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Topic: Young parents, something to ponder  (Read 1715 times)


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #15 on: September 23, 2019, 10:01:11 pm »
I is very important that you discipline your children and let them know that there are limits and you shouldn't go beyond that limit.         
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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #16 on: September 24, 2019, 12:08:11 pm »
My 3yr old grandson is hard to deal with sometimes. I askedcmynson if he spanks him,he said no. He said they have but didn't do any good. I remember getting spanked by my dad. Think because of it I didn like him to much anymore. He didn't do it often. Don't remember spanking my own kids.


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2019, 06:53:46 am »
Gauging the success of my children: Daughter received one 'B' (online gym class) and all A's, all the way through her graduation with a full ride at one of the top three engineering schools in the country (magna *bleep* laude), High School Valedictorian, Tennis captain, Soccer captain, Deca president, School Council President, marching band Abassador, first chair in the State orchestra/band with an invite to play for the city symphony, first place(with her team) for new substance development at the Komstanz International Materials conference, Fluent at a post graduate level in the Chinese language and currently designing missile defense systems for the government; Son maintained a three point eight cumulative at a prestigious private school, multiple D1 and D2 college scholarship offers for his excellence in Lacrosse, currently sitting with straight A's, also fluent in Chinese, on track to finish a double major in international business finance and economics, invited to serve a second internship with the largest bank in the world; both kids contribute a percentage of their income and time to charity...I would say that Love, patience, devotion, guidance, direction, attention, fair treatment seemed to have worked fine for my family much more than physical discipline. Sparing discipline was not a form of hatred (wherever that misquote came from). They have been taught to feel compassion and empathy for those that are less fortunate.  I am quite certain that they would communicate a need for money rather than feeling compelled to rob a bank and feel, strongly, that (due to a deep respect for all things living-instilled by me) the taking of a life would only happen if there life was at stake. I can say that, without a doubt, blame would never be thrown on me/my wife if they were to encounter shortcomings.


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2019, 07:44:45 am »
Tresbn00- It is NOT  misquote.  It is in the Bible.  You do what works for you. But there is nothing wrong with spanking kids.  Too many parents are all "oh not my kid" and that is the ones who end up like the one in this made up story. BTW, it is not real.

Point is you can be all "not my kid" and they can get away with stuff as a child but the crimes will get more and more and eventually they will either end up shot when they break in to someone's home, or they commit a heinous crime like this one and end up in jail for the rest of their life or on death row.  And it is their fault but the parents do play a part in why their kid turned out to be a pathetic monster.  And most likely the parent will still defend their actions.


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2019, 08:43:37 am »
While a parent bringing their child up the right way is supported by God there are examples where freedom of choice takes over too.

Moses......the boy who was raised in luxury in Egypt by the daughter of Pharaoh—yet never forgot that he was an Israelite?He had wisdom.The beginning of wisdom is the fear of God.

He could have chose the worldly way of the Egyptians,instead he loved God and obeyed him and became a great prophet and wrote many of the books of the bible.


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2019, 07:54:44 am »
Thanks for the feedback. I tend to look for exact quotes and cited resources.I have checked three resources but none are able to identify the word "hatred" in the bible. What would appear to be the most relevant source,, cites the use of the word "hate" seventy one times in the old testament/sixteen times in the new testament of the King James Version; eighty times in the old testament/thirteen times in the new testament of the New American Standard Version-1995 ed; sixty three times in the old testament/seventeen times in the new testament of the New International version and seventy six times in the old testament, eighteen times in the new testament of the New Revised Standard Version of the bible. I stick by my copy of the King James version. Perhaps I am missing a version that contains the word "Hatred"?


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #21 on: September 27, 2019, 08:52:38 am »
Thanks for the feedback. I tend to look for exact quotes and cited resources.I have checked three resources but none are able to identify the word "hatred" in the bible. What would appear to be the most relevant source,, cites the use of the word "hate" seventy one times in the old testament/sixteen times in the new testament of the King James Version; eighty times in the old testament/thirteen times in the new testament of the New American Standard Version-1995 ed; sixty three times in the old testament/seventeen times in the new testament of the New International version and seventy six times in the old testament, eighteen times in the new testament of the New Revised Standard Version of the bible. I stick by my copy of the King James version. Perhaps I am missing a version that contains the word "Hatred"?


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #22 on: September 27, 2019, 09:06:26 am »
The Bible is not a answer for all things. It has been rewritten to accommodate people who think the Bible is their daily go to read. Seriously people commonsense is needed. You can raise your child to what you think is best but yet they will be their own person no matter what. You do not control their friends or associates. So what ever influence in their life can not all be boiled down to parents or some bible. My son has not been raised by the bible and guess what he is 15 yrs old and doing well. Coder and a game programmer. He does not believe in the bible and I have not forced it on him. When I was young I went to church often but it was not to so I one day only follow a bible. It was something my dad had me do because that is what people did in those days. I do not force any bible on my child and never will. He is doing just fine without it. In hinds thought he could teach some of you a few things on the world. Why do you think children now days actually think climate change is a real issue or guns do actually kill by the persons who are in control of them. They read and understand the world and the bible did not help with that. Do not get me wrong I believe in God. I just think that now days God is not in the bible like its suppose to be. He is rewritten by maniacs. Mainly by sinners.


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #23 on: September 27, 2019, 09:29:41 am »
The Bible is not a answer for all things. It has been rewritten to accommodate people who think the Bible is their daily go to read. Seriously people commonsense is needed. You can raise your child to what you think is best but yet they will be their own person no matter what. You do not control their friends or associates. So what ever influence in their life can not all be boiled down to parents or some bible. My son has not been raised by the bible and guess what he is 15 yrs old and doing well. Coder and a game programmer. He does not believe in the bible and I have not forced it on him. When I was young I went to church often but it was not to so I one day only follow a bible. It was something my dad had me do because that is what people did in those days. I do not force any bible on my child and never will. He is doing just fine without it. In hinds thought he could teach some of you a few things on the world. Why do you think children now days actually think climate change is a real issue or guns do actually kill by the persons who are in control of them. They read and understand the world and the bible did not help with that. Do not get me wrong I believe in God. I just think that now days God is not in the bible like its suppose to be. He is rewritten by maniacs. Mainly by sinners.
If you were taught the truth about something and then taught others lies what would be the result?Maniacs wrote the bible?So Moses was a maniac?Or the apostle Peter was a maniac?Or the apostle John was a maniac?

Listen for whatever your reasons are <and i know what they are>it might be a good idea to know what you are talking about RE the bible.The fact that this world is a shambles and mankind grows old and dies,the bible reveals why.

The influence of Jesus being here over 2000 yrs ago backs up he was the son of God and represented his father to come into the world and reveal truth as well as ransom his life so mankind would have a chance to live forever and have Gods original purpose fulfilled and put Satans lies to rest for all time and vindicate Gods name.

The fact that there are many different religeons that DONT teach bible  truth.....why should you blame the TRUE God?The bible even reveals that this would happen and gives the name Babylon the great to Satanic teachings.

All scripture is inspired by Jehovah and beneficial for teaching and reproving and setting matters straight.

Who is your god?Does he have a name?Even Satan is referred to as a god.Given the chance to be a god of this system now <and it shows>God is just a title.How do u serve and worship and love a nameless god?You dont wanna be referred to as nameless do u?
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 09:36:38 am by Drutts0643 »


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #24 on: September 29, 2019, 01:00:37 pm »
Im sorry that inmate was a very selfish person.God gave us all freedom of choice.Yes disciplining is important when a child is growing up.But a parent having patience is not a crime either.

God was very patient and forgiving in Moses day against Pharoah.Sadly for him and his army they learned the hardway like this inmate did.

I have heard children blame their parents for them being born.Think about how selfish that attitude is.

Again using the bible if God destroyed A&E right after they sinned there would be NOOOOOOOOOOO human race.A concept that makes those that think when you die you go to heaven a farce.God warned them of consequence if they ate from a certain tree and they werent deprived of anything.Selfish thought made A&E sin and die.Just like the inmates desire to committ crimes and now he has to die.

We have a conscience instilled in us.Too many many harden it with a selfish desire that you think about and then it goes to the heart where u committ the sin......then its too late.

I agree.  Unfortunately, my granddaughter has that attitude that she never does anything wrong.  That will not serve her well through life.


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #25 on: September 30, 2019, 03:25:47 pm »
Im sorry that inmate was a very selfish person.God gave us all freedom of choice.Yes disciplining is important when a child is growing up.But a parent having patience is not a crime either.

God was very patient and forgiving in Moses day against Pharoah.Sadly for him and his army they learned the hardway like this inmate did.

I have heard children blame their parents for them being born.Think about how selfish that attitude is.

Again using the bible if God destroyed A&E right after they sinned there would be NOOOOOOOOOOO human race.A concept that makes those that think when you die you go to heaven a farce.God warned them of consequence if they ate from a certain tree and they werent deprived of anything.Selfish thought made A&E sin and die.Just like the inmates desire to committ crimes and now he has to die.

We have a conscience instilled in us.Too many many harden it with a selfish desire that you think about and then it goes to the heart where u committ the sin......then its too late.

I agree.  Unfortunately, my granddaughter has that attitude that she never does anything wrong.  That will not serve her well through life.
Map you hope they grow out of it or even learn the hardway........if its the latter at least they learn.You just hope the consequences isnt too serious before or if they do learn.

Sign of todays times how the youth would be thankless.


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2019, 11:17:23 pm »
The mom didn't do the kid any favors!


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #27 on: October 03, 2019, 02:13:55 pm »
Parents are to raise the kids and not think everything they do is cute or ok.  Discipline is very important and can be done with love.  His mom always took up for him instead of correcting him.  A lot of parents want to be friends instead of parents.


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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2019, 02:33:31 pm »
i've seen this one on fb a lot...but for him to blame his mother..i dont agree with that..yes,she maybe should have disciplined him more..but once you are an adult..all those choices are can't blame someone else for point of view..
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Re: Young parents, something to ponder
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2019, 01:45:52 pm »
I agree that upbring dictates mindset but this letter seems mamipulative.  He obviously knew the error of his ways and committed those errors anyway.

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