With all due respect, the first problem is believing hoarding is a disease. With it being labeled that, people are told that it's not their fault and that they can't help it. It is sad to me that people are labeling stuff like this a disease.
With all due respect, "labeling" it a disease in no way communicates to people that it is not their fault and that they can't help it. When you have cat *bleep* throughout your living space and dead animal carcasses decaying in your bedroom and bottles of your own pee in the corner of your kitchen, it is not because you are lazy and a lousy housekeeper. That is not normal human behavior -
it is a mental illness!!!When you become violently agitated at the mere suggestion from a loved one that you throw away curdled milk or green moldy meat and you would rather your spouse or children completely sever their ties with you if it means you don't have to throw away baby clothes soaked in rat feces or stop using a bucket for a toilet because you haven't had running water in your house for six years -
you have a mental illness!!!Yes, I am using extreme examples and not all hoarders are this severe. But just trying to make my point once again that "disease" is not limited to those maladies brought on by viruses and bacteria. There is a big difference between someone who is lazy and someone who doesn't even realize that they are making completely irrational decisions because of a
mental illness!!!These people need therapy to fully understand the consequences of their actions. They need to see that they
are at fault for the deplorable conditions in which they live and that they
can change their circumstances if they accept help. Labeling it a disease doesn't give them a free pass to continue the patterns of behavior that made their living space so deplorable, but it does give them the tools to get the help they need to break free from the chains by seeking out the underlying root of their illness.