I have answered you.You dont accept the answers.I have sent you links from JW.org.You dont accept them.
Because your answers are nonsensical at best, laughable at worst.
RE being a witness,wasnt Abel a witness of Jehovah,or Noah,or Moses.Doesnt Math 24:14 say the kingdom will be preached as a witness?
But you guys take it a step farther. Where in the scriptures does it say God's people are only to be referred to as Jehovah's Witnesses? Anywhere in scripture?
I dont follow you on your fabrication theory.
Why couldnt Jesus pay the ransom?He was Gods son and sinless and he represented his father.
I sent you the link on Jesus body.Did u read it?Plus he was a spirit then not a man.Jesus wasnt recognized.Mary knew it was him not from sight.And i told u what link said Re Thomas.
If Mary knew it was not him, who was it? And no, the scripture is quite plain about it. Christ accepted worship from Thomas- as God. (John 20:28 “My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed.) ONLY GOD can accept WORSHIP.
He came to them in flesh and ate with them. He was not a spirit. (Luke24 38-42)
“Why are you frightened?” he asked. “Why are your hearts filled with doubt? 39 Look at my hands. Look at my feet. You can see that it’s really me. Touch me and make sure that I am not a ghost, because ghosts don’t have bodies, as you see that I do.” 40 As he spoke, he showed them his hands and his feet.
41 Still they stood there in disbelief, filled with joy and wonder. Then he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” 42 They gave him a piece of broiled fish, 43 and he ate it as they watched."
This is very important. Don't just throw Watchtower tracts at me, answer the question. How is this not the Risen Christ in the flesh He died in?
Gods kingdom started in heaven in 1914.War broke out and Satan and angels confined to earth.WW1 was good indication,plus other things fulfilled.The saying the nations will know that i am Jehovah is mentioned quite a bit in bible.I think many will know that when Great tribulation begins.Obviously Jesus presence will be felt gathering goats and sheep.
Again, this has nothing to do with scripture. If you believe Russel didn't dream this up from whole cloth, I've got some bridges I'd like to sell you out here.
JWs have been told NOT to waste time on those who dont have right heart condition.Witnessing here at least new members come in.Dontcha think we know by now not to waste our time in debate...which we admit are guilty of doing in the sense we can reach out to them or a newbie.
Fact is you don't want debate for fear of it countering the Watchtower programming.
Sorry the hell theory is symbolic to everlasting destruction.A loving God would never punish even his enemies that way.Satan wants us to think Jehovah is a brute just like he wants us to think Jesus is a poor babe in a stall when he is King of Kings.
Christ spoke more of Hell then He did of Heaven as a warning to us. Without punishment there is no justice. How would you like to have a loved one robbed or murdered and have the judge say "Sorry, I can't punish this man. I don't want him to suffer."
Where do you think Jesus was born? The Taj Mahal? He came in meekness and lowly like a slave to all. Man, you are so mixed up, it's painful to watch.
As i said before,in 1800s they knew 1914 was going to be a significant date.God has allowed for men to make mistakes too.Look at the apostles...they often erred.
Not on theology they didn't.
Not to judge?Discernment needs to be used.Remember what Jesus said when he cured on Sabbath day.He said if their mule fell into a ditch would u rescue it.Would u judge a loved one going down the wrong path to save his life?
When the bible tells you not to judge a brother who has a special day for celebrating the Lord, and you call that brother a pagan, you are not saving anyone. You are spitting in the face of God.
Look lets face it.The majority of the world doesnt care about God and what Jesus did.And then many are blinded RE heaven and hell.The bible says God created the earth to be inhabited and the righteous will dwell forver on it.Yes Satan threw a monkey wrench in it but God solved it with Jesus being the seed to bruise him in the head as first prophecy says.
But again, how can your Jesus save anyone when He isn't God manifest in flesh?