This is a very difficult time for everybody. However, it is extremely important that we stay away from each other as much as possible. This is the nature of infectious disease when there is no vaccine or specified, focused treatment.
Some ideas:
If you become anxious or depressed, be sure and call on family or friends by either phone, or online chat. We are all stuck at home for the most part.
Breathe! Do deep breathing exercises several times a day. Exercise at home or in your yard. Get out and walk around in nature if only for 10-15 minutes. Focus on mindfulness, or the present, while in nature.
Read! Read any books you have at home that you always said you would like to.
Make a bucket list or a list of both short term and long term goals. This would be a good time to think about these. you can divide them into financial and personal.
Have books with crossword puzzles or other brain games? Time to focus on them.
Have some closets you always said you would like to clean and organize? Pick a room or two.
Make a list of your blessings and what is positive in your life. What could be worse? Focus on what is right.
Ladies: Clean out and organize your makeup and skincare!
Listen to music. Put on some that makes you peaceful. Put on some that makes you want to dance. Get up and dance!
Got an older or disabled neighbor? See if you can pick uo one or two item they may need on your next shopping trip. If they have a dog, do they need it walked? Maybe they just need a smile and to know you're there.
If you have any extra money at all, maybe you can contribute to your local food bank or charity of your choice that is helping out you community or state.
If you are in good health, contact your local blood bank to see if they need blood and how you can safely give it.
Sing to your radio in the shower. Sing proud and loud! Who cares!! Make yourself feel better.
In the evening, have a warm cup of tea or wine. Whatever your preference. Just don't go overboard on the alcohol!
Hope this helps someone. Stay safe, Fusion friends!