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Topic: let qualified people in  (Read 3090 times)


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2019, 05:34:35 am »
I agree  some poor  people may be qualified to be in congress, but what about a certain waitress who was  voted in on the democratic side  No names here but  (AOC)  she is  such a trouble make all ready, But she  didn't even have an apartment  to move into  when she first  got to  Washington, Then boom she has a $70,000.00 dollar  van to  ride around in with a driver. I haven't seen anything our of her that is for the good of the country. Goes to  show money goes to their  head real fast.

She's being investigated for 2 FEC problems. The first is an FEC complaint about payments made to the congresswoman’s boyfriend Riley Roberts. The second is a complaint filed for misuse of House resources after AOC issued Roberts an official email, despite her claims that he isn’t working for her office.

The National Legal and Policy Center filed an FEC complaint against Chakrabarti's Justice Democrats for allegedly funneling nearly $1 million between his PAC accounts (Brand New Congress PAC) and his Brand New Congress LLC and Justice Democrats in order to hide where the funds were being spent and dodge FEC reporting requirements.

lol.  What does 'being investigated mean' ?  Absolutely nothing.


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2019, 05:37:20 am »

     Poor or rich: Knowledge is power.
     Let qualified people in!

Nobody is keeping "qualified people" out.  Most of the ones in the position meet the qualifications.  I assume they all do or they would not be there. 

What we need is for people to vote for people who have morals and values.  Fact is we live in a country where most people just want a hand out.  So they are going to vote for the person who says they will give them stuff for free.  The same people who complain about "them" taking "our" money to pay for their stuff are the same people who are drawing government checks.  That is money taken from the working man's check.  You done nothing to earn it.

We need to eliminate the welfare and hand outs.  You either work and earn your money or sponge off your family.  I am tired of funding the lazy.


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2019, 10:13:52 am »
i agree to a certain extent. but if you take away welfare, then you are hurting the cbildren. they cant help it if their parents cant or wont support them. the point about accusing the govmt is thay should be held accountable just like anybody who goes out and robs banks.


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #18 on: April 07, 2019, 05:41:24 pm »
I have thought a long those lines too. I don't think it would ever work because that person would be honest and no one wants that in government that is for sure.


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #19 on: April 07, 2019, 05:56:23 pm »
these folks do the deed and get away with it for a long while.  some say they will pay it back, but really, how can we trust that they will considering they shouldnt take the money to begin with.  they already complaining medicaid is short, social security is dwindling away. of course it is. they are the reason why all of this is happening


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #20 on: April 08, 2019, 04:40:55 am »
i agree to a certain extent. but if you take away welfare, then you are hurting the cbildren. they cant help it if their parents cant or wont support them. the point about accusing the govmt is thay should be held accountable just like anybody who goes out and robs banks.

Won't support them?  What makes you think they will spend the welfare money on their kids.  FYI - they do not.

The parents need to be punished when they have kids they have no way to support.  They know the government will just give them money every month.  The more kids you pop out the more money you get.


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2019, 04:44:05 am »
these folks do the deed and get away with it for a long while.  some say they will pay it back, but really, how can we trust that they will considering they shouldnt take the money to begin with.  they already complaining medicaid is short, social security is dwindling away. of course it is. they are the reason why all of this is happening

And the real problem is people like me, when I am old enough to draw there will be nothing there.  The younger generation is not working.  They are all drawing government checks.  So when the generation that is working now passes or all are ready to retire there is nothing there.  They money should have went in to your own personal account that nobody can tough but you.  You draw what you pay in.  If you don't pay in then you are out of luck.  And as for the now, you can either work, your family can support and take care of you, or you can sit at home and starve.  If there is a true disability then there are exceptions.  But mental crap like I get sad sometimes or I don't like people so I get a check because if I go to work I have to see people and I have anxiety - yeah that crap don't cut it.

I am beyond tired of funding the lazy!


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2019, 04:47:00 am »
Unfortunately, only rich people get to make the rules...
Have a wonderful day!


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2019, 05:55:01 am »
i understand what everybody is saying. everybody also is right in their own opinion. but what it boils down to, is that no matter how we put it, they can get away with anything they want to do because they are closer to the money than we are and if we dont have this money when we retire, why should they care? they can spend our money now, and save theirs for their retirement. its a no win situation except for the thieves in office.


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2019, 05:55:30 am »
Unfortunately, only rich people get to make the rules...

Look at it from a local stand point.  Of course it depends on where you live.  If you live in a smaller town look at your elected officials.  We have a couple who before they got in to local government they were not rich at all.  I can think of 2 right off who are now making over $100,000 a year and they are out for themselves, not the people, and how THEY can get more money.

I would never think that being poor made you qualified to hold a high up office.  And most times people would lean more toward if you are poor then you cannot manage your finances so why would I trust you to manage the country. 


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2019, 01:51:46 pm »
ever wonder what would happen if a poor person filled all the senate seats? poor people know how to budget, how to save money when they can, and would not dip into the money that belongs to the countrys benefits. at least not like what the senators in those seats are doing now. i would love to take a nice long spa weekend, wouldnt you?

Um, no. A poor person could never hope to be elected and no one would trust them not to dip into the coffers themselves.


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2019, 03:10:49 pm »
Great idea, I am sure the budget would finally get balanced as everyday people have to live that way on a daily bases!


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2019, 04:08:19 pm »
Great idea, I am sure the budget would finally get balanced as everyday people have to live that way on a daily bases!

They didn't say every day people.  The question said "poor people".  Poor people tend to be living off the government in some form anyway.  So no, I would not vote for somebody that can't get a job that pays enough for them to not be poor.  Or someone who cannot manage their money to the point that they are not poor.


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2019, 04:20:16 pm »
but if you didnt know it, these politicians rely on "contributions" to get them where they are. a qualified person, poor or not so poor would be turned down if they didnt have a big old dollar sign by their names. and guess what, they go to the poor person begging for money they dont have to give and they give it because there were promises made. there are some honest poor people who would make a great leader if they were given a chance to prove it


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Re: let qualified people in
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2019, 03:29:38 am »
well it is true that wrong people are usually put in the wrong positions.

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