A lot of families also have very good reason to use, to see when and where kids are after school, if there is an emergency, to keep in contact when they are not with parents. Change of schedules, when and where to pick up. You can do all sorts of things to block the kids just horsing around or playing games.
I can see both sides of the story, but still fall on the side that this proposal is idiotic.
We chose to get our daughter a cell phone for her 12th birthday - primarily for the reasons cited by plennis - in coordinating her school pickups and all of the other activities she is involved in. She has, like many other kids at that age - gotten herself into trouble by putting too much time and effort into using her phone for social interaction. And I will admit right off that we didn't do as good of a job as we should have (or that we thought we did) in setting the parental limits. It has resulted in her being grounded a few times because of it, and she also has had one school detention for being on her phone while she was not supposed to be... But it still has been well worth the times that we need to stay in touch with her or keep tabs on her through location sharing apps.
There was a 14 year old boy nearby to the area we live who went missing in the end of December. Zero traces of him other than a security camera that appeared to show him on his way to school the day he went missing. Maybe some of you heard about it as it made national news. He had been extremely active online posting dozens of videos on YouTube and many people were very critical of his parents for allowing that - a lot of them speculating that he had been lured or abducted by a predator who befriended him online.
None of that seems to have been the case. They finally found his body a week or two ago, stuck in the chimney of a vacant house across the street from his own. He had tried to get into the locked house via the roof and chimney - got trapped - and ultimately died of suffocation. Turned out he was upset with his parents who decided to not replace his cell phone that he broke or damaged somehow. I'm not sure if this was his way of acting out, or what. I believe he had some issues with autism and had "gone missing/run away" a few times before but just overnight.
It's probably unlikely that he would have been found in time had he had a working cell phone and
I am in no way suggesting any fault or blame on the parents, but still a tragic situation that
may have been avoided with a cell phone. ...or they at least may have found him sooner.