What does this mean to you? If you were looking at the help wanted ads in the local paper and you see an ad and it says part time, flexible hours - what do YOU think this means?
I always thought it meant I as the employee would be able to work when I was available. You the employer will work with the person applying. I think I have had it wrong all this time. Most fast food places say flexible hours but you work when they want you to work. They don't work around your schedule.
I saw an ad a few days ago for a job and it's main point was "flexible hours" and I thought this meant, again, you can work when it is best for you. But when you get the application packet it has set hours and says you may be required to work more hours if they tell you to. So I am assuming that "flexible hours" means YOU the employee must be flexible to work when ever they want you to be there.
So if you saw that in a help wanted ad what would you have thought it meant?
It means THEIR flexible hours. That's what I thought a long time ago. I was hired at the Acme for part time flexible hours but it was their time. I always wanted to work for the Acme and was thrilled when I was hired. They would schedule me 5 days a week sometimes mornings, sometimes afternoons, sometimes evenings. Drove me nuts. I could only handle it for a month. It was no life. You only knew on Friday what you're schedule would be for the next week so you couldn't make any plans.
I just misunderstood what it was suppose to mean all this time. haha I thought they were just saying we have flexible hours and then schedule you when ever. But by saying we have flexible hours they were telling you that YOU need to be flexible because you never know when you will be working.
Even in fast food and retail most any person would like to have a set schedule. Then you can make some plans.
Flexible hours to me is where I don't have to work 9-5 and get 40hours but as long as I get the 40 hours in a weekI am good!
The 9-5 thing is a old wives tale and a joke. I have never heard of a job that was 9-5. Even in a bank they may be open 9-5 but employees are there by 7:00 or 7:30 and do not get off til 5:00 or 5:30.
Forty hours is nice. Most jobs do not let you get that many hours. They want to hire you part time so they do not have to offer insurance.