Well wife rang up, informed (Which i would dispute) that does change from time to time, I'm sure had same static like ip for years, not paying extra $10 a month apparently to have one...
So after three years looking like after this next check my times up here, but like i said before, and ok, not always the case... but now done away with commissions and my awesome indicators i have, i made over $24 on monday and today over $23, on stocks, so here that be like 3 weeks worth of work or least 2..
Anyway God bless you all so so much and wish you all the very best out there, please stay safe... and take care...
Laters... Delman..
BTW... when one is hard done by, something happens, often can be misunderstanding, happened to me on rewarding ways, it's easy to go off in a huff and then complain somewhere saying it's a scam, or con, or whatever...
I have proved this has been ok, always gotten my check, made money off this... one of the best cause unlike click sense and ok rewarding ways tap research paid 2 cents for dq's one time, fusion has always paid the dq's, incentive like...
There are issues with this, not perfect, tap research pays poor..
But hey that's the idea i think, lot make off the dq's, like can get 10 cents in no time, when often doing survey that's 10 minutes for 9 cents can make 10 cents in dq's, partial rewards then... in say 3 minutes... crazy eh..
And they should pay you for how far you go, too many committing fraud on purpose, people DON'T see it as such online... SO YES you reading this, if you opening it, going off for 5 minutes returning then taking 5 cents out of 9, that's not right..
Many will argue of not only one does it, so not only one that commits murder either, doesn't make it ethically right, morally right..
And the argument, oh they don't mind, only 5 cents, over time that adds up to hundreds of dollars, go in to a bank or shop and try taking a few hundred dollars and you be in big trouble..
Does this mean we all squeeky clean, no, times we forced in surveys to say certain things or whatever...
Time we forget had it open and decided to carry it on and so on..
But out right on purpose all the time saying you have a car or phone, or went to cinema, when you have not, or opening up and leaving it open in case of tap research is nothing but fraud in my opinion and I'm trash, not perfect....
Hence why i said on purpose, with the intent, planned to and continuing to..