According to the Bible, extraterrestrial life not only exists but exists in abundance. It is more complex, more interesting, and more believable than anything that evolutionists, science-fiction writers, and moviemakers have dreamed up. After all, an extraterrestrial is simply a being who originates outside this earth and its atmosphere.
We Are Not Alone
Day after day, year in and year out, SETI astronomers continue to comb the skies for signals from intelligent life. They feel that their search may take another decade, or it may take a century. How ironic! They are spending their lives, their hopes, and huge amounts of money looking for a signal that mankind received centuries ago. For the Bible itself is a message from an extraterrestrial Intelligence, and it is superior in every way to the signals that even the most optimistic scientists envision.
How has mankind responded to the only genuine extraterrestrial message? How do humans, by and large, respond to the Bible? They ignore it. They deliberately misapply it to their own ends. They insult its Sender with an appalling array of baseless and superstitious teachings. They even call it a fraud and deny the very existence of its Sender. Needless to say, our Creator has been far from pleased with humanity’s response. Still, he has continued to communicate. By means of his Word, he is educating millions of people today in the ways of peace. These people represent Jehovah and carry his communications to the world. But only a tiny minority of mankind listens to them. The world in general turns a deaf ear.—Isaiah 2:2-4; Matthew 24:14.
Happily, though, each of us can communicate with the greatest Being in the universe, and this without expensive technology, without waiting ages for messages to cross the void of space. You can listen now by studying your Bible and proving for yourself whether it does indeed come from a superhuman Source. You can respond by prayer and by the way you live your life. We are not alone. Our Creator promises that “he is not far off from each one of us.”—Acts 17:27; see also 1 Chronicles 28:9.
To add to this,we can see in the book of Genesis right before God destroyed the earth cos of the wickedness angels were able to materialize and put on fleshly bodies.They had sex with woman and created an offspring called the Nephillim.Wicked human giants that only added to Gods displeasure and bring the flood.
The wicked angels are not permiited to materialize anymore but their presence can still be felt on earth especially since 1914.They are referred to as demons with Satan as their leader.The influence of the occult is quite prevalent today cos they know they have a short time before God gets rid of them and the ungodly people that support them.