So you're not gonna address your bizarre statements? Not surprising.
At least answer this- what did Jesus use to put these "new holes" into His hands & feet? And did He get help? Kinda hard to pierce your own hands & feet! lol
Remember hitch, if it seems like I'm mocking the JWs, it's because you leave me no choice with the truly abhorrent mistreatment you throw at Jesus Christ. If you kept your bible illiteracy to yourself, you'd have saved your sect all this public ridicule.
So u scroll its a waste to speak bible with us then u still ask questions for debate?
You think cos you and most of the world mock JWs that means something?Still cant figure it out eh?
Im sure Noah was mocked too.Only 8 survived flood.Tsk tsk.So many more exampless.But ill show im a good guy and still answer the Thomas question.
You see Jesus wasnt recognized even by Thomas.Thomas wanted to see piercings right?Prompted Jesus to say words RE sight.
Also why do u think God never let Moses body be found?
Also bible says God resurrected Jesus in the spirit after his death.You even think Jesus resurrected himself..LOL!!
Examples in bible where angels put on spirit bodies as in Gabriel or angels with Abraham.
Hope u appreciate i was at least trying to be nice.
Again im sure if Jesus could raise the dead,walk on water etc,putting a few holes in his fleshly body to please Thomas was a piece of cake.
The JWs are mocked for good reason. The scripture is crystal clear, staring you right in the face and yet you let the Watchtower twist God's word into a pretzel.
You seem to have such difficulty with the fact that the Disciple 'didn't recognise' Jesus, but again, the explanation is so simple- too simple in fact, so that you need some preposterous explanation.
Nowhere in the Gospels does it say the Apostles "Didn't recognise" Jesus. In Luke, the Disciples fear He's a ghost, and He proves otherwise. Likewise, in John. Obviously they lived with Him and recognised Him immediately. So this in no way proves the magical "new body" Russell dreamed up. There is no evidence to the contrary that this was indeed Jesus body born in flesh.
The two times people 'didn't recognise' Him in the bible post resurrection were Mary Magdalene & the two walking from Emmaus. The first, I've explained countless times. Mary was weeping, Jesus comes up behind her, in the morning sun through tearful eyes she didn't recognise Him at first. No need to dream up a fairy tale explanation.
The two walking were not as close to Jesus as the Twelve. God used this fact to keep them from recognising Him easily. Again, a simple explanation like that should suffice for you, instead of undoing 2 millenniums of theology that prove Christ as the triune God.
As for Thomas, your Watchtower explanation makes no sense at all. Follow me with this.
The Disciples tell Thomas Jesus was raised to life
Thomas says he can't believe it....unless he sees the marks of the nails- Jesus wounds.
Why would he say that?
Because it would be the only proof that could be believed. Otherwise, if it happened as the Watchtower says, ANYONE could've walked through the door claiming to be Jesus.
So despite his reputation as "Doubting Thomas", Thomas was pretty smart. He knew the only way to prove Jesus was raised was to see the marks of the nails in His own body that He gave up to be crucified in.
But watch out! Here comes the Watchtower telling you that Jesus didn't want to prove to Thomas that He beat death & the grave by showing He was raised in the body He died to. He wanted to be a trickster! He didn't prove Himself the Lord over Life & Death! He manufactured a new body- complete with death wounds in order to trick Thomas into believing it was the same body that he sought proof of!
How sick is this teaching? How can you not call the Watchtower the spawn of Satan for fabricating this blasphemous garbage?
You are the one calling Jesus a liar. HE said He would raise Himself from the dead.
For the 4 billionth time (and watch it's significance blow right by you for the 4 billionth time-) John 2:18-22
The Jews then responded to him, “What sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?”
Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days.” They replied, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?”
But the temple he had spoken of was his body.
After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken.
The Disciples understood Him in this. Why can't you?