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Topic: Government medical care is a joke  (Read 4524 times)


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Government medical care is a joke
« on: October 15, 2009, 08:34:52 pm »
I have Caresource for my medicare provider but have been unsuccessful in finding a doctor for a year now. Everyone I call says that they do not have any openings. Caresource helpers say that they currently do not have any open doctors in my whole county. I also heard the same about the neighboring county. What good is health care if you can;t even find a place to use it. I think that if they are going to contract with the government then the health providers need to contract with more doctors to guarantee that the people get into see doctors. Why is the government not taking control of this situation?


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2009, 09:07:51 pm »
Actually, I understand what you mean. I am a military spouse so of course our healthcare is covered and is free, but there aren't too many doctors out there that accept it. It's like since you're not coming in and paying a co-pay they could care less. It's not all what it's cracked up to be. :(


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2009, 02:41:59 pm »
ur just finding that out lol but yeah it is , Check out Micheal Moore's Sicko , other countries put ours to shame


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2009, 04:50:02 pm »
i want to move to a better country. so much greedy lil punks that make this country look like crap


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2009, 05:01:26 pm »
Our healthcare system sucks, but government-sponsored healthcare is the worst possible so-called solution to an ever-growing problem.

Seriously, it's already been tried. It failed. Can we please use our talents to come up with an actual solution, or are we really so dumb as to repeat the mistakes of others?! It's not free health care. Nothing is free. I really don't want to pay the extra taxes just to end up with longer lines and having my government control yet another aspect of my life. And I don't want to pay extra for those folks who think it's free and choose to go everyday just in case. We think healthcare costs are outrageous now...wait 'til they start telling people it's free. Oh, and I also don't want my government deciding whether or not I need an operation based on their latest budget figures.

Canadians, who have this system, are coming here for healthcare because they are willing to pay for healthcare in the U.S. in addition to the healthcare they are paying for in their own country. Why? It sucks. What's the use of having so-called "free" healthcare that you're actually paying for if you have to wait 6 months to get your broken leg set? Under this program, what incentive do doctors have to make advances? What incentive do they have to work long hours once they have reached the top pay permitted for a doctor under this program? You think doctors think of you as a faceless case now, wait 'til they're not making any money off of you.

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox.... I did tons of research on this years ago, sorry for the lengthy response.


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2009, 06:25:49 pm »
Seriously, it's already been tried. It failed.

No it didn't.  If you've done so much research on this, surely you researched Japan and France?

It's funny how people always use Canada or England as examples when they want to defend the stance universal health care systems fail and are a horrible idea.  They never bother to mention any of the ones that clearly work, that clearly run at lower costs than the system we have today, that are clearly more effective and yield better results than the system we have today, that clearly rank higher in treatment in almost every single category, that rank as the top health care systems in the world, etc.

Universal health care systems obviously have their flaws; any health care system that could possibly be pondered would have its flaws.  The question is:  Are the flaws of having universal health care, when done correctly, a bigger problem than the flaws that come along with a system more like our own?  And the answer is a flat, "No."  If managed and set up correctly, a universal health care system has been proven to yield better or equal benefits at lower costs.


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2009, 03:28:12 pm »
Universal health care systems obviously have their flaws; any health care system that could possibly be pondered would have its flaws.  The question is:  Are the flaws of having universal health care, when done correctly, a bigger problem than the flaws that come along with a system more like our own?  And the answer is a flat, "No."  If managed and set up correctly, a universal health care system has been proven to yield better or equal benefits at lower costs.

The key words are "If managed and set up correctly". Can you name one government run program that has been managed and set up correctly? I bet you will have trouble finding one... FEMA? failure... Social Security? failure... CIA? FBI? Military? all completely bloated, in-efficient agencies. To think this will be the first really successful, truly well managed and 'set up correctly' is just living in a fantasy. The problem is, unlike military spending with their 20,000$ toilet seats and endless funneling of money to corporations. This system will not only flood money to the big pharma companies, but when it fails you wont be just broke but also dead. You are literally betting your LIFE that this new health care system will work and be well managed/setup correctly unlike every other government program. If you want to talk about the success of Japan's healthcare system for example, its not because the price of the care as much as the kind of care. For example Accupuncture is NOT covered under government health plan, not even the current medical or medicaid. In fact this year they stopped covering 'chiropractors' as well. Then there is the simple number of prescriptions and normal lifestyle of the Japanese versus Americans. You must admit the diet is very different, and they still allow doctors to prescribe or 'recommend' vitamins/minerals/nutrients/suppliments etc. That is almost unheard of here and in fact some things are not even legal to purchase due to "safety" with these vitamins and then the forced label that they "do not help cure or treat sickness of disease' which is completely counter intuitive and the opposite of what history has shown us... yet the pharmaceuticals of course are fine to ship across state borders even and they have side effects like "death". A universal healthcare plan can work great, just like a truly communist or socialist state can work if it was not corrupt. The problem is when the corruption appears and checks and balances have been removed. The US has a horrible medical industry at the moment, the amount of sick people rising due to more than just bad care, but diet, and bad prescriptions/vaccines at a young age which damage immune systems etc. These things need to be corrected long before a universal health care plan should be in effect.

Is there something specific that Obama is doing in this healthcare plan that makes you confident it will be "set up right" and not be yet another failed government program which will have direct impact on our health? I only hear nothing but buzz words and arguments over illegal immigrants which is a moot point. What will this plan REALLY do? How much will it cost? how will it help? these are the things they really dont talk about much... Why arent they trying to sell us the healthcare plan by telling us the benefits and costs? instead they are selling it through fear of "what if you cant be covered" and "look at this guy who had health care issues" just keeping the fear going to convince people its SO bad now that anything will be an improvement. Well the truth is, not "anything" will be an improvement. Our system is screwed this is a fact, but by forcing us to take part in a screwed system and forcing the screwed system on others or "guaranteeing" them the BAD care they need, is it really helping? You should see the number of people who die each year do to medical "mistakes". The number of people on prescription meds for no reason, this will only increase the numbers and pass the debt on to the taxpayers. Increasing the already incredible tax burden, sooner or later we will see 10% of our check and the rest will pay for failed government programs like Social Security or that Spanish American War tax that they recently removed after 100 or so years... These things once implemented are PERMANENT, not government program is temporary. So in reality, we know these things dont work well, but even if they did, its one more stab in the Back of America to take away your freedom of choosing health care, or participating in these sort of programs. This is great for people who want to live in a country where Government is treated like daddy who makes all your choices for you because you cannot make good choices yourself... like banning trans fats here in California... Im all for no trans fats, but is it the governments place to ban it from fast food because its "bad for you"? and is it their right to force you into a medical system you do not agree with? what if you want alternative medicine? Japanese medicine? Chinese medicines? many other therapies and proven techniques which have last hundreds or thousands of years... but those are not covered or available.. you will pay out of pocket, while at the same time you are stuck in a universal healthcare system that you pay for, so your paying double basically. This is not uncommon in countries with universal health care... If there was not limits on the type of care this wouldnt be AS dangerous, although still not 'safe' by any means.


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2009, 10:29:35 pm »
Universal health care systems obviously have their flaws; any health care system that could possibly be pondered would have its flaws.  The question is:  Are the flaws of having universal health care, when done correctly, a bigger problem than the flaws that come along with a system more like our own?  And the answer is a flat, "No."  If managed and set up correctly, a universal health care system has been proven to yield better or equal benefits at lower costs.

The key words are "If managed and set up correctly". Can you name one government run program that has been managed and set up correctly?

If the French can do it, surely we can.  In our very short history, we've been on the cutting edge of almost everything; I see no reason why this should be different.


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2009, 11:58:27 pm »
 :sad1: I'm disabled, and on medicare... I haven't seen a Dr. in months..I need to,, but I got a bill after the last time!!! I am suposed to have full coverage, because I also have medi-cal too... I don't know what's going on!!!


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2009, 11:18:56 pm »
Maybe some day this country will have socialized medicine- health services for all- rich or poor. They will have to see you and not ask how are you going to pay us? That is the way it is right now in some places. Some providers do not want to accept Medicare although we pay into the system via payroll deductions. They way it is now, in some cases, it is a joke!


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2009, 03:46:07 pm »
anytime govt gets involved 3 things happen costs more and lot more waste and red tape


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #11 on: October 23, 2009, 11:00:32 am »
Maybe some day this country will have socialized medicine- health services for all- rich or poor. They will have to see you and not ask how are you going to pay us? That is the way it is right now in some places. Some providers do not want to accept Medicare although we pay into the system via payroll deductions. They way it is now, in some cases, it is a joke!

Universal health care does not have to be socialized health care -.- France has universal health care.  An estimated 90% of their health care industry is privatized.  Universal =/= socialism.

anytime govt gets involved 3 things happen costs more and lot more waste and red tape

And when markets run rampant, people die.


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #12 on: October 23, 2009, 11:03:28 am »
I don't agree with universal healthcare. Bums on he street do not deserve it. But everyone who is working and atleast trying to make a living should be compensated for it in some way.


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #13 on: October 23, 2009, 05:16:06 pm »
I don't agree with universal healthcare. Bums on he street do not deserve it. But everyone who is working and atleast trying to make a living should be compensated for it in some way.

Why not?  Do you know why every bum is out on the street?  What if they're mentally ill?  Do they not deserve care like the rest of us?

Sheesh   :angry7:


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Re: Government medical care is a joke
« Reply #14 on: October 23, 2009, 07:15:55 pm »
socialized medical care is a joke, look @ the system in Canada, it is way worse than here, check google, and look for a video about it by Steven Crowder and see for yourself.

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