well-known as a racist, misogyonist, and generally nasty guy *** Please think more critically about who and what you support!
Sorry, but I just don't see it. Very much like Donald Trump, Rush has been
accused of being racist, misogynist, etc. because he has stated conservative minded opinions that others with a liberal mindset oppose. National media have repeated their biased opinions (which paint
every single conservative thinker as a racist regardless of their true opinions and reasoning/rationale). This turns into the generalization from those who never bother to listen to these thinkers outside of isolated sound bytes taken out of context - in turn making their own generalized parroted statements and accepting those biases as truth.
I, for one, think
very critically of (and do disagree at times with) Rush Limbaugh, but overall (not in every individual instance) agree with much of what he says. I can say the same thing with regard to noted conservatives Bill O'Reilly and Ben Shapiro, among others.
All three are considered racist Nazis by the mainstream media and by all those who follow those media outlets like sheep. But if you would take the time to
listen to the reasoning, logic, and rationale that these (and other conservatives) provide in their commentary -
really listen to it and not automatically discard it you would see that there is some truth to what they say and that they are not the evil mean-spirited misogynists that you have been programmed to assume that they are.
Please think more critically about who and what you have been programmed to automatically consider to be evil without giving any real analysis to what they have really said as opposed to what has been reported that they have said.
THAT mentality
is what is truly "inexcusable and pathetic".