Hail hitch! Ruler of the FC forum!
lol You want that to be your claim to fame so badly, I think FC has given it to you out of pity. I'm through complaining to them about it- which I'm sure will make you very happy....
We knew u were done long ago.
Tell the forum how many posts u made to FC.If that doesnt identify U as a creep i dont know what does.I know U wont cos we proved that above and beyond.Not to mention all the other shots at us.
At least your friend CG knew enuff to stay outta our way.Its so obvious how many here she *isses off.Her exposure is well known.And im sure she wrote as many things to FC like u did.And you both LOST!!
You've won the forum hitch! Hail the conquering hero! Huzzah!
What will you do now? Go to Disneyland?
It all proves that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Just as Russell before you, you crave attention to push your corrupted doctrine. You've set the Watchtower up as the idol you worship. Beware, it may crush you when it falls!
Well i guess 21 million are deceived by Jesus words,"Keep doing this in rememberance of me."
Hail to you for NOT falling for that.
I celebrated Holy Thursday as I do every year. lol The JWs don't have a monopoly on breaking bread. lol
Look folks- his ego is such that he gave up replying to every post- except the one he made in the name of his original account- and he's been steadily building on it! It's all ego with hitch. I swear the worst thing I could do to him is ignore him completely. I think I don't ignore him out of sympathy. lol
Passover was on a Tues.
Partaking bread and wine is eating it to signify u r 1 of the 144000.
Learn something.
So ignore me.Communion is Satanic teaching.
I always wondered how so many of u foolish ones think UR going to heavenLemme remind u all.
God created the earth to be inhabited
The righteous will inherit the earth forever.
Jehovahs will will always be carried out.The eartth lasts forever with a human family.
ALL in the bible.
No, YOU learn something.
Breaking the bread and drinking from the wine is symbolic of Christ's Body broken for us and His Blood shed for us. Even the most coursitory reading of scripture could glean that.
1Cor 11:23-26
For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said,
“This is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying,
“This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.Wherever in your bizarre theology could you ever, EVER have this linked with the JW fixation on the 144,000?