How do you do this without using the referral link (which is against the TOS of this site) ?
I went directly to the website you mention and I do not see anything that says you can get $20 for being a cash crate member.
This was an email from the site as I requested information on participating in the CashCrate rollover:From TreasureTrooper:Former CashCrate members :
"n regards to being a Cash Crate user, I need you to attach a photo of your payment proof showing that it's from Cash Crate and a photo of your profile page while you are logged in to Cash Crate."
Read below to learn how to get 20.00 !!
Sign up bonus @Treasuretrooper
https://www.treasuretrooper.comI found this clue on Facebook , from one of their members, they do have a ref program but I am not participating in it!!
They also have an offer to complete so many and then they post the 20.
Facebook forwarding post:
Zach Zachums
February 14 at 8:04 PM :
With cash crate no longer around, check this site out:…/796c6… Same payout minimum and great site with great management. 13+ years active. Earned 25,431 dollars over the years. Provide proof of being a cash crate member to get bonus of 20 dollars w
hen you earn 20 - 100 percent match + regular signup bonus through link above.