I did not think your question was that difficult yet you got some really different answers! Bible quotes? Seriously? Did I miss something? Another person did not know if you were being serious? I did not see anything that would indicate that you were anything less than serious. You have access to the computer and google provides all kinds of sources when you enter "medical questions". Entering "Anonymous Medical questions" gives you a bunch of options. I find that so many of these sites have cookies that invade your privacy. If the information is highly confidential I would use a public library computer with a fake e-mail address. I used to volunteer on a crisis line that guaranteed privacy and every major city has one. You could try and call one of these and have the crisis counselor find the information you need. You can block your phone number when calling by entering "*67" before entering the number you wish to call for extra security.
No you didn't miss anything. He is an idiot.
This is not anything I need to call a crisis center for. I just want to ask a question and get some feedback. Going to the doctor is expensive especially if you do not have insurance.
Google searching will have you thinking you have every disease known to man with just one of your symptoms. I recommend searching individual doctors websites and even calling the actual office that specializes in the area of your concern because nurses can give you advice on your issue although they will never admit they are giving you the advice!
Nurses in my area will not talk to you. They tell you to make an appointment. Office visits start at $175 and then anything they do is extra. And you pay upfront.
Thanks to the ones who gave me serious answers. Here is the thing with WebMD. Everything leads to you are dying. I had a problem with my pet and my vet told me I was not allowed to look at PetWebMD ever again. Yes, if you did not know that does exist. lol
I know how to google. I have done that. I have seen sites that have forums where people can ask questions and others can answer about their experiences with a similar situation. Ask a nurse is not going to be able to tell me anything that I don't already know.