent if I say something back. Yes, I replied to something you said. I asked a simple question that you could not handle and it leads to this.  ::)  Oh well.  At least it gives you something to do.  I guess fighting with random strangers on the internet is better than nothing.  ;D

You say you aren't butthurt but you are the first person to want to call someone stupid, etc. I normally refrain from it but it obviously is the only thing you respond to. I do think I am quite funny but I'll take hilarious. 8)

Cannot handle what? You can never handle when someone's response doesn't 100% agree with yours; you always think you have to be right and when someone implies that you are not you revert back to being a child saying "you are 'stupid,' 'ignorant,' etc. And you label it as fighting. HAHAHA

Again, and yes I am repeating it, you have done everything you accuse me of.  YOU started this with your snide oh do they teach them that is cop school remark.  I simply pointed out that is rude and out of line.  I could also not care one way or the other if you think I am right.  YOU do the same thing you accuse me of.  YOU want everyone to agree with you. You cannot handle me not 100% agreeing with you. Otherwise you would let it go.

And if you would read my comments and see what I say instead of just coming back swinging at everything I say you would see we agreed on a lot.  You just can't handle the fact that white people get killed by the police too.  And when that happens - it just happens.   That is the end of it.  Nobody cares.  Not riots, no protests, no nothing.  Life just goes on.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #72 on: June 01, 2020, 07:09:10 am »
It was a devastating video to see. I kept wondering what crime he had committed and I saw that he used a counterfeit bill to buy cigarettes. The use of force was excessive and these particular cops had previously used undue force and should have been severely disciplined. And in this case, the charge should at least be manslaughter because he kept his knee on Mr. Lloyd's neck (not appropriate at all) and did not remove it until his body was limp and lifeless and was lifted onto a stretcher. It's a shame that these things happen and that all police are all lumped into the same basket of deplorable people that should be dishonored and not respected.

I also hate that the disagreement causes dissension within our ranks; our Fusion Cash group. I like intelligent discourse and even disagreement with argument, but I don't like people attacking each other's opinions. I wish we would agree to disagree and promote our arguments with intelligent back and forth discussion. None of these racial incidents are easy to dissect and understand. Perhaps we should think about praying for the situation.  :angel11: A lot of people were hurt and will be affected for a very long time.

There are lots of intelligent and caring people within our ranks. Let's just kiss and make up. Okay?  :notworthy:

I also enjoy intelligent discourse. I do, however, hate when people feel they can't voice their opinions freely without being criticized and attacked. Discussions should be exchanges and not people trying to stifle others.

I also think we should all be capable of having conversations without childish insults. We are (hopefully) not children.

Hahaha! Anyways, here is my makeup kiss. :kiss:

Hmmm.  That goes both ways.  YOU can't let me have a say without attacking me.  And yes you have done that.  It is funny because as I pointed out there were 2 different conversations going on and YOU were like 2 completely different people.  On one you are all attacking and calling me names and the other actually half way having a conversation.  It is funny because you do all the things you have accused me of.

I asked a simple serious question.  WHY do you think he was intentionally trying to kill the man?  You can't answer that.  All you can (in your words) do is be butthurt and hurl insults and call me names.  Exactly why the country is in chaos and fighting.  Nobody wants to actually listen to the other person.  I stated yes he should be arrested, charged, and go to jail.  But I do not think he was trying to kill him.  Rough him up yes.  But actually murder him - no.  The cop had been rough with people in the past and got away with it. I think he was doing the same thing.  He thought he would be rough and go on with life.  I do not think he in any way meant to actually kill him or for any of this other stuff to happen.  So how about take your own advice and have a conversation with calling me names and putting me down.  It would not matter what I said you would fight with me because you have already formed an opinion of me and would argue about anything just to disagree with me.  Again, it is kind of funny at this point.

I do not "attack" anyone on these forums; look through my posts if you want to see. Like I've said before, I respond to topics and sometimes to others' post. And now you want to claim that I am 2 different people? I just understand that a person can agree with parts of a conversation and not the whole. Is that honestly harder to comprehend than 2 people/split personalities? HAHAHA!

You NEVER once asked any questions, especially not WHY/IF I think the officer was intentionally trying to kill the man. That is where you are wrong. You go off on tangents for NO REASON at all and get offended. I always respond to what is posted. So the whole discussion started because you thought you posed a question that you never did? I've responded and answered everything. Don't lie, just go back and reread. If he had his knee on a man's neck after he stopped moving it seems that he committed 2nd degree murder which "is intended to only cause bodily harm, and demonstrates an extreme indifference to human life." He could have stopped and put him in the cop car. It doesn't matter what you think he was trying to do - it's done.

If you don't want me to call you names, it's simple: don't call me names. You can also go back and check the threads, but you are always the first one to say someone is "stupid." I know others on this forum don't like to feed into that, but I personally don't care and have no problem dishing it back. What goes around, comes around.

And no, I only disagreed with part of your post as I said. You have already formed an opinion of me and decided that you wanted to argue just to disagree with me. Because clearly you didn't read anything that was written. Instead you saw that it was written by me and assumed what you wanted. Take it or leave it. :dontknow:

Yes you do.  You have called me names several times.  In this convo and others as well.  It is hilarious you are still touting the oh you are offended.  Like I said previously, if it makes you feel better to think that then by all means keep thinking it. 

And you can keep dishing it.  I can do it too.  Like I said, it is quite entertaining.  Let's keep it going.  lol


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #73 on: June 01, 2020, 07:52:48 am »

You want me to believe your one case because "personally know about." So amuse me and name the cases. As I mentioned, no one is saying white men are not also victims. Once again, reread above where I said: If you have a problem with it, DO something about it. Minorities are fighting for justice.

Make it a big deal if you feel nobody cares OR just keep complaining to the internet like you do.
But stop spreading ignorance. :thumbsup:

How about you stop spreading ignorance.  Let it go already.  I am not complaining.  But you sure are.  What difference does it make if I  "name" the case.  You still won't believe it because there was no big deal made.  Just a simple news story and it that news story no mention of race.  That was my point.  The only people who know are the ones who live near where it happened and knew the people involved.  No where in the news story does it say a BLACK cop shot a WHITE man.  Just that it happened.  But you are too foolish to see that.  So keep arguing with me.  You know that thing you say you aren't doing. It is quite entertaining.
"Let it go already. I am not complaining." Yet YOU ARE. Simple: You asked if I wanted you to "name every case" so I said go ahead. Haha! Why do you insist on bringing up race? What is your point?
It is entertaining that you are bringing up random things.

LOL  YOU LET IT GO!  How many times are we going to go thru the back and forth.  DO what you are screaming at me.  I have not complained once.  Simple made statements.  I am not bringing up random things.  This whole thing is about race.  If it was not it would not be white cop kills black man.  Or black people are killed by police.  It would simple be a man was killed by police.  And no mention of skin color would ever have been mentioned.  How hard is that for you to understand?  smh
I've been simply returning replies hence the back and forth. Let go of what exactly?  ???
And here we can see you are taking offense, per usual, by insinuating I'm "screaming" at you. HAHAHAHAHA! It is NOT that serious for me. I'm just typing on my keyboard. It's about race because evidently people are tired of "accidental" police killings where the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Don't be dense and let information go into your brain. Maybe shaking your head (SMH) will help.

Going back and looking at the replies YOU started this.  YOU replied to me first. SO using your own words don't get all butthurt when I reply back and defend myself.  You want to act like you are all innocent.  It seems you did not make the "cop school" comment but that is the comment that got this started.  I replied to that and you jumped in all mad because I said "I" did not think he meant to kill the man.  YOU could not handle that comment.  YOU could not let me have MY opinion.  The same thing you want to accuse me of.

I said repeatedly that he should be charged (which he has) and that he should go to jail.  But no, I do not think his intentions were to murder him.  You can't handle that.  You do not know his intention was to kill him any more than I know his intention was not to.  If he had wanted to kill him he would have shot him when he first started to struggle.  I think he was just trying to exert force and be rough with him.  Push things as far as he could. Like it seems he has in the past. 

As for what charges he received smarting off to me about that is pointless as "I" am not the one who decided what the charges would be.  I have no control over that.  But all this rioting and destruction is not making people see their side.  And also like I stated before (yeah you can't handle that either) the ones who were first demonstrating seeking justice I don't think they wanted this.  They are not the ones who are starting fires and destroying things.  SO basically now we are to the point where it is just a big mess and things are getting worse.  Interviews with the man's family have shown them asking people to just stop.


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Re: RIP: George Floyd
« Reply #74 on: June 01, 2020, 08:18:43 am »
Agree, really sad to see the video. Hopefully the video and subsequent protests will bring people closer together rather than apart.

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