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Topic: Bill Cosby sentenced  (Read 8843 times)


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2018, 10:08:09 am »
Those women probably flirted with him because he was Bill Cosby.  Not saying he did nothing wrong but sometimes women can be flirtatious, and tease. He is getting time for one women. The others,...I don't think so. :neutral:

Honestly, and yep this will make a lot of people mad....

But a "tease" deserves whatever happens to them.


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #46 on: September 29, 2018, 10:18:23 am »
It certainly is justification for the women that accused him of sexual assault.  I just think in the wake of the #MeToo movement it seems everyone is coming out of the woodwork and I wonder really how damaged these women were after the event.  I really think there should be a cap of at least 10yrs.  If you can't find the courage in a decade to come out with the assault, whether anyone believes you or not, then you shouldn't bother to come out at all.  It's just hard to get behind someone who comes out decades later when their attacker is either now currently famous or up for a huge public office.       

There should be a cap of about 30 days.  You should not be able to come up and say somebody done something 10 years ago.  Until recently it was 1 year.  The statute of limitations was ONE YEAR.  I doubt very seriously these women were damaged at all.  In the case of Bill Cosby they are after money.  Nothing more.

In the case of the Kavanaugh it is the dumos way of trying to prevent a Conservative from being on the Supreme Court.  She is being paid to do this.  Believe it or don't.  It is hilarious that none of her witnesses are going with her story or even know what she is talking about. 

This movement that is sweeping the country is completely foolish.  And you will see it happen more and more.  You better hope you have never made anybody mad because apparently they can come back 30,40, 50 years later and say you done something and get you in trouble.


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #47 on: September 29, 2018, 10:55:34 am »
My Mom used to tell us. "If you do the crime, you do the time. We won't bail you out. If you didn't do the crime, then we'll bail you out."


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #48 on: September 29, 2018, 03:09:40 pm »
ridiculous and long overdue...  money talks apparently...


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #49 on: September 29, 2018, 04:49:56 pm »
  :bunny:   :cat:   :dog:  I think that they shouldn't of even tried to punish a man from that long ago to began with. Who knows if he even did this.  Kinda crazy the crimes that happen these days.  :bunny:   :cat:   :dog:
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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #50 on: September 29, 2018, 04:59:40 pm »
If Bill Cosby did these thing to these women then he deserves to serve time, however ALL those women?! Come on and not one spoke up? Someone should have spoke up back in the 70s and the 80s. If I'm not mistaken I think someone did, but I'm surprised they took him straight to jail. I think most of these women liked it. They probably wanted him to give them money. I believe it has a lot to do with racism too.  :-\ :o

They liked being drugged and raped??  Seriously?? 

They were not raped. They had sex with him. Several were paid.  They were not doing anything they did not want to do.  There is no way that THAT may women were raped and NONE of them would come forward. They lived in the play boy mansion and they had sex for money. They used him to further their career. They are washed up and don't have a career any longer so they said hey here is a way to get some moolah.

Yes, dear , they were raped.  Drugging a woman so you can have sex with her without her consent is rape. 
The only person to blame for rape is the rapist.

I am not your dear. And NO they were not raped.  They went there willingly and they had sex willingly.  They wanted to further their career.  They just want money from him now.

And I am not a fool.
A person who has been drugged cannot give consent.  If you have sex with a person you have drugged into compliance, that is, by definition, rape. 

He has been tried and convicted in a court of law as a serial rapist. 
Whatever your opinion, facts are facts. 


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #51 on: September 29, 2018, 07:16:35 pm »
If Bill Cosby did these thing to these women then he deserves to serve time, however ALL those women?! Come on and not one spoke up? Someone should have spoke up back in the 70s and the 80s. If I'm not mistaken I think someone did, but I'm surprised they took him straight to jail. I think most of these women liked it. They probably wanted him to give them money. I believe it has a lot to do with racism too.  :-\ :o

They liked being drugged and raped??  Seriously?? 

They were not raped. They had sex with him. Several were paid.  They were not doing anything they did not want to do.  There is no way that THAT may women were raped and NONE of them would come forward. They lived in the play boy mansion and they had sex for money. They used him to further their career. They are washed up and don't have a career any longer so they said hey here is a way to get some moolah.

Yes, dear , they were raped.  Drugging a woman so you can have sex with her without her consent is rape. 
The only person to blame for rape is the rapist.

I am not your dear. And NO they were not raped.  They went there willingly and they had sex willingly.  They wanted to further their career.  They just want money from him now.

And I am not a fool.
A person who has been drugged cannot give consent.  If you have sex with a person you have drugged into compliance, that is, by definition, rape. 

He has been tried and convicted in a court of law as a serial rapist. 
Whatever your opinion, facts are facts. 
- Bill Cosby’s 2005 admission that he drugged women to have sex with them was the most compelling piece of evidence leading a Pennsylvania jury to finding him guilty of sexual assault, one of the jurors told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Monday.

Paints..makes your post look stronger.

Some just have a hard time feeling...if they dont put in an honest day of hard work in they are scammers.That in itself is true sometimes.But there are victims and some that are disabled and poor.

We reap what we sow.

We think we are standing and can still fall.


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #52 on: September 30, 2018, 05:56:26 am »
The lady should have came forward when it happened. Why wait so many years later. I agree, no one is above the law. He could have been put on house arrest.
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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #53 on: September 30, 2018, 06:51:24 am »
It breaks my heart and sickens me.  He was such a roll model, but lived a double life. 


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #54 on: September 30, 2018, 10:35:51 am »
He's old and in bad health and will probably get a home sentence.


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #55 on: September 30, 2018, 03:47:01 pm »
If Bill Cosby did these thing to these women then he deserves to serve time, however ALL those women?! Come on and not one spoke up? Someone should have spoke up back in the 70s and the 80s. If I'm not mistaken I think someone did, but I'm surprised they took him straight to jail. I think most of these women liked it. They probably wanted him to give them money. I believe it has a lot to do with racism too.  :-\ :o

They liked being drugged and raped??  Seriously?? 

They were not raped. They had sex with him. Several were paid.  They were not doing anything they did not want to do.  There is no way that THAT may women were raped and NONE of them would come forward. They lived in the play boy mansion and they had sex for money. They used him to further their career. They are washed up and don't have a career any longer so they said hey here is a way to get some moolah.

Yes, dear , they were raped.  Drugging a woman so you can have sex with her without her consent is rape. 
The only person to blame for rape is the rapist.

I am not your dear. And NO they were not raped.  They went there willingly and they had sex willingly.  They wanted to further their career.  They just want money from him now.

And I am not a fool.
A person who has been drugged cannot give consent.  If you have sex with a person you have drugged into compliance, that is, by definition, rape. 

He has been tried and convicted in a court of law as a serial rapist. 
Whatever your opinion, facts are facts. 

I did not say you were a fool.  And just because he was convicted in court does not mean it is facts. And what you say is the same as you say with is YOUR OPINION. Nothing more.

There was a man a few years ago that spent 20 years in prison for raping his 2 children. TWENTY YEARS.  They finally came forward and admitted they LIED.  They were coerced into saying he raped them by the mother and the arresting officer.  The girl said she finally said yes because the officer promised her ice cream and she wanted him to stop asking her questions.  He was innocent.  He was telling the truth when he said he done nothing to either of them.  His wife wanted rid of him and I guess murder was a farther stretch than she wanted to go.

Just because you are convicted in a court of law doesn't mean you are guilty.  And these women knew exactly what they were doing.  They wanted to further their career.  That means having sex with the men who can help them with that.  They done what they wanted to do.  You can believe what you want to.  I and others who disagree can believe what we want to.  IF they were raped why did they not say something 20 or 30 years ago.  Why did they stay there at the mansion with him after being raped the first time? Oh because it was sex not rape.  And they wanted to get farther down the road in being an actress.


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #56 on: September 30, 2018, 03:48:54 pm »
He's old and in bad health and will probably get a home sentence.

He is in a prison right now. Not at home. Honestly, I do not think he will live very long in these conditions. And as I said earlier, I think it is really sad that if he died people would celebrate his death.  Those people are no better than he is.


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #57 on: September 30, 2018, 07:33:16 pm »
Justice has finally been dispensed. I have very mixed feelings. On the one hand a "sexually violent predator" is off the streets. On the other hand, that predator is Bill Cosby, touted as America's Dad. Oh well, you reap what you sow. Try not to drop the soap, Bill.


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #58 on: September 30, 2018, 08:07:28 pm »
He just got a slap on the hand!


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Re: Bill Cosby sentenced
« Reply #59 on: October 01, 2018, 03:06:00 pm »
About time tbh.

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