When the life that you can see-the woman-matters less to you than the potential life you can't, your opinion counts for less than nothing.
Neither were aborted, though the choice was always there if it became necessary. I thank God that my doctor saw me as a whole human being rather than a walking incubator.
God gave women the responsibility of bearing children. He doesn't require us to die in order to do so.
For what it's worth (and at the risk of getting your ire up again - which is not my intention), just to be clear -
a mother's health being at risk is a
much different issue than when pregnancy causes a financial crisis or having a baby will disrupt the mother's lifestyle or impose too big of a responsibility.
I know that your quotes above were directed at other thread comments not directly to me and I understand that I have no right to an opinion, but did you not get that point from my prior posts? If so, I apparently need to do a better job of expressing myself.
The point I am trying to make here is that
both lives matter. The mother's
life does not matter any less and in many cases matters more - but when we are only talking about the mother's
inconvenience then that DOES matter less than the baby's life.
In cases where there is no threat to the woman's health, the baby's life should be protected. In situations where the mother's health is at risk - medical treatment should be given to save the mother. If that can be done while saving the child also - that should be considered. (This is not a doctor's forced incubation, but counseling and options and informed consent). If termination of the pregnancy is the only way to save the mother I see nothing wrong with that choice.
You are absolutely 100% correct when you say that God doesn't require women to die in order to bear children. I have no qualms about giving full agreement with that statement. In some cases that does unfortunately happen. But the flip side of your statement is also true. God also doesn't require or intend that innocent babies die in order for their mothers to live a more comfortable and less stressed life which the inconvenient pregnancy would bring about as a result if brought to term. I don't suppose I could get your agreement on that opinion?