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Topic: plastic bags cost  (Read 3377 times)


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2019, 06:23:56 am »
Only at Aldi.  A clerk told me the bags are the most expensive things in the store and managers want them to use as few as possible.  Often they have to double them up because they so flimsy or they can't get them open to put your items in.  I've seen bags burst before people can get to their cars.  I reuse the bags to line trash cans also but I'm not willing to pay 10 cents for a bag.

Who every told you that is an idiot.  The bags are not the most expensive thing in the store.  And there is no way I would pay 10 cents for a bag that will likely rip before I get to my car.  You are right, most times the bags rip as you put your stuff in it.  If they change the laws in my state and you have to pay for the bags or you have to have your own then I would take my own.  I have a ton of them.  I just don't usually remember to take them. And like I said, when I have they load them so full the cloth bags almost rip from the weight.  Just because there is room doesn't mean you should keep cramming stuff in the bag.


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #31 on: September 05, 2019, 06:58:24 am »
Here in my state recently all merchants have started to charge 10 cents for plastic bags when you buy something. You can bring your own bags to avoid these  extra charges. Does this happen in your state yet?
Yes and so I have bought me some bags and I reuse them all the time.


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2019, 07:28:26 am »
If they change the laws in my state and you have to pay for the bags or you have to have your own then I would take my own.  I have a ton of them.  I just don't usually remember to take them.

Like you said, it is a matter of remembering to take your own bags in the first place. The other issue becomes - how do you know how many bags to bring? How many times I go to the store for milk and bread and walk out with a $50+ order! It's very rarely 'junk food' and while some of it may be impulse grocery purchases, it is often stuff that we do need, just didn't think of it ahead of time. If I only have one small bag with me - what do I do?

I think we may be heading in this direction, but it is going to take more broad sweeping changes to convert over to that and the typical and customary practice.

(I still laugh when I think about the environmentalist push to move away from brown paper grocery bags to these "far superior" and tree-friendly plastic ones.)   ::)


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2019, 07:29:53 am »
Providing plastic bags to customers is just something that stores do. ;)

Any store the doesn't elect to provide customers with free plastic bags, should be safe to shop at because they are not conforming to standards of business necessary for customer satisfaction to get upset at customers about things. This doesn't mean I encourage them charging for bags as a means of sparing people, but rather I am annoyed with how cheap some people are that are trying to make decisions about running things. I also hear so much about the Aldi store and maybe we should just say they can't take things out on their customers till they start providing free bags.

Tax or other fee for plastic bags, not a YET, it's a NEVER!   


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #34 on: September 05, 2019, 01:17:24 pm »
There are some cities and suburbs that charge for plastic bags but it doesn't bother me as I have been using reusable bags for years.  Just about all the summer events that are held in the suburbs hand out free bags that can be reused and always pick a least a dozen at the auto show each year.  Great way to help the environment. 


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #35 on: September 05, 2019, 01:22:54 pm »
If they change the laws in my state and you have to pay for the bags or you have to have your own then I would take my own.  I have a ton of them.  I just don't usually remember to take them.

Like you said, it is a matter of remembering to take your own bags in the first place. The other issue becomes - how do you know how many bags to bring? How many times I go to the store for milk and bread and walk out with a $50+ order! It's very rarely 'junk food' and while some of it may be impulse grocery purchases, it is often stuff that we do need, just didn't think of it ahead of time. If I only have one small bag with me - what do I do?

I think we may be heading in this direction, but it is going to take more broad sweeping changes to convert over to that and the typical and customary practice.

(I still laugh when I think about the environmentalist push to move away from brown paper grocery bags to these "far superior" and tree-friendly plastic ones.)   ::)

Our grocery store still has the paper bags if you ask for them.


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #36 on: September 05, 2019, 02:27:18 pm »
I have clothe bags that I take to the store. I get 3 cents for each bag I use instead of their plastic bags, but hubby is the opposite. He's embarrassed to take the clothe bags so we have piles of plastic bags here. I get mad but there's nothing I can do about it because he won't let me go with him anymore. I take too long because of the walking. He can go to the store and bring home a large list of items within 1/2 hour where I take 1-1/2 hours. i do recycle the bags using them for other things. i just wish our recycling centers would take them. But I haven't had to buy real garbage bags for years!


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #37 on: September 05, 2019, 05:37:15 pm »
Providing plastic bags to customers is just something that stores do. ;)

Any store the doesn't elect to provide customers with free plastic bags, should be safe to shop at because they are not conforming to standards of business necessary for customer satisfaction to get upset at customers about things. This doesn't mean I encourage them charging for bags as a means of sparing people, but rather I am annoyed with how cheap some people are that are trying to make decisions about running things. I also hear so much about the Aldi store and maybe we should just say they can't take things out on their customers till they start providing free bags.

Tax or other fee for plastic bags, not a YET, it's a NEVER!   

It's part of ALDI's business model, perhaps because they are a German company & paying for shopping bags is part & parcel of living in Europe for decades. ALDIs is a great place to shop, the prices are SO incredibly low, it benefits anyone to shop there.  Last week they had a dozen eggs for .49cents & they are locally sourced.  Bring a quarter to get a cart & bring your own bags... the low everyday prices & excellent quality are worth it.


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #38 on: September 05, 2019, 06:54:07 pm »
It has not started in my state yet, but I am expecting it to start at some point.  I have bought a couple of the re-usable bags and will start using them.


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #39 on: September 05, 2019, 07:10:04 pm »
The stores haven't started charging for plastic bags here yet.  At the grocery store, we get a $.05 per bag credit when we bring in our own bag rather use the free plastic bags.  I am not too good yet about remembering to bring my own bags into the grocery store.  I often take the plastic bags to work for reuse there in the client's garbage cans.
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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #40 on: September 06, 2019, 06:47:15 am »
Not happening on the State of Virginia, only on stores like Aldi, Lidl and Price Rite.  On the District (DC) they do charge for all bags, (plastic and paper), so if you do not take your own bag and want one pay the .10 cents regardless of which one you get.

I will hate for all of them to disappear, I have a dog that is paper trained (came to me that way), and even though she loves going outside, I skip it when it rains, snows or extremely cold weather and I use plastic bags to put her dirty newspaper/training pads on, I cannot just put them on my regular trash can, it will stink up my house.  We also use grocery plastic bags for special trash like shrimp and chicken skins or things that will leave the regular trash can smelling bad, and also to pick up the smaller trash from around the house (bathrooms Laundry room, etc.)
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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #41 on: September 06, 2019, 10:07:41 am »
There is basically no good that can come from commenting on this topic, but it is an easy thread to have a comment on.

I don't agree that Aldi's price are way low. Some of Aldi's prices are low or great or good or fine. But, most are not. A lot of what they sell is crap and it ain't even cheap crap. This thread is not really about the prices at Aldi though. In many situations Aldi is higher than other stores or they don't really sell the same thing. Kroger is actually generally lower than Aldi and then Walmart is often higher than Kroger. But, if you want to talk this let's start a new thread. We can go in circles about this until I reach my 30 posts. Aldi needs FREE bags to hit rather than upcharge or swing on people. Or at some point we say we don't care these people are stupid.   


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #42 on: September 06, 2019, 10:26:28 am »
Connecticut has banned the use of plastic bags.  Stores charge 10 cents per bag if you need them.  Too many times I have parked the car and entered the store only to go back and get the reusable bags I keep stored in the trunk.  I suppose in time remembering the bags will become a habit or at least I hope so.


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #43 on: September 06, 2019, 01:23:52 pm »
I was in Canada recently, BC to be specific, and you have to pay 5¢ for any plastic bag at the supermarket if you don't bring your own.


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Re: plastic bags cost
« Reply #44 on: September 06, 2019, 01:53:34 pm »
Providing plastic bags to customers is just something that stores do. ;)

Any store the doesn't elect to provide customers with free plastic bags, should be safe to shop at because they are not conforming to standards of business necessary for customer satisfaction to get upset at customers about things. This doesn't mean I encourage them charging for bags as a means of sparing people, but rather I am annoyed with how cheap some people are that are trying to make decisions about running things. I also hear so much about the Aldi store and maybe we should just say they can't take things out on their customers till they start providing free bags.

Tax or other fee for plastic bags, not a YET, it's a NEVER!   

It's part of ALDI's business model, perhaps because they are a German company & paying for shopping bags is part & parcel of living in Europe for decades. ALDIs is a great place to shop, the prices are SO incredibly low, it benefits anyone to shop there.  Last week they had a dozen eggs for .49cents & they are locally sourced.  Bring a quarter to get a cart & bring your own bags... the low everyday prices & excellent quality are worth it.

Renting a shopping cart would be enough to make me not shop there.  There is not one in my town but a couple of counties over.  I know people drive there to shop.  But my thinking is you spend in gas what you save on the groceries. But I don't argue with people. Shop where you want.  I would rather shop at the Walmart a few miles from my home.  Do get tired of people trying to force me to shop there.  lol

I am pretty sure the eggs at this audi are not local though.

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