I hope this helps you!
Check with support for any updates to this policy I found several Old posts on this subject of logging into FC from, work, Library, School, vacation homes, public WiFi, dating back to:
2010 Here's one:
Support / Terms of Service Agreement & Forum Rules!!!
« by missijl on August 24, 2010, 01:12:44 pm »
...... . There are about 10 million posts on the forum asking if it's ok to log into your FC account at school, ............ work, etc., and other things that are CLEARLY stated ............ the Terms of Service. If you read something in the TOS you don't understand, it's fine to ............ , if you don't know the answer to a question, find out. Don't just offer up your best guess. Newer ............ by the multiple answers they get. Same thing goes for the Forum Rules. They DO get updated, ............ need to be kept clean (ex. no sexual remarks), since FC allows members under the age of 18. Thanks ............ happy clicking!
Here is a quote from the T.O.S. Agreement ............ logging into your FC account: Users must log in and use ............ on their own personal computer and internet connection only. The use of a FusionCash ............ on a public or shared computer, or public internet connection is grounds for disqualification. ............ your FusionCash account on the same computer or internet connection as your referrer, referral, or ............ grounds for disqualification of any and all users involved. ......2012 :
Re: Signed in other than at home
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2012, 01:56:28 pm »
Quote from: falcon9 on September 02, 2012, 01:24:10 pm
Such a suggestion might be technically-viable however, it might not be practical in terms of publically-accessable connections.
The irony is that those who need to earn extra cash are more likely to not have computers and
rely on public connections. I don't see how the current policy of banning them and anyone who signs up after them (they would have no way of knowing someone signed up before them btw) is practical compared to what I'm suggesting. What I'm suggesting allows for at least one person to sign up from public connections and it gives anyone signing up after a way of knowing if they're the first or not. FusionCash keeps more users this way.
Currently people take that risk because they have no other choice (there aren't libraries full of FusionCash users, so it's not that risky, but there's still a risk). With my suggestion, you get the same results of one account per household, which is what FC wants, without he risk. I'm going to need an admin to point out the flaw in what I'm saying 'cause I don't see it. 2016 :
FusionCash / Re:
Accessing the site from a different location?« on: June 06, 2016, 09:05:39 am »Message ID: 1071760
Quote from: Chipmunk90 on June 04, 2016, 10:52:24 am
Although "public or shared computer or public internet connection" - does that just mean I can't use some connection from a McDonald's or something
or is that restrictive om using the internet connection at a friend's house too? (like a home connection, not public, and not a referral or anything)
We advise that you just use FC from home. With that said, you can use a friends' private connection like you described, however, that friend (and anyone else living there) will not be able to use FC as long as they live there. So you (and them) should be quite sure about that before you login.