I looked here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sphynx_cat for more information on this breed, sharing some photos (4) here too below:These breed standards are defined by The International Cat Association (TICA):[3]
Wedge-shaped heads with prominent cheekbones
Large, lemon-shaped eyes
Very large ears with no hair on inside, but soft down on outside base
Well-muscled, powerful neck of medium length
Medium length torso, barrel-chested, and full, round abdomen, sometimes called a pot belly
Paw pads thicker than other cats, giving the appearance of walking on cushions
Whiplike, tapering tail from body to tip, (sometimes with fur all over tail or a puff of fur on the tip, like a lion)
Muscular body[3]
A male purebred Sphynx in the "mink" pattern. Like a pointed cat, the mink pattern also exhibits darker points: the ears, tips of tail, feet and nose. However, whereas the pointed pattern is entirely colorless everywhere else on the body, the mink coloration has some color throughout the body and just slightly darker points in adulthood. The mink pattern can be combined with any color.[4]
Sphynxes are known for their extroverted behavior. They display a high level of energy, intelligence, curiosity, and affection for their owners.[5] They are one of the more dog-like breeds of cats, frequently greeting their owners at the door and friendly when meeting strangers.
History of the cat breed[edit]
Although hairless cats have been reported throughout history, breeders in Europe have been working on the Sphynx breed since the early 1960s. Two different sets of hairless felines discovered in North America in the 1970s provided the foundation cats for what was shaped into the existing Sphynx breed.
The contemporary breed of Sphynx cat, also known as the Canadian Sphynx, is distinct from the Russian hairless cat breeds like Peterbald and Donskoy.