I think at his age, he would have best been sent home to do his time with an ankle monitor and have to pay huge fines & continue to pay them yearly for all the money he cost the taxpayers. He would then not be a burden to the tax payers keeping him in jail, & having to take care of his medical costs... he's blind & 81 full of ailments.... let him stay at home, pay fines, pay for his own food, pay his own medical costs, pay for the drain on the American taxpayer for having to take him to court & monitor him. The women can still sue him in civil court & get justice. He is worth like $450 million dollars, he should have to reimburse everyone for everything.
How did he cost the tax payers anything? I am sure he paid for his own lawyers during this court trial.
I think I am going to make a list and sue everybody who has ever "wronged" me. smh. You can bet if he was ordered to pay millions to women who SAID he done something to them there will be a lot more come forward with accusations. I am also curious as to how throwing money at it is going to make them feel better. That tells me that it is all about money anyway.
He cost the taxpayers for all the court costs, the prosecution, extra security, etc... who do you think pays for all that... the US taxpayers. Cosby actually was fined $25,000 plus the cost of his prosecution as part of his guilty verdict/sentencing. So he will be paying for it all which is fair.
This criminal trial isn't going to order him to pay anyone - that would be separate court proceedings, civil court. People have the right to sue in Civil court for damages, it is just how the law & courts go. Just like OJ Simpson was found not guilty; but the Goldman family sued civilly & still won $20 million settlement from OJ.
Crosby was found guilty, those women all have just cause to take him to court & win civil damages. Which they probably would do because people want money.
You are welcome to attempt to sue anyone that has "wronged" you, you just have to present your case in court. That is why we have all those crazy lawsuits that clog up our courts.
It is sad that they are doing this. Like I said before, I do not believe he done anything TO them. WITH them yeah he probably did. But I do not believe he raped them. If he was raping them why did they continue to live in the PLAYBOY MANSION and continue to stay around him? They were having sex with him. They were trying to further their career.
I have never really liked him but I actually feel sorry for him. The people in prison who are being mean to him have no right to do that. They are in jail too. They done something to get there. If this was not allegations from 20, 30, or 40 years ago then maybe I would believe it. It is just like the other cases like this where ignorant women come up and say some guy done something decades ago. IF it happened decades ago then they should have said something then. IF you don't say anything for half a century then leave it in the past.
I honestly do not think Cosby will live all that much longer. I think this may be enough to kill him. I think a lot of people are jealous of him and his money and they want to take it away from him, his wife, his kids, and grandchildren. People are vindictive and evil.
The really really sad part is if he died tonight from a heart attack and it was ruled it was caused by mental anguish there are people who would rejoice in his death. Even people on THIS thread who claim to care so much about people. And the fact is NOBODY on here or any where else knows the truth. ONLY the people involved and God. Everybody else is just taking a side and choosing whom they want to believe.