I got an email telling me a password I use to use. They went on to say that unless I send them $3000 they are going to expose all videos that I have been watching. I'm thinking it may be a hoax but how did they know my real password?....can people watch you on your webcam when it's shut off? i'm starting to get paranoid lol
No but your webcam can be activated remotely. I have a piece of paper taped over mine.
I don't know how they know your previous password and that would freak me out but unless you are watching some hard core *bleep* do you care if they expose all the videos you have watched? I doubt they could do that anyway. WHO is the email suppose to be from?
Look at who it is actually from not who it says it is from. Hover over the address with your mouse and it will show you who actually sent it. Then google that email address and see if you come up with any hits for spam.
I can tell you this isn't real. They think they can scare you in to giving them money. Why would they not expose the videos you watch for $3000 hush money? And why would they stop there. There are all kinds of websites in the past that have been hacked and user names and passwords were stolen and you were advised to change your password. I would think it was someone who got the info that way. Whomever stole the info can sell it to others and they can use it to do exactly what they have done to you.
Personally, I would not stress too much. I would probably change my password on that site again just to be safe.