All who agree with 45, give your money to build a wall. The Democrates is not asking the people to give away billions of dollars. No one said a thing when Republicans block everything President Obama tried to do and he was not asking for tax payer to pay billions of dollar, so all who agree with 45 then give up your money. A president who don't even pay his owe taxes. SHM
Can you imagine if people could pick & choose what their taxes went for, you kind of do when you vote; but how many would stop wanting their tax dollars to pay for welfare, or abortions, or food stamps.... or not to pay congressional salaries, which they continue to get for life even when they are no longer re-elected, or step down.
The Democrats have allocated $12 Billion for foreign aid to other countries in this tax package -- how many taxpayers want their money to go to other countries, while our own infrastructure is failing, there are over 58,000 homeless here in LA nightly on the streets -- not enough beds for them, classroom sizes here in Southern California are 40 children per teacher they are so impacted, not one airport in the USA makes it on the top 30 airports in the world list -- the US still uses radar, while the 1st world uses GPS.. the list goes on & on.
We, the USA, just recently have allocated $300 million to build a wall on Jordan's border.... did you want your tax dollars to go there? We gave Israel $30 billion to build their wall.... we pay over $5 billion a month to fund Afghanistan. And while we continue to be the caretaker of the 3rd World, we are over 20 Trillion in debt.... and China just landed on the moon last week.
& you are wrong, President Obama created more national debt than all the other Presidents combined, he doubled the national debt from like 10 Trillion to 20 Trillion. He did indeed 'ask the tax payers to pay billions of dollars' ... Trillions, in fact.