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Topic: Fake News  (Read 2356 times)


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #15 on: January 31, 2020, 09:45:44 pm »
I hardly ever pay attention to the news. Real news is through your local TV station or PBS. That's all I watch.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #16 on: February 01, 2020, 09:25:22 am »
Those who are particularly naive and have a susceptibility to the dramatic and salacious seem to be drawn to these kind of stories.  I also think that if these type of stories fit a narrative you already have in your head and want to believe, then you are drawn to whatever fits or supports that narrative.  Sadly, some people do not evaluate, research, or use their common sense.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #17 on: February 01, 2020, 09:37:23 am »
What is the point with fake news? That is how rumors starts.

This makes no sense and has nothing to do with rumors. When a major news outlet has a news story it should be the truth. Not some fabricated something that is made up.   A lot of the stuff on certain stations about the president is flat out lies and made up.  But as far as big news stories like the things I mentioned in my first post  I do not know of any that are lies that we were fed.  I had a "friend" that believe the walking on the moon is a lie and was filmed on a movie set.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #18 on: February 01, 2020, 09:44:58 am »
I hardly ever pay attention to the news. Real news is through your local TV station or PBS. That's all I watch.

PBS has been caught lying.  And "local news" doesn't tell me what is going on in the world.  And even local stations can have stuff that is untrue.  We have a radio station and the guy who does the news is notorious for lying.   He will claim he spoke with this person or that person about something going on and quote them as saying something and it is total lies.  He made it all up.  So you really can't believe anything any more.  I mean there was a time when there was punishment for stunts like that.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #19 on: February 01, 2020, 09:50:13 am »
Those who are particularly naive and have a susceptibility to the dramatic and salacious seem to be drawn to these kind of stories.  I also think that if these type of stories fit a narrative you already have in your head and want to believe, then you are drawn to whatever fits or supports that narrative.  Sadly, some people do not evaluate, research, or use their common sense.

I do not understand what you are saying.  Drawn to what kind of stories?  The ones who say it is fake?  Or the story itself?  I remember when Sandy Hook happened.  I was watching tv and it broke it on ALL the stations. It did happen and that was not fake or just actors.  I have not really read any of the theories that it is a fake news story nor can I grasp how anybody can say it was. But I have seen where there are people who do not believe it.  I have a cousin who (and I am sure she got this when she was attending public school) who does not believe the bad stuff is real.  She does not believe the school shootings are real.  It is just tv and people trying to scare her.  None of the mass shootings really happened.  Heck, I guess the war our Pappaw fought in is a lie too.  smh


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2020, 12:34:35 pm »
I just find it amazing that people believe what they see and hear and read without trying to even corroborate it. Anyone can say anything on the internet and on the "news." Just because some so-called celebrity "news" anchor says something doesn't make it true.

It used to be that when you turned on the news you got a relatively unbiased account of what was going on in the world. You didn't really have to research it further, but if you wanted to you'd find it was pretty much on-target. Just try and convince someone who "knows" what fake news is and isn't that their beliefs are wrong and you're in for a lot more than you bargained for. It used to be that civil people could discuss any topic and listen to one another and agree to disagree--but at least listen without bashing each other.

Now I understand why my parents' generation used to call it the gold old days. Civility and simple human kindness are casualties of the "I want what I want who cares what you want who cares what's best for everyone" mentality.

Oh well. Maybe one day everyone will wake up and realize that time is short and that being "right" isn't as important as being good, kind, caring, helpful, generous and that empathy is better than apathy.

Sorry, I didn't mean for this to be a rant. I was just talking about this topic with my friends and we were reminiscing about how nice civil discourse used to be. And how nice it was to be able to turn on any news program and not feel like you want to throw up after watching it. LOL


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2020, 05:16:09 am »
I just find it amazing that people believe what they see and hear and read without trying to even corroborate it. Anyone can say anything on the internet and on the "news." Just because some so-called celebrity "news" anchor says something doesn't make it true.

It used to be that when you turned on the news you got a relatively unbiased account of what was going on in the world. You didn't really have to research it further, but if you wanted to you'd find it was pretty much on-target. Just try and convince someone who "knows" what fake news is and isn't that their beliefs are wrong and you're in for a lot more than you bargained for. It used to be that civil people could discuss any topic and listen to one another and agree to disagree--but at least listen without bashing each other.

Now I understand why my parents' generation used to call it the gold old days. Civility and simple human kindness are casualties of the "I want what I want who cares what you want who cares what's best for everyone" mentality.

Oh well. Maybe one day everyone will wake up and realize that time is short and that being "right" isn't as important as being good, kind, caring, helpful, generous and that empathy is better than apathy.

Sorry, I didn't mean for this to be a rant. I was just talking about this topic with my friends and we were reminiscing about how nice civil discourse used to be. And how nice it was to be able to turn on any news program and not feel like you want to throw up after watching it. LOL

Corroborate it? Research it further?  How exactly are you suppose to do that?  You can not go to China and see for yourself what is going on, say with this virus, and I am hearing there is a lot of lying going on and not being told everything.  There is no way to research that yourself.

There was something the other day, I honestly do not remember what, and someone said oh you have to learn to research it for yourself.  There are things that all you can do it see it on the news.  You can't research the news for yourself. You aren't there to see it first hand.  I watched Sandy Hook unfold on the news.  It was on ALL of the news stations.  But people say oh that is all fake.

You are correct, there was a time when if you saw it on the news it was truth. Sad what this world has become. And you are also right about wanting to throw up after watching the news.  I am so sick of the political ads it is unreal and it has just started.  I usually end up yelling at the TV.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #22 on: February 04, 2020, 07:24:17 am »
There are many sources to check and see if info is true.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #23 on: February 04, 2020, 07:26:48 am »
There are many sources to check and see if info is true.

Such as? If it is media or online you still do not know it is true.  Local news papers or radios are also just as likely to be fake.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #24 on: February 04, 2020, 07:48:25 am »
What is the point with fake news? That is how rumors starts.

This makes no sense and has nothing to do with rumors. When a major news outlet has a news story it should be the truth. Not some fabricated something that is made up.   A lot of the stuff on certain stations about the president is flat out lies and made up.  But as far as big news stories like the things I mentioned in my first post  I do not know of any that are lies that we were fed.  I had a "friend" that believe the walking on the moon is a lie and was filmed on a movie set.

Hey, countrygirl12. Thanks for being one of the people who know that many of the lies they propagate about the president are indeed total fabrication.

As far as the news is concerned, it indeed would be great if all news were true. However, I'm beginning to wonder if much of the news has always been someone's idea of the truth rather than the truth itself. That's pretty sad. That being said, I am totally convinced about the moonwalk and the school shootings that you mentioned. I can't see that lying about that would benefit anyone.

Talking about your friend who doesn't believe that people walked on the moon made me chuckle. My father-in-law, bless his heart, stated unequivocally that all that nonsense you saw about the moonwalk was "filmed in a cave in Kentucky."


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #25 on: February 04, 2020, 09:03:40 am »
We hear a lot of Fake News, but it is up to the individual to read or research it for yourself.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #26 on: February 04, 2020, 10:32:17 am »
What is the point with fake news? That is how rumors starts.

This makes no sense and has nothing to do with rumors. When a major news outlet has a news story it should be the truth. Not some fabricated something that is made up.   A lot of the stuff on certain stations about the president is flat out lies and made up.  But as far as big news stories like the things I mentioned in my first post  I do not know of any that are lies that we were fed.  I had a "friend" that believe the walking on the moon is a lie and was filmed on a movie set.

Hey, countrygirl12. Thanks for being one of the people who know that many of the lies they propagate about the president are indeed total fabrication.

As far as the news is concerned, it indeed would be great if all news were true. However, I'm beginning to wonder if much of the news has always been someone's idea of the truth rather than the truth itself. That's pretty sad. That being said, I am totally convinced about the moonwalk and the school shootings that you mentioned. I can't see that lying about that would benefit anyone.

Talking about your friend who doesn't believe that people walked on the moon made me chuckle. My father-in-law, bless his heart, stated unequivocally that all that nonsense you saw about the moonwalk was "filmed in a cave in Kentucky."

lol My friend said Hollywood. lol  It was all done on a movie set.  smh

There is no way something as massive as school shootings could be kept going if it were fake.  If a fake school shooting was reported in my home town I would be online calling BS saying this did not happen.  And so would people in other towns.

There is a lot of fake news but I think stuff like that is true.  If anything it would be made worse to get the people against gun ownership riled up.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #27 on: February 04, 2020, 10:45:19 am »
We hear a lot of Fake News, but it is up to the individual to read or research it for yourself.

Which goes back to what I just ask.  You cannot answer me.  All you do is say the same thing over and over.  HOW are you suppose to research something that you are no where close to.  You cannot talk to the person(s) involved personally and even then you do not know if they are telling you the truth.  The only "research" you can do is looking online and you have no idea any of the sources are any more truthful than the first.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #28 on: February 04, 2020, 03:53:53 pm »
I miss Walter Cronkite.


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Re: Fake News
« Reply #29 on: February 04, 2020, 04:20:39 pm »
Have you ever wondered started this stupid "fake New"? It's not funny or wanted.
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