The measles outbreak is here because of people thinking they do not need to or refusing to get their children immunized. In our area I know of several doctors/pediatricians who will not see your child if you refuse immunizations. Not just avocados but a lot of your food prices are going up because the Trump administration is not letting in the seasonal workers who have come to work in the fields, groves and ranches in years past. These jobs are going unfilled because Americans think they are beneath them. Trumps son did try to get an exemption to allow the seasonal workers for their family winery.
The measles is here because it was brought here by illegals. Not by kids who were not immunized. You cannot just develop Measles. And the people so angry about it - if YOU have the vaccine then YOU cannot get it so you are good. Although I still would not want to be around it.
And Trump is NOT stopping immigrants from coming here legally to fill agriculture jobs. Heck, he isn't even stopping the droves that come shoving across the boarder every day. He is trying to. And he needs to.
And lastly, the prices of food are not going up because of the lack of immigration workers. The prices of food is going up because workers are demanding higher pay. Just wait til they get that $15 min wage they are wanting. Then you will really see increases in food prices.
Illegals cost the tax payer a ton of money. If you lived in an area where they were invading your country by the droves you would understand. And yes they DO get food stamps. They DO get free medical care. And they DO get welfare. You can say I am wrong, you can deny it is true, you can continue to live in a bubble. But I KNOW for a fact that it IS true. And the people in the food stamp office cannot do anything but give it to them. I have even seen women with cards in more than one name. It is ridiculous.